Joe Biden Smears Apparent Self-Defender Kyle Rittenhouse

Biden NRA-ILA Third Time Not Charm
Biden shaking hands with constituents. IMG NRA-ILA

Springfield, VA – -( Gun Owners of America (GOA) Senior Vice President Erich Pratt released the following updated statement on Kyle Rittenhouse’s apparent self-defense shooting:

“Kyle Rittenhouse appears to be a victim of mob violence — a man who was justified and empowered to utilize his Second Amendment-recognized right to defend his life.

“And, a statement by Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorneys suggests that Kyle had more of a right to be on that property than the convicted criminals against whom he defended himself.

“Yet while finally swearing off violent protests, Joe Biden chose to refer to Kyle as ‘the 17-year-old just arrested in Illinois for murdering two people in Wisconsin’ and as ‘reputed[ly] aligned with white supremacists and white nationalists and Neo-Nazis and the KKK.’

“But there is no evidence tying Kyle to any such degenerate ideology. Rather, the available facts seem to exonerate Rittenhouse from Joe Biden’s ‘vigilante racist’ narrative.

Further, the evidence seems to exclusively suggest that while Kyle was asked to serve his community alongside several adults, he was later forced to exercise his natural, God-given right of self-defense.

“GOA has observed overwhelming support for Rittenhouse from gun owners, yet few elected officials seem to be owning the self-defense narrative. Many have been waiting for more evidence to pass judgement on young Rittenhouse, but the public videos, interviews with Kyle from the night, and information from attorneys all seem to support Kyle.”


Gun Owners of America GOA logoErich Pratt, or another GOA spokesperson, is available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.

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Sic semper mortem tyrannis.



Last edited 3 years ago by SEMPAI

Sorry thats my only thoughts on Biden and his comment. Thus always death to tyrants.

I mean would a man who as spent almost half a century in government trying restrict our rights be anything but a tyrant?

It does not apply to Kyle or the GOA. Sorry for being unclear.

Last edited 3 years ago by Random71

I’m with ya I just didnt consider those 3 idiots anything more than anarchist answering to a tyrant..

Last edited 3 years ago by SEMPAI

It’s the parents fault for raising anti American little shits.
All 3 had EXTENSIVE police records and the lifestyle they chose finally caught up with them

Last edited 3 years ago by SEMPAI

And it’s the parents fault for sending their children to the indoctrination camps (public schools) for 12+ years.


Hopefully, Kyle sues Biden for defamation!

Some guy

So now Joe wants to be named in the lawsuit……. An American killed two terrorists and wounded a third. Kid deserves a medal.

uncle dudley

Joe Biden needs to be put in one of Coumo’s New York’s nursing homes instead of being the puppet for the democrats presidential candidate.
He wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and bit him in the butt.


Joe is brain dead.


Biden being of the Democrats is much more closely aligned with KKK and other racist factions. But, then, always listen to Demtards, for what they accuse others of is what hey are actually doing themselves.


What? Joe Biden (or any Democrat for that matter) lying and distorting the facts to garner votes? Say it isn’t so! Can you imagine such a thing? Business as usual.


At least they are consistent. When we packed off a million teenagers to fight in Vietnam the founders of American leftism called us terrorists and murderers. When you hate America you hate everything and everyone that defends America. Joe learned that from his new lords and masters, the Progressive New Left.


Anyone who watched all of the video while his lawyer laid out exactly what happened has no doubt that this kid, Kyle Rittenhouse Is guilty of nothing at all. Everything he did that evening was absolutely self defense. He lawyer says he will have no problem proving that in a court of law….So Biden, you are just making yourself look even more stupid that we already knew you were…


Biden, Really? enough said…


Joe will just be another SMEAR in Kameltoes bloomers…And won’t even remember leaving it.