U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- Under the Biden-Harris administration revocations of gun dealers’ Federal Firearm Licenses (FFLs) have increased a stunning 500%.
Under previous administrations, the ATF revoked an average of 40 FFLs per year. But in the 11 months, since Biden has occupied the White House, the ATF has revoked 273 FFLs, and many more dealers are in the pipeline to lose their licenses and their livelihoods too.
This shouldn’t come as any surprise. Biden announced last June that he was targeting “rogue gun dealers,” whom he blamed for skyrocketing violent crime rates in major cities that Democrats have historically controlled. The problem is that these “rogue gun dealers” simply don’t exist, at least not in sufficient number to have caused crime to increase in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, and other urban hellholes. So, what was the administration to do?
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We provided the answer Monday. At the behest of the Biden-Harris administration, the ATF instituted a zero-tolerance policy that raised the bar to impossible heights by punishing human error – any human error. Simple paperwork mistakes that would have barely merited a mention before Biden took office now trigger an FFL revocation. According to one industry expert, the ATF changed the definition of willful. Now, even the most minor slip-up is considered a willful violation of the law, and there are no excuses or second chances. Keep in mind that today’s gun dealers are already heavily regulated and drowning in paperwork. Simple mistakes can happen very easily. It’s just a matter of time. And once an FFL is revoked, it’s nearly impossible to get back. For gun dealers, Biden’s new zero-tolerance policy has been likened to the death penalty for a minor traffic offense.
Useful Idiots
We have been told that the vast majority of ATF agents don’t like Biden’s zero-tolerance policy.
They are still clicking their heels and following orders – willfully. How else could they have revoked 273 FFLs in just 11 months? Their willingness to obey unconstitutional orders is just further proof that the ATF needs to be abolished. There has never been a federal agency with such little regard for the sanctity of human life, with such a history of failure, and with such a willingness to bend over for the politicians in charge. Constitution? They’ve never heard of it – especially the part that guarantees equal protection for all persons under the law.
The ATF willfully allowed itself to be weaponized by the most anti-gun president in American history. They are aiding and abetting Biden’s unconstitutional war on our gun rights. They are still covering up for The Big Guy by denying our FOIA request that will prove Biden’s original“rogue gun dealer” claims are complete fiction. As an alleged law enforcement agency, they should be ashamed.
The ATF has never been held accountable before, even after Waco and Ruby Ridge. However, there shall be an agency-wide reckoning for their current misdeeds, hopefully beginning in November, because they are harming law-abiding Americans for reasons that are nothing but political.
Cause of Action
Biden’s no gun dealers, no guns plan is simplistic, of course, but effective. There are an estimated 50,000 gun dealers in the country, but only around 30,000 have actual brick-and-mortar storefronts. Biden just took out 273 of them, and more will likely follow right into the unemployment line.
As a society, we can never allow a federal police force to be weaponized by a politician – especially a president – and sent out to enforce his whims. That is the very definition of tyranny.
I pray that the general counsel or the careerists within the ATF quickly realize they are being manipulated by the Biden-Harris administration and put a stop to their agents’ unconstitutional actions. If they don’t, I hope good people outside the agency make the decision for them, and the quicker the better. Good, hard-working, law-abiding Americans are losing their livelihoods over false accusations all because Joe Biden doesn’t like guns.
This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.
About Lee Williams
Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.
Now if you criticize President Joe Biden at all, or vote against Democratic legislation, your patriotism is called into question, and you are called a crony of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Joe Biden is a crisis that evolves daily from one disaster to another his handlers knew that he was the correct pick as he does not understand the damage that is being done to our country. This angry old democrat is always at a loss for words he simply cannot comprehend the actions of his administration. Joe’s handlers have weaponized the ATF as the means to remove the ability… Read more »
Yep, name calling and salacious insult are ways of shutting down speech and debate.
You should stop doing it then.
Speak of the devil and he may appear.
There you go: Mr. Projection! You’re the king of insults here, your goal is to shut down speech & cancel those who honor the names of victims you dismiss to cover for “LEO’s”
You should knock off you & your pals’ name-calling; vile insults & effort to shut down speech & debate.
“I’m sure you’re an expert on sucking, bro.” ~WB
“They’re all shagging each other in a San Francisco apt.” ~Oldman (OM)
“He’ll have to go back to his lonely masturbation, not his mutual masturbation sock pup club. His hand will get very tired.” ~OM
“WB, none of the 3 Amigos has enough juice in the old scrotum to get anywhere near a real man like you.” ~OM
“Probly couldn’t get crack today. I mean smoking, not the other kind. I doubt he ever gets that.” ~OM
The most interesting thing about your reply to WB, is, that you only cite others and their statements, but you never make reference to YOUR name calling and homophobic and sexual innuendos. But then, if we were to go and search out all the stuff you have said, it would take a couple days of research and there is the rub. You ain’t worth all that much attention, are you?
Oh, you poor innocent baby! Did I do an innuendo! SHOCKING! Nothing I’ve posted compares to your vile thuggery.
Hey brother, I’m glad that you are back! H8r claims that he brokered a truce, a while back and that I broke it. What is your recollection?
PROVE IT. Your “recollection” proves nothing, since you both lie as easily as you breathe.
@WB, Good to be back, sir. Well, if it was the one I remember, it was close to a year ago if not more, where I brokered a Truce, and it didn’t make it 30 hours. He got his britches all rolled up in his crack about something somebody said, and he told us all to go to Hell. Something about how he didn’t care what we thought or something like that. I don’t believe anybody broke it but him. I could probably check it out later, when I get done fiddling with a new build that only shoots about… Read more »
“his crack”. More vile lying thuggery by Oldman.
He brought it up and his version was self serving and incongruent with my recollection. So I thought that I would ask you in a non-leading way.
I remember it the same way that you do.
Good luck with that build.
Well, I think I figured out the build. I removed the firing pin from my 7.62X39 bolt and compared it to a .556 firing pin and they seem to be exactly alike. I was getting strikes on the primer but only 3 out of 25 actually fired. Common error, I guess.
Hmmm. Were the strikes on the hammer as deep as normal. Will the ones that did not go off fire in a different rifle?
I’m thinking stronger spring or tiny bit longer firing pin for a deeper strike on the primer. But I am just guessing.
Thank you WB and Ope. Yeah , the trigger spring and hammer springs are brand new. The firing pin strikes looked pretty much the same on the non discharged cases as with the fired ones. The lower, as is, has fired over 4500 rounds and has had the hammer replaced once already. I think that it is time for me to just buy an enhanced firing pin, possibly another set of firing pins and go on from there. I won’t get a chance to fire them again,( I have another 7.62 upper that works fine) until the end of July.… Read more »
Keep us posted!
WB, Ope, So this morning I got out all my BCG’s, marked them, of course, took out the firing pins, marked them…….Then I proceeded to put my calipers on them and lo and behold found that I have only one pin that is different from the other four. That is from the one that works fine, the LAR 47. I have now decided to buy an enhanced AR 47 pin to replace the one that is not firing well enough to protect me from Grizz, or a two legged adversary should that event ever occur, I think. If that doesn’t… Read more »
So I went all the way back to when Russkie was Superman and worked my way back to six months ago and can’t find the thread. I believe it was at least six months ago or more, not like I said previously. I remember that it was a very long thread and may have been removed by the ‘Bosses’ here. But, since he is an avid historian on this site and possesses admirable search abilities, we should throw PROVE IT back in his face and let him prove that you broke the truce. He should be able to back up… Read more »
So that’s you lying again, Superman. You pretend you can’t find it because it shows you never stopped attacking like the thug you are.
Have you ever said the names of any of your victims?
I have no victims to name. Why don’t you prove to all of us here at Ammoland what you said about Bill. I know you won’t cuz you can’t, you little King of thuggery….Prove it or Lose it.
Nice try, thug boy. Why do you hate civilian victims of Oathbreakers?
I’ll go back to my original comment. You have accurately reported what Bill and I said to you, but now you are unwilling to tell the truth about what you said about who broke the truce. You have the info if you have the statements from the thread where YOU broke the truce. Those statements you have that Bill and I said are from that thread. So, my final question to you is: What does it feel like to play the fool, day in and day out. I don’t have any idea so I would just like you to tell… Read more »
Your lies are boring. PROVE IT.
Since you are unwilling or unable to prove that WB broke the truce why don’t you apologize to him and all of us others for lying and trying to malign everyone here on Ammoland because some of us disagree with you on occasion. I would, for one, like to see you man up just once.
I’m betting that h8r never will man up. I’m thinking that he is one of those that have sought escape from every tough spot that he has ever been in.
I think you & Oldman are glow-in-the-dark federales. That’s why you want victims of LEO abuse to be forgotten like they never existed.
YOU made the claim you brokered it. Man up and PROVE it.
You are a very sad person, amigo. If you can tell us where to find you, I think we might be able to get you some of that much needed help you so obviously need.
Take a breath comrade…..suck it in sweet and slow and remember, “to breathe is to live”.
I think that we have proved it by witness testimony.
Two lies don’t make one truth.
Have you ever said the names of any of the victims you want forgotten?
I asked him about your misbehavior without leading him and got a corroborating answer. That is a cornerstone of truth.
My only victims were Iraqis whose names I could never pronounce, even if I knew them.
Then you wouldn’t be so keen to bury the names of victims of US Oathbreakers. Nice legend though, Generalíssimo.
Try to be respectful when you parade them around for your own purposes.
I see. You don’t think your vics would approve of being remembered.
Who am I calling names a how am I shutting down free speech ?
Not you!
He’s referring to some others who are like broken records.
This may be why it seems like a broken record to you Terry – there are three groups necessary for never-ending gun control in modern America: People who vote for politicians who pass and sign into law more gun control laws; Politicians who pass and sign into law more gun control laws; and People who enforce gun control laws. Every day (all day) on this site, people discuss groups 1 and 2 and part of group 3 (federal law enforcement). They don’t sound like “broken records” to you because you probably: Don’t vote for Democrats and in Republican primaries you probably… Read more »
I got out of dea because being the naysayer, was getting real dangerous. pointing out all the people on the take, or who were stealing from dealers greed is a part of the human condition and is why no one should be able to restrict another rights they dont do it to protect society they do it to protect themselves and dam society me and mine are safe
I know. I appreciate all the insights you have provided into the world of law enforcement.
I worked on the dirty side so I saw the worst ,Im sure there are some idealists trying to save the world, but even that can be misguided, the reason I got into dea instead of fbi is I always saw fbi as corrupt (dad hated hoover) I was at Woodstock saw the overdoses tried to save the world ,now I know the drugs are not the problem but greed and education are a great part. You cant teach lies and expect them to be followed blindly,not every one is stupid. and as for all the ex and current leos… Read more »
So you know they lie about why they attack us. ‘Broken record’=
*Honor victims of LEO abuse
*Call for justice, ending “qualified” immunity
*Note gun controls are enforced by Oathbreaker LEOs, military etc, not the pols who write them
Wouldn’t have to if you did the right thing. I got other stuff to do. The broken records are hypocritical pretend-prisses, can’t handle the truth, don’t want it known, claim they troll us bc their bubble boy ears are SHOCKED by ‘vile’ words they never produce, no proof. Projection. You’re ok with their vile ad hominem.
Say his name. Try it
Downvoters are Oathbreakers who hate their victims.
No one is shutting down free speech (obviously).
But WB & Co are trying to shut down free speech, while accusing others of their own behavior.
I use a 45 under their chin
I think if you were to arrest him judge would find him incompetent to stand trial ,the real criminals are in the background whispering in a doddering old fools ear ,his family is like hangers on to mob families ,they do a lot of criminal stuff that cant track back and make some money off it mob makes a lot
Speaking of our friends at ATF:
Bill Barr was Bush’s AG for Ruby Ridge. He lied to congress about his involvement & got Horiuchi off to murder again at Waco.
Trump appointed Barr anyway. Is it any surprise he endorsed Turkish citizen & child sex change Groomer Oz instead of USA-1st Kathy Barnette?
Bill Barr:
Groomer Oz:
Let’s give full credit:
Lon Horiuchi
Dale R. Monroe
Ed Wenger
Does anyone know what Ed did before joining the FBI?
Art Roderick (the one who started it off with a Texas heart shot on a dog)
Art’s buddy:
WB must LOVE these guys. They’re his heroes.
I researched Edward C. Wenger Jr. & couldn’t get any traction other than he was part of sniper team Sierra etc.
Agent Smith’s are part of the flawed matrix construct. We see it every day people who are there to pick up a paycheck, look the other way or go along to get along.
“ZOG” (Zionist Occupied Government) is actually true.
World’s a rigged stage. Clown World.
Thanks. I tried a couple of approaches as well.
Isn’t it interesting that one of the key players in an event that shaped the public’s view of government in the 1990s appears to have no past?
I’ll watch the hearings again, maybe it was part of the testimony.
If you want to add a more diverse bad leos look up https://www.history.com/news/chamberlain-kahn-act-std-venereal-disease-imprisonment-women this illegal action was in effect into the 70s from around 1910 the row vs wade decision may have been a knee-jerk reaction to this law and not truly abortion would explain the wording and logic people in power have Always been criminal in their actions “The road to hell is paved with good intensions”
Downvoters love ATFBI “Hostage Rescue” snipers.
I think the problem is:
And Agent WB, here pretending to be pro-gun, trolling & covering for them.
Who were the biggest killers of their own countreymen in the 20th century?
Do you know Herb Byerly’s bio?
looks like they have removed lots about him ,people who did undercover often times are scrubbed from public record this is at the beginning of the internet as we know it so it was possible to not exist on record
“looks like they have removed lots about him ,people who did undercover often times are scrubbed from public record this is at the beginning of the internet as we know it so it was possible to not exist on record”
They sure have. I wonder how long this video will be available.
they removed an entire episode of nova from the internet at the start of covid because it did not suit their agenda (what made the 1918 flu so deadly ,it was a wgbh boston program) ,what is more interesting there are articles in medical publications that have been amended written way before covid oldest I have found was from 2011 numbers changed and recommendations as well now the only reliable information is in older printed books ,how long before they start burning those as “out of date “
The video of DeSantis in which he encouraged people to use red flag laws on each other more frequently has been edited since I first posted it.
It’s funny, because the title of the article still includes the damaging language that was subsequently edited out of the video attached to the article.
Interesting. Thanks. Do you have the link?
Look at the wording (in white) on the freeze frame of the video).
See post towards the bottom:
there is a lot more of the “editing of facts” than you would believe in the future I wonder if anyone will be able to discern the truth from all the edited snippets
how many of you knew about government program to arrest women that might have vd?
these are the laws used for covid today
I don’t have time to reread the entire thread. Link please
A tad cringy. Don’t forget Rick Scott signed Marion’s pet Wilton Simpson’s Red Flag, not DeSantis. I seem to recall ‘Heavy D’ recently expressed 2nd thoughts about it.
What do you do with psychos who credibly threaten school shootings? I’d inform, but then what? If he’s a threat with a gun he’s a general threat – gas & matches, cars, knives, bombs, poison etc. If LEOs take his guns they should take him too. He should get a fair, speedy & fully informed trial by jury of his peers, the only true American due process for removing rights.
you can baker act them, if they are crazy a judge gives family control of their every day . have a friend whose son is in and out of mental health hospitals schizophrenia, but without medical and judicial over site hell no
mother would not give son car keys he called police they took him to funny farm almost 3 months the drugs dont make him better just a hollow shell dont know what is worse…..have any of you heard a mother pray for god to take her and her child???????????????? It is heart breaking
“What do you do with psychos who credibly threaten school shootings?” I was commenting on DeSantis encouraging people to use Red Flag laws more frequently. This mantra of “see something, say something” and then use red flag laws to ruin the lives of certain classes of citizens is outrageous. Other classes of citizens (people like DeSantis, Trump, Crenshaw, Cornyn, etc.) are completely immune to red flag laws. The laws don’t apply to them because no matter what anyone says about them, armed government employees will not kick their door in at 3:00 am, seize their firearms, and make them prove… Read more »
It’s difficult to find, and he started Ruby Ridge. Ruby Ridge led to Waco. Waco led the Oklahoma City bombing.
You would think the bio for a famous person like that would be easy to find.
unaccountability led to all this,deep state or whatever you want to call them unelected heads of departments that are dimigods in their realm, never arrested slink into their crevasses when there is light put on one of their actions the idiot reno approved the action at waco did not orchestrate it someone passed the buck to her and like an idiot she signed off rather than saying where is your proof
“The children are in danger, we need to ‘go’ now.”
You’re wrong it was Bill Clinton and the witch Hilary who set it all up. And, Butch Reno got an”At a boy” for butchering women and children!
billery was in office but not the perpetrator of this evil ,this came from within government. the murrah building was pretty much people getting back at irs and other lettered agencies the press blamed whites but no if the government had been accountable and people could be left in peace as the founding documents propose never would have happened out of control government begets acts of desperation , pull the pin on a grenade in middle of a stampede same effect
True but Ruby Ridge was Aug’92. Bush was pres, Barr AG.
I never said WACO was under Bush.
I said Ruby Ridge was under Bush/Barr. It was Aug’92.
Clinton wasn’t pres until ’93.
“You’re wrong it was Bill Clinton and the witch Hilary who set it all up. And, Butch Reno got an”At a boy” for butchering women and children!”
It was the Chief Deputy of the McLennan County Sheriff Department who first contacted the BATFE. This is a matter of record through the sworn testimony of Gene Barber, who was a Lieutenant of the McLennan County Sheriff’s Department.
the fbi was looking for someone to infiltrate a “white supremacist group” if they had said anti government might agree ;but like so many of the stories they dont play well if people know there are people of many races in the group . randy would have nothing to do with it and as for sworn testimony the lies that have been sworn to have put people on death row who were no where near the crime they were accused of. a infamous Florida one the defendant was in Atlantic city at time of murder I think the whole attack… Read more »
My reply was to hippybiker’s comment about Clinton, Reno, and the butchering of women (plural) and children (plural). It seems that he was referencing Waco.
That trainwreck was started after the Chief Deputy of the McLennan County Sheriff Department contacted the BATFE. This was thoroughly explored during the hearings.
a single member of the churches security detail i believe he was the head of it was a prohibited person
the press demonizing a branch of seven day Adventist church because their belief in end of times is beyond despicable. i am not of their beliefs but neither am I a pagan and I can respect those who are , Waco is proof that we need anti tank missiles in our homes ,or communities so people like fjb stay in the woodwork like the worms they are
Sigh – that is TWICE you have wrongly blamed GWB for Ruby Ridge. He was NOT president then – slick was. GWB likely has his own issues he has to answer for but blaming him for something he was not culpable for is wrong.
Ruby Ridge was Aug 1992.
Clinton beat Bush in NOV’92, became pres in JAN 1993
the reason ruby ridge did not really take over press hurricane andrew aug 24 1992
Still think Clinton was president in 1992 during Ruby Ridge?
Crickets Chirping.
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Downvoters pretend Clinton was President in 1992 when Sammy & Vicki Weaver were murdered.
Bill Barr’s Criminal Coverup Background
“1st time Bill Barr was USAG in 1992, Safire called him ‘Coverup-General Barr’ for burying evidence of then-President Bush’s involvement in Iran-Gate.
Barr supported gun control measures & confiscation during the 1991 hearings for his 1st time as AG for Pres Bush. He is widely considered to be the author of PL 101-647, The Crime Control Act of 1990.”
I knew Randy. He was a Green Beret (Special Forces) just like Bo Gritz and my dad. It’s a tight-knit community and the late great Jack McLamb did the intro while all of us were in Indianapolis in the late 90’s. He is sorely missed.
and how nicely they slandered the whole group
Private sales is the answere to Joe and his crap . Cut the corrupt FBI and ATF with thier 4473 paper out of the equation. Let’s go Brandon , eat a turd Joe . FJB
Except the manufacturers can’t sell directly to the public.
We need Constitutional Purchase, the Gun Purchase equivalent of Constitutional Carry.
and they should be able to sell direct , go in to shop describe what you want they make it pay the bill take it home like in the old days smith makes what you want
That would be sweet. Smiths with modern equipment for same day service. Wouldn’t take a week or more like 1775.
Downvoters are Oathbreakers who love gun control.
M454 -that works – for secondary sales. If there are NO licensed dealers left, that would effectively dry up all new gun sales. If manufacturers can’t sell, they go out of business. If auto dealers were banned from selling new cars, what would happen to the auto industry? Look at current used car prices for a part of the answer. Example – there is only ONE legal gun shop in Mexico. How well is that working out for the common person? I saw an article a while back about the trials and tribulations and multiple hoops a federal officer down… Read more »
Just got to thinking… what if the ‘Gun Community’ would respond to this new Biden BATF strategy by deciding to flood the BATF with applications to become FFL’s. Wonder what they’d do with 5000 applications from non-criminal gun owners who are willing to go thru the money and paper hassle of getting an FFL. Is there any rule that says we have to buy and sell guns or how many guns per year we’d have to buy for sale in order to have the FFL? Just askin’.
It used to be you could have an FFL in your home. Now, if your county doesn’t license gun delers without a store front, the AFT will revoke your license. Dealers are in exactly the same position that people are in “may issue” states for CCW permits. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, IF it gets better at all.
and there is a minimum sale amount I believe it is six per year
Believe what you like. But be careful acting on those beliefs. The fact is that ATF says you must have an FFL if you are “engaged in the business” but refuses to define the phrase.
And if you have an FFL with your residence listed as the place of business they go to your city government and inquire if your residence is zoned for business use. That’s how they shrunk the FFL pool by 40% during the Clinton years and ran off the “mom and pop” kitchen table “dealers.”
My dad was one of them.
You know because you lived it. Good credible report.
To say that “Biden has a plan” is equivalent to admitting the brain-dead can speak. Biden never has a plan; he is managed and handled by a a cabal of liberal clowns who advocate whatever ultra-liberal bullshit is floating around the swamp in the US Capitol. The only way to get these idiots out is to vote them out, just like Virginia did recently.
He has lots of plans. They’re given to him by Obama.
“Biden’s plan: eliminate gun dealers, eliminate guns.”
I don’t think its going to be that easy.
On a side note, the only thing the Biden administration has successfully eliminated is baby formula.
there is going to be a landslide of lawsuits and the judges will side with pro or anti by who appointed them there will be cease and desist orders against atf local police will have arrest orders for some atf by judges so this is going to be a mess real fast
Texas has that intrastate silencer law to work around the SupCt’s subversive “interstate” commerce clause power grabs. We need it in all 50 states, plus something similar for entire guns made entirely in one state. Full auto too.
with luck texas leos will side with texas
several states have nullification laws that are to protect constitutional rights that government wont
You mean “SAPA” type laws?
Ruby Ridge & Waco is the #1 reason why I’ll never ever trust a fed.
The granddaddy of all “botched gun raids” would be this:
little bighorn
Custer had it coming 😉 but what does that have to do with shutting down licensed gun dealers?
The US was into gun control for Indians. Don’t know if that directly applies to Little Bighorn.
add civil asset forfeiture a crime committed by leos every day and you have a trifecta
Speaking of “Ruby Ridge.” On 05/11/2022 one of the victims of “Ruby Ridge” Randy Weaver passed away.
the father and husband of the victims …and target of the fbi they wanted him to infiltrate white supremacist group he said no they attacked he and his family because he wanted to live in the woods in peace
That makes me sad to read. I made me sad when he moved away from our neighborhood. He had become a good friend. I remember when he was visiting one day and having dinner with us and he said “Sammy used to love home grown green beans” referring to the ones that my wife had cooked for us at dinner. Elishaba was there with her boy friend. She was 16 at the time. She was the one that was in her mom’s arms when she was killed by that bastard Horiuchi. He is living high on the hog on his… Read more »
he was a good man, and to this day is maligned in the press
government planted lies die hard
God Bless the Weavers. RIP Sammy, Vicki & Randy.
I’d like to kick someone in the face that had the audacity to down vote your statement. Seriously…see how tough you are in front of me in person asshole.
Yep. Over The Target. The choadelers doing it are criminal Oathbreakers who don’t want their unaccountable evil deeds discussed, hate their vics & want them forgotten.
it is their guilt eating at them ,they dont want to be reminded
Did you get our thank you note?
Yep. Thank YOU. Wish I could do more.
sorry for your loss, as we get older each one gets worse we have fewer friends who understand , and younger people have not experienced loss on that level unless they fought in a war so we must carry our past inside
My up vote cancelled it out.
the people doing it arnt worth breaking a sweat , but it does show their true colors ,and that is of value lets you know who can be depended on when chips are down
In some cases, I think so. The thought of saying their victims’ names makes them sick. In other cases, I sense they’re scumbags who paTROLL here pretending to be loyal Americans, perhaps monitoring for ‘actionable’ comments, sniffing for possible entrapment etc.
I’d still punch them so hard that their nose would be sticking out the back side of their head.
kick their as…s so far up they get to smell their own farts
Good. They deserve it. From the pic above, getting in front of that punch is not recommended.
Never forget who perpetrated Ruby Ridge in Aug’92: Bush & Bill Barr. Too many think it was Clinton/Reno.
Clinton and Reno presided over Waco. That left 17 little children dead. https://bornagainclassics.com/Klang/Seventeen-Little-Children.mp3
Yep. 76 innocent people dead. They all deserved to live, and their killers all deserved to die. Too bad only 4 did.
Courts are very costly. The other side prints all the money they need.
National build your own weapon week from scrap yard components would be nice. It should include online instructions and an in-state hands on demonstration physical location where people can watch. Certain tools (chambering reamers, boring bars, rifling tools) should be sponsored at low rental cost. It could be a yearly design competition.
Anybody out there paying attention?
build a howitzer from a hydraulic ram , or pom poms same way electric loading mechanism using starter motor
the lath is the expensive and space taking part the boring bar not so much some of the bigger cnc machines can preform this operation too
almost built ar upper that was monolithic ..it could be done but had to rethink everything and dam was it heavy back to m14 weight + for lower
all because Joe Biden doesn’t like guns WRONG! Deep state installed brandon (installed through FELONY organized crime vote fraud in several key states, by the SAME TYPE OF PEOPLE at the cia who ran the 9/11 attacks against the USA) LOVES guns, JUST in the hands of his armies. ***en works directly for these occultists and has always been proud of it. Trump did NOTHING to reign in the dangerous criminal atf. Think about that. Neither did bush. A whopping 3 members of congress dare to cosponsor the bill to end the criminal atf. THREE!!!!! https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3960/cosponsors?r=2&s=1 The 1934 NFA was… Read more »
Including GOPe/Fox globalists.
FoxNews Headed For Disaster
D’Souza exposed treachery of corporate media “conservatives”
Yep, “fox” is controlled by globalists and the deep state that push dangerous “vaccines” and most fox hosts only mention the 2nd amendment when they absolutely have to. ZERO hosts have come to the aid of Skelton gun shop, JA industries, OR that Amish farmer (but I don’t watch fox so I can’t be sure).
Tucker Carlson is a great exception to this, but most fox hosts are utterly useless on PURPOSE. Even Tucker is afraid to go near all of the real conspiracy facts regarding the stolen election and the dangerous non vaccines.
I had forgiven Tucker for helping Fox seat Biden by silencing Trump’s attorneys after The Big Steal in hypocritical ways he never does to leftists who make allegations. But I urge Tucker fans to read this twitter thread to see the vile way Tucker has his staff deal with Dinesh D’Souza. I don’t think he’s afraid. I think he’s an accomplice.
To forgive is to forget Just Saying.
No, it isn’t. That’s a fundamental misunderstanding of Christianity.
Nothing to do with christianity You should never forget / Just as it should not consume you.
never forget and not let it happen a second time
Eric Adams, does this man really care and respect human life?. Who are really the radical extremist who protest illegally at the supreme justices homes under democratic support ? What’s next Adams The same Mayor who enforced and mandated Fauci vaccines now wants to push the “hands off our bodies” agenda? Mayor Eric Adams slammed the pro-life movement as “radical” on Saturday and pledged that he would “fight” to ensure there are “no” limitations on abortion. “Abortion is health care. It’s that simple. And New York City won’t let a group of radical extremists take away health care or any… Read more »
Under the democrats rule we again have mass shootings as regular events the latest in Buffalo NY called a hate crime. This was a horrible act as all the Democrats weigh in on this event. Remember while Trump was president and our country prospered events like this were absent as they did not occur. Democrats go completely silent when the races are reversed, which they are 99% of the time.I might point out that with New York’s SAFE act, it has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Yeah, that really helped. Vote out all Democrats in… Read more »
clinton supporter in Vegas ,target was conservatives, police have never called it a democrat attack on conservatives ,they never called te attack on the republican senators softball practice that either the attacks on scotus these are not extremists let us go defend their homes and lives and we will be called all manner of names
Correct you are 100% I do not wish to protect the justices they have the power to put a stop and bring back law and order. Hell it is there job to protect our constitutional rights not read between the lines to appease the democratic party.
Chief Justice Roberts is a major problem the leaker of the roe document will never be brought to justice that person’s name should be a household word along with his punishment.
Sadly we cannot eliminate Biden and his administration!
Cap – they are already destroying themselves. Problem is how long it will take for them to fully self destruct and how much damage they will do to the Republic in the meantime.
100 true.
Chipping away at it incrementally. America already did this in 1776.
EL-ite’s want to control it all & winnow it down to get the planet to a more manageable size.
Of course the secret society members are in key positions & the exception since they hold the illuminated & adept initiated knowledge/gnosis.
You know there is a plan to get rid of the ATF it’s called H.R.3960. Introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green [R-GA-14] on 06/17/2021. If gun owners and gun lobbies would push their representatives to cosponsor and vote yes then Brandon couldn’t use the ATF as a proctor for his agenda. It’s your choice sit and moan or take action!
with the dirty dealings of atf and fbi ,make sure you are not getting set up