Texas/United States – -(AmmoLand.com)- Sometimes, anti-Second Amendment legislation is not as noticed simply because the incident it invokes is, in some ways, inconvenient for anti-Second Amendment extremists. That is largely the case with HR 4082, the Santa Fe High School Victims Act, introduced by Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee.
Now, while Representative Jackson-Lee has always been a reliable vote against our Second Amendment rights, she hasn’t often been at the forefront pushing legislation. Well, the legislation she has introduced may not be getting tons of press – or attention – but this bill, one of three she announced in the summer of 2019, is one that Second Amendment supporters should look closely at.
In a release announcing the introduction of her trio of unjust anti-Second Amendment laws, she undermined their rationale from the get-to, pointing out that the shooter at Santa Fe High School stole the firearms used. Now, if one is familiar with federal laws involving firearms (as all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters should be), they would know that 18 USC 922(j) makes possession of a stolen firearm a federal crime – and under 18 USC 924, someone can get ten years in prison for that. Still, she introduced this bill and two others.
What HR 4082 does is make any private sale – even to family or a good friend – illegal. Onerous enough, and a long-running goal of anti-Second Amendment extremists. By forcing all transactions to involve a licensed dealer as either a buyer or seller, it lays the groundwork for registration, especially if the Tiahrt Amendments are repealed.
But this bill doesn’t stop there. The really insidious provisions target Federal Firearms License holders. As noted when discussing another “below the radar” anti-Second Amendment bill, one way to hit at the Second Amendment isn’t to directly target gun owners, it is to go after the FFLs with loads of red tape, unfunded mandates, and other obstacles.
In this bill, Jackson-Lee attacks FFLs on multiple fronts. Mind you, there was no FFL misconduct pertaining to the Santa Fe High School shooting. Jackson-Lee is punishing every single FFL across the country for the theft of firearms from the lawful gun owner by a person who decided to commit murder.
For starters, license fees are sent skyrocketing, from $200 for an initial three-year license to $500 a year. That is for starters. It also includes an escalation to $1,000 after January 1, 2021. Renewals are slated for a similar rise – from $90 for three years to $250, and a jump to $500 starting in 2021.
That’s already a huge hit in the bank account for an FFL – but Jackson-Lee’s bill goes even further in terms of hits, and they will be much worse. First, she requires FFLs to report any instance where a person “is exhibiting signs of mental duress, or suicidal or homicidal ideation, or other behaviors which alarm the licensed dealer.” A similar requirement is required for potential straw purchasers. So, now, they have to become mental health experts – and God help them if they guess wrong.
Dealers also would be forced to display the license, as well as the name and license number of every person selling firearms at the location, and a toll-free number for people to report suspected violations. The former could lead to potential mischief (someone could potentially pose as a FFL), while the latter is just a taxpayer-funded means for potential harassment.
Then, of course, there is the mandatory training – which includes at least 40 hours in a classroom. Tack on a lot of travel expenses for your FFL, who will either have to shutter the location while undergoing the training, or he’ll need more staff.
Second Amendment supporters need to contact their Representative and Senators to urge their opposition to HR 4082. Instead, members of the House of Representatives and Senate should be urged to support pro-Second Amendment alternatives, like the Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act and the School Violence Prevention and Mitigation Act.
About Harold Hutchison
Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.
Sheila is a well known idiot here in Texas. She has a guaranteed seat due to the demographics of her district and she panders to them regularly. She famously declared Houston to be 50 feet below sea level during flooding caused by tropical storm Harvey, a prime vote getting public appearance as otherwise she rarely comes to town.
Jackson-Lee is the 2nd dumbest person in the house right behind the moron called AOC. If jackson-lee was actually voted into office then the voters in her district are to stupid to vote. I always thought “jones” (can’t put any more people on Guam because the island may capsize and sink) was the dumbest until this year. Note: they are all democrats.
‘jackson-lee’ is just a plain ole HATER of everyone except her NAZI CLICK MEMBERS!!!!!!!!!
Jackson-Lee is inbred ghetto trash and proof that the current electoral system as exists in America is broken. When something like her, and AOC, Schumer, Polosi and others of their “kind” can actually be in Washington effecting the entire nation with their ignorance, stupidity, corruption and associated legislation, then the system is broken. God help this nation because apparently we are incapable of helping ourselves.
The problems aren’t with the electoral system. The problems are with the Government Plantation Dwellers that vote for the Jackson-Lees that practice Quid Pro Quo (This For That) at the highest levels……free shit for votes.
“free shit for votes” seems to be the basis of most politicians.
And a major part of the system that is broken.
You just described the “broken” electoral system.
Talking about stereotypes, I had an interaction at my Neighborhood Wal-Mart two days ago which just reinforced a type of behavior done by a large segment of a certain 13 percent of the US population. It was aggravating and yet funny at the same time. You have to laugh because the alternative is so time consuming.
Just being irresponsible and extremely lazy in regards to his cart. I got the impression he wasn’t from around here and was doing his toilet paper panic buying in our town. It’s all good, at least he’s good for something: reinforcing stereotypes.
And you can’t take the ignorance out of the redneck cracker.
Grim, it’s good to see you coming to grips with your societal shortcomings. Journey of a thousand miles and all that.
I have been retired for 7&1/2 years and this video reminded me of someone named “John “Boy” Mosley”. We swapped spittle for a few minutes one time and then he got tired and walked off. He was a real nut case, and strong as could be. A few months later he got bent over a railing and beat with a metal folding chair until he was unconscious. I laughed my ass off. Memories.
Sheila Jackson Lee is one evil, STOOPID Negro.
Sheila best watch her fat Black ass.That ignorant bitch has been a fat ass clown BIG talking nothing for years.Between her and Royce West(who may finally be on the way OUT here),they are both a disgrace to our state.
Again, what does “black” have to do with your argument? Get over it!
reality reveals that there is a certain mindset that goes along with that particular descriptor, especially in conjunction with some of the other particular descriptors he used. And this Jackson Lee creature fits the stereotype all too perfectly.
Think of the classic stereotypical profile of descriptors of a very successful professional basketball player. Nineteen out of twenty times, that one particular descriptor will be part of the word salad describing that player. Is that racist, or realist?
“And this Jackson Lee creature fits the stereotype all too perfectly.”
Because she’s typical of nearly ALL Negro congresscritters. They have established a predictable behavior, and she is a living example of it.
…she’s NEGRO.
(P.S. – Did I mention that she’s a NEGRO?)
Who cares?
Yup! Your Dad married his daughter and you are the result. Dat’s da big picture.
You would not fit in my pocket.
@Grin, I probably would not fit in your politically correct car.
@wjd, Yes, It is the excess shit that he is full of. He is so reminiscent of a troll gone by, but I can not quite put my finger on him.
Got it! Kinda like you having one tooth.
A bit racist, you are.
@Dos, Apparently the troll have little to do, so they have focused on you. “Bla, bla, bla, race card, race card.” So over used that no one cares. They are just trying to control the language and thought along with it.
Harold, Harold, Harold. This too is NOT ‘below our radar’. We are well aware of these festering antigun bills. How long are you going to keep playing this “keep it safe and say nothing of substance” series of articles?? Why don’t you just concentrate on your non-2A journalistic endeavors, where your mediocrity isn’t really noticed?
Keep sharing the petition, readers! We’re getting there! https://chng.it/Sjs8VzLz
These bills were below my ‘radar’ and I consider myself to be an involved Second Amendment proponent. I appreciate that the writer penned this article, bringing the Senator’s underhanded initiatives to our attention.
Knowledge is power. I ALWAYS appreciate more information than less and welcome all legitimate and truthful articles. If it’s information I already have, I can decide for myself if it’s worth reading.
You need to subscribe to ‘Guns & Gadgets’ and email alerts from hard-charging 2A groups like GOA & FPC if you want to stay in the loop. Harold is a hack writer who only writes for Ammoland to supplement his writing salary. He’s not even half the writer of better men like Dave Codrea, who helped break the story on the Fat & Furious gunwalking scandal from the Obama days. Harold takes up unnecessary space that could be given to better writers.
Why is there a petition to get him fired? I read it and still don’t know what its about, other than some readers don’t seem to like him. I’m not saying I oppose it, but I don’t see what the need is for him to get fired. Personally, I hadn’t heard about this bill and I live in Texas, but maybe I’m just an ignorant gun owner or don’t really believe in what I think I do.
@OlHickory – Pay no attention to Harold deepthroaters like ‘YourWorstEnemy’, a moe mensale sockpuppet. The Harold petition was created because he has a years-long history of proven lies, shillery, capitulation to tyranny, and the advocacy of appeasement of anti-gunners. I admit the original description of the petition could have been more comprehensive, but it was created for longtime readers of Ammoland who oppose the sort of RINO surrender-monkey antics that are advocated by Little Quisling Harold, and who have been familiar with his treason to liberty. To fully appreciate his cuckery, you need to look at 2019 and older articles… Read more »
Will Flatt, pay no attention to yourself. You’re a legend in your own mind. As feeble as it is.
The only pissants I see around here are the 83 morons who Will Flatt has convinced to sign his stupid little petition. Obviously, their brain functions are minimal since they actually listened to him.
The only pissant here is you, moe, you are the minority.
One is the loneliest number, and that’s YOU.
….Says the Cuck-In-Chief. how about you remove your phallus from your mouth before you vomit verbal manure???
not long ago he was consistently writing a bunch of lilly livered unsubstantial pap that strongly supported every aspect of the NRA. He got flamed for it, rightly, and sort of withdrew for a while. Thats when Will went on his campaign to remove the guy, What I wonder is why Will hasn’t learned to read the title line for the article and SMELL that it’s Harold’s, and simply scroll down to the next piece, and keep HIS peace. Lately Harold HAS been exposing some of the little known bills, and their authors, such as this one, ones not commonly… Read more »
Because Will Flatt doesn’t like Harold’s articles. Therefore no one else shall like Harold’s articles. It doesn’t matter if YOU actually like or don’t like Harold’s articles. Will Flatt has spoken and that’s the end of it.
Personally, I think Will Flatt has a lot of sexually repressed emotions for Harold. He just won’t admit it. He’s also a flaming imbecile looking for attention and approval.
Or, much better, learn to pay attention to the complete crock that is most of Harold Hutchison’s articles.
I hereby challenge you (YourWorstEnemy) to repost (that means actual Harold Hutchison quotes. Things he really wrote… not just your opinions!) TWO things that Harold has ever said that you agree with.
Just two H.H. quotes that you think are correct. Should be the simplest task in the world. IF, only IF, you are for real…..
Are you up for it, or does your bullshit just walk (or perhaps run… 🙂 ) the other way?
The craze now is that if you don’t like what someone says, or in this case writes, there needs to be a boycott, or firing. We can’t just anymore turn the channel, or move to another article. Nope! Gotta remove someone!
There are plenty of countries in which this already happens. Especially if it’s against the government. Probably coming sooner that later, it will happen here also. Then happiness will prevail!
It’s not merely that people dont like Harold.. It’s the fact he’s a proven liar and 2A traitor, which is ample reason to ask for his being booted! There are newbies out there who can be led astray by Harold’s fuddery and tyrant bootlicking.
In your eyes, Will, he’s a traitor and liar, not in everybody’ else. I often disagree with him, especially on some of his “be patient” verses. I also shove aside all other opinions and read for myself, and decide for myself. Your anger and dislike of Harold is almost Christians and lions. Mabey back down for a bit and see if there are any changes you can accept. Aren’t we the country of second chances?
Will Flat fancies himself the Pied Piper of Ammoland. Follow him or else. So much for second chances, personal choice or whatever else floats your boat.
@loveaduck – We’re the country of 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th chances! We forcibly choke down on our intolerance (not a bad thing sometimes) and extend our forbearance FAR past its natural limits. Harold has for YEARS and REPEATEDLY demonstrated his disdain for enforcing the Bill of Rights and his willingness to write on 2A subjects STRICTLY FOR A PAYCHECK. I’m just reminding people of the fact that this hack is a lackey for tyrants who have no problem trading OUR rights for THEIR POWER. I remind people because too many here on Ammoland and elsewhere forget that guys like… Read more »
The wonderful thing about the internet is you can be a tough guy without having to expend any personal capital to do it. It’s so easy to call someone a traitor and a liar in these comments. In person, maybe not so much. Stay in mom’s basement. It’s much safer.
@moe – I don’t need to be tough to get the bulge on a 2nd rate troll like you, moe. Shouldn’t you be busy deepthroating Harold right now? You may be living in your momma’s basement but I live free and clear and 30 seconds from a trailhead where I can get out and forget there are diaperheads like you moe. You talk about meeting someone in person like you think you know what that’s like. I’m sure if you faced off against someone in person you would get your butt handed to you in 10 seconds. Run home to… Read more »
It’s called the “cancel culture.” The progressive left loves to use it to shut down those they disagree with. See how it works? Makes you wonder what side of the political spectrum Will Flatt is really on, doesn’t it?
Moe is a 2nd rate troll that misuses words and phrases because he has no grasp of their meaning. moe has intellectual ebola, you may as well just avoid the sh!thead since trying to edumacate him wont do jack.
Since when do you speak for the rest of us? Everybody doesn’t read the same articles or visit the same websites. We all have different levels of knowledge. Except, of course, for you and your band of 83 morons who actually believe you have any sway over the ammoland editors with your stupid little petition. That’s the only mediocre thing around here.