U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- A stunning shot-across-the-bow poll by the University of Massachusetts Amherst released May 23 revealed: “68 percent of Republicans and Trump voters and 66% of conservatives all would like to see the President charged by Congress for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, the formal criteria for impeachment laid out in the Constitution.”
Biden rode into office 16 months ago promising tough new gun control measures, among other things. He was in Buffalo, N.Y. last week capitalizing on the tragic Tops supermarket shooting, for which he earned brickbats from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb issued a bristling statement declaring, “Joe Biden has rushed to Buffalo to tell people ‘we can keep assault weapons off the street’. The suspect passed a background check and the rifle was purchased legally, but it was altered illegally after the sale. Instead of blaming guns, maybe Biden can explain how all of the warning signs about this suspect were apparently ignored. The time has come for a new, and significantly different strategy.
“In the past,” Gottlieb added, “Biden has advocated bans on semi-auto rifles and 9mm pistols. That’s not a solution because it attaches blame to guns instead of the people who misuse them. At a time when we need to bring Americans together against these unspeakable crimes, Biden and his fellow Democrats always find a way to divide us over guns. This is a time for sound judgment, not sound bites. It’s too bad anti-gun Democrats have chosen to not be the adults in the room.”
The Second Amendment Foundation (CCRKBA’s sister organization) has focused on Biden’s acknowledgment during a CNN “Townhall” broadcast last year that he would like to ban not only semiautomatic rifles, but also 9mm pistols.
According to Media-ite, YouGov, the pollster that took the UMass Amherst survey, “predicts pressure to impeach will only increase among Republicans.”
The midterm elections occur on Nov. 8. Between now and then, Biden and his fellow Democrats will be scrambling to repair what seems like a train wreck that has occurred since Biden took office. The economy is in trouble with rising gas and food prices, and whatever else gun owners may be, they are consumers who understand “disposable income” is what typically pays for purchases related to their passion, whether it be a new or used gun, ammunition or reloading supplies, and any other goods that go along with shooting, including training and travel.
The Guardian is reporting, “Biden’s approval ratings have fallen sharply, dipping to the lowest point of his presidency – 39% – this month, according to the latest AP-NORC poll.”
Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows overall data hasn’t changed much in many weeks. The May 23 poll exemplified Biden’s fix: “42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.”
But here’s something more telling. According to Rasmussen, only 19 percent “strongly approve” of Biden’s job performance, while 47 percent “strongly disapprove.” That’s more than 2-to-1 against Biden, resulting in a Presidential Approval Index rating of -28 (minus 28).
Various conservative political pundits have been predicting a “red wave” in November, demolishing Democrats from Congress on down. Gun politics is going to play heavily in this scenario, especially if the Supreme Court hands down a pro-rights ruling on New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen—the right-to-carry case now before the court. What gun owners should specifically watch for are reactions from anti-gunners if they lose. If Democrats take such a loss by introducing legislation to dance around any ruling, it will only encourage gun owners to vote this fall to make sure their efforts have consequences.
One other thing to watch for: Whether the high court announces it will review any of the pending cases now seeking certiorari. These include a challenge of the “high-capacity” magazine ban in California and another case out of Maryland challenging a ban on modern semi-auto rifles. In the latter case, 25 state attorneys general have contacted the court in support of that case.
Over the weekend, disgraced former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo returned to the spotlight by appearing in Buffalo to talk about gun control as though he were planning a run for the Democrat nomination in 2024. Cuomo has remained relatively out of the limelight since leaving office last August, and his emergence now might draw conservative suspicions he is positioning himself for a presidential run.
Consider this: If Biden were to be impeached, it would leave Kamala Harris to ascend to the presidency. Perhaps those GOP voters didn’t think this through. Would she be up for a challenge?
According to the Buffalo News, Cuomo told an audience at the True Bethel Baptist Church “We took on guns in this state. We said this is a priority. The majority of people in this state support it. The majority of people in this country support it.”
Cuomo championed the so-called SAFE act (Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013), but according to the story, he acknowledged the state’s “red flag” law was not followed.
The UMass Amherst poll underscored the significance of a Rasmussen survey released May 20 in which the polling firm asked about voter preference. Forty-eight percent of likely voters “would vote for the Republican candidate,” Rasmussen said, “while 39% would vote for the Democrat.”
November’s midterm is less than 170 days away and much can happen between now and then to shift voter preference. But a nine-point lead at this point is a bad sign for Democrats, and the Biden administration cannot ignore the UMass or Rasmussen polls.
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
Impeached??? I want him tried for treason, found guilty and appropriate punishment!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. all leftists lie, because if they told the truth no one would vote for them. none of their policies work as claimed, none. none of the gun-control lies spouted by leftists have helped, help now or will help in the future to prevent criminals from committing violence, they only prevent law citizens from defending themselves against these criminals. i surely hope cuomo and adams run in 2024, that would be a hoot. i forget, how many senior citizens did cuomo kill during the scamdemic? please joe,… Read more »
Great satire, Dave. Your assumption that Rs will do anything to ‘rock the boat’ is hilarious.
I’m for this. The new GOP majority House needs to start prepping Articles at 0800 on 9, Nov so they can be presented and filed on Day 1 that the new Congress is seated in January.
Day 1
Actually, considering what this sock puppet is “responsible for”, I’d prefer to see him tried and executed for treason..
Joe Biden Is a sick old demented politician who believes that he is the president of the united states and has rightfully earned that title. Who is in control of our government not just the democratic party alone, but who is calling the shots. Evil has overtaken the good that our country has done for so many around the world. Today we need to find the man behind the teleprompter the evil that wants our country to turn to Chinese rule.. The democratic party is now in my mind pure evil supported by old tiem Rhinos in washington those that… Read more »