World-Class Gun Control Failure: Truth About Highland Park Emerges

Anonymous Snitch Group to Dox ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Trump Voters
World-Class Gun Control Failure: Truth About Highland Park Emerges, iStock-1267413669

U.S.A.-( Predictably emerging from the intense investigation into the July 4 mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois are revelations that laws already in place to prevent such crimes failed miserably, but instead of acknowledging poor enforcement of existing statutes, anti-gun politicians and their far-left supporters simply want to pass more restrictions.

Buried in all the coverage about the Highland Park shooting that so far has claimed seven lives and left dozens more wounded was the acknowledgment by USA Today that the Chicago suburb banned so-called “assault weapons” nearly ten years ago and the Supreme Court “later declined to hear an appeal seeking to overturn the ordinance.”

Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering actually signed the gun ban ordinance, the story noted.

Fox News reported that Rotering, appearing on NBC’s “Today” show stated, “I think at some point the nation needs to have a conversation about these weekly events involving the murder of dozens of people with legally-obtained guns. If that is what our laws stand for, then I think we need to re-examine the laws.”

However, speaking on Fox News, former homicide detective and Fox News contributor Ted Williams observed,“Let me say that Illinois has some of the most stringent gun laws in this country. They have red flag laws. They have universal background checks…so all of these things were in place in some kind of way. Some way [somehow], this slipped through the cracks.”

The attack has also been exploited by gun prohibition lobbying groups.

The Everytown “Victory Fund” sent an email blast declaring the group “is working to elect candidates across the country who will take on the gun lobby’s extremism and advocate for life-saving gun safety policies. Donate now to help Gun Sense Candidates win at the ballot box this year.”

“We can pass stronger gun laws and save lives,” said Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts in another email seeking donations. “And by electing Gun Sense Candidates at every level of government—school board, city council, state legislatures, and Congress—we can make sure we get action.”

Brady United circulated a poll which doesn’t seem to work unless a donation is made. Brady claims to “know how to stop mass shootings…We must ban deadly assault weapons.”

The suspect, 21-year-old Robert E. Crimo III apparently had been planning his attack for several weeks, if not longer. He stands charged with seven counts of first-degree murder. Despite past encounters with law enforcement, his name didn’t flag during any of the multiple gun purchases he reportedly completed.

The New York Post reported the suspect purchased the alleged murder weapon, identified as a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 online from a Kentucky retail outlet, Buds Gun Shop & Range in 2020. The rifle was reportedly shipped to Red Dot Arms in Lake Villa, north of Highland Park, only a few miles from the Wisconsin state line.

This is not unusual. Such transactions still involve two licensed firearms dealers and the required paperwork is completed and retained by the receiving firearms dealer, in this case Red Dot. The process is entirely legal.

The New York Post is reporting Crimo also had a Kel Tec SUB 2000 rifle in his car when he drove north to Wisconsin following the shooting. That gun is one of five now held by police in the investigation. The other three firearms seized were identified by the Post as a bolt-action Remington 700, a shotgun and a Glock 43 pistol.

Crimo’s father reportedly sponsored his then-under-21 son’s application for a Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) card, although he “knew police had been called to their home twice earlier that same year because his son had threatened to kill himself and the rest of his family,” according to Fox News.  

The Fox story noted, “In April 2019, an individual contacted the Highland Park Police Department a week after learning of Crimo’s attempted suicide, Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesman Christopher Covelli said Tuesday…It was a delayed report, so police responded to the residence a week later and spoke with Crimo and his parents. Mental health professionals handled the matter with no further law enforcement action.

“Months later in September 2019,” the narrative added, “a family member reported that Crimo had a collection of knives and said he was “going to kill everyone. Police responded to the residence and removed 16 knives, a dagger and sword from his home. At that time, there was no probable cause to arrest, and no complaints were signed by any of the victims, Covelli said.”

This is not evidence a new law is necessary, but proof the existing law failed, or maybe not. As explained by an attorney to Fox, since Crimo was never charged with a crime, his name was not entered into a database used for background checks.

This, and the ability to purchase firearms in one state to be shipped to a local licensed firearms retailer for final paperwork, may wind up being the next target for gun prohibitionists.

The fact Crimo has reportedly confessed hasn’t stopped anti-gun politicians looking to score points by pointing fingers of blame elsewhere, particularly at the National Rifle Association.

For example, Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL) said on Twitter, “This is the world the NRA, the @GOP and SCOTUS have created. We don’t have to live like this. But they all have blood on their hands for making this our July 4th reality.”

Perennial anti-gun Sen. Dick Durbin asked Fox News during an interview, “How long are we going to accept this in America?”

Politico quoted Chicago Alderman Mike Rodriguez’ tweet declaring, “There’s only one answer to our gun pandemic and that’s fighting against NRA greed and enacting real gun reform including universal background checks and assault weapons bans.”

The reported episodes involving Crimo are eerily reminiscent of another family that either failed to recognize a problem or took no action. That was the family of Kip Kinkel of Springfield, Oregon. In May 1998, then 15-year-old Kinkel had been in trouble at school, where he was suspended for having a loaded, stolen handgun in his locker. He bought the stolen gun from another student.

Kinkel had shown an interest in firearms, and his father bought a semi-auto .22-caliber rifle and a Glock 9mm pistol. He used the rifle to murder his father and, a short time later, his mother when she arrived home from her job at a local school.

The next day, Kinkel opened fire at Thurston High School, killing two students and wounding 25 others before several students tackled him to the floor.

Now, instead of having possibly been killed by their child, the suspect’s parents could be facing some legal trouble of their own, according to Fox News. The story said the parents—at least his father—could face civil action over “negligent entrustment of dangerous weapons,” according to New York attorney Steve Bertolino, quoted in the report.

NBC News reported Crimo had confessed “in detail” about the shooting, acknowledging in the process he traveled north to Madison, Wisconsin to another Fourth of July event. He allegedly considered a second attack there, but decided against it.

Reports are also emerging about Crimo’s previous activities, including one story in the New York Post that the murder suspect had been “sizing up” a local synagogue in April on the final day of Passover. The rabbi asked him to leave the Chabad synagogue. Whether this was actually the case may never be determined.

Watch for even more revelations and reactions from politicians demanding more gun control laws as this story continues to unfold. While it is clear authorities in Highland Park are focusing on prosecuting Crimo, the gun prohibition lobby has already shown its intent to use this crime to advance its agenda, despite the fact that laws anti-gunners have already pushed into place did not live up to their promise of preventing violent crime.

True to form, anti-gunners have yet to acknowledge their restrictive gun control measures did not prevent the attack, and they have quickly steered away from that inconvenient truth by demanding more laws.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman

Dave Workman
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“We can pass stronger gun laws and save lives”, says Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action. Just as most Americans are blind to our neighbor to the north, Canada, most are equally blind to our southern neighbor, Mexico. To watts and all the other gun controllers: Look south at Mexico! There, all your gun control dreams are enshrined. TOTAL CIVILIAN GUN PROHIBITION. Tell us how well it works.

Wild Bill

Yes, we know how well Prohibition worked, the first time.

Knute Knute

And the war on drugs. And prostitution. And the war on poverty. One thing one can count on governments for, they bat 0.00. So lets keep doing the same thing over and over, and keep expecting different results. Einstein might have been wrong. It’s not like he was a smart man or anything like that…


Don’t forget, “The War on Terror”!


Wild, ‘funny’ ain’t it that good citizens obey law and those who don’t are the ones who commit (nearly) all of the crimes…………….
If everyone was constrained by laws all we would need would be the 10 Commandments.


A while back, an acquaintance asked me. “Why can’t we be like Japan, where there aren’t any guns or murders?”. I thought, for a moment, and responded: “When the US becomes a unilingual, uniracial, unicultural country with a long tradition of social cooperation, as we’ve seen during Japan’s tragedies, like Fukushima, then I’ll gladly give up any notion of guns in my society too.


a brief review of the history of Japan going back just over a century has them overrunning number of other nations, subjugating them under their emperor’s big fat foot. WHO was it occupied the ntion of China in the late 1930’s and into the 40’s? How about the Philippines? Nearly every other Pacific Island nation? They were also militarily (and brutally) dominant throughout mugh of Indonesia as well. Burma, Sulawesi, VietNam, Cambodia….. they had messed some with Korea, occupied Taiwan, and had Hawaii not been a US territory by then would have overtaken that place as well. All by the… Read more »


Firstly, the Japan of today is as different from the Japan of eighty and more years ago as the America’s southern states were different in 1945 as they were eighty and more years previously. More importantly, Japan has a centuries old tradition of prohibiting weapons for the hoi polloi.


Or all the government FEMA social “order” displayed during Katrina

Last edited 1 year ago by USMC0351Grunt

People who would ban or try to limit items always tend to believe in the superiority of laws, and scream in frustration when they are broken or ignored, yet consequently those same people always overlook the fact that you can never put the genie back in the bottle. Enterprising humans will always find a way.

Wild Bill

Yes, the enterprising Biden crime family is an excellent example of ignoring or breaking national security laws.


…and “finding a way” to further destroy!


Mexico will suffer in excess of 64,000 criminal homicides this year. There is one gun store in Mexico. No civilian can own a semi-automatic firearm., Only the very wealthy and entitled caste can own any form of firearm. Cartels are able to import firearms by the container. You know the story.


nr – and it takes even a federal police person a minimum of SIX months to obtain ‘permission’ to purchase any firearm from that single gun shop and multiple trips there to do so, for paperwork etc.(think a 4473 on steroids). Yep, that is working out really well.
BTW – IIRC those 64K homicides are only the ones done with guns, I wonder how many they don’t ‘count’ done with other weapons.


Minor nit. “No civilian can LEGALLY own a semi-automatic firearm.”

Not sure how many firearms cartels import to Mexico. I had the impression majority are acquired through theft from Mexican military. When everyone is corrupt, just have to bribe the right people to direct a truck load (or two or three or…) to the “right” place.


“Russian weapons maker Kalashnikov negotiates joint production in South America.”

Last edited 1 year ago by USMC0351Grunt

And that’s very LARGE containers! Most 20 and 40 footers! I wonder when we are going to start seeing the weapons Biden left to the Taliban begin to show up on our southern border? Oh CRAP! Did I let the cat out of the bag?


Wass – it isn’t quite total south of the border – after all there is still ONE gun shop in Mexico City 😉
With all of the restrictions as to types of weapons and calibers ‘allowed’ it might as well be what the gun banners want here. For some reason the cartels seem to have absolutely NO problem getting any/all weapons they want. Hmm, sounds like the gang bangers etc. up here ;-(


“it isn’t quite total south of the border” – after all there is still ONE gun shop in Mexico City” – And one in Washington, DC

Last edited 1 year ago by USMC0351Grunt

It woirks GREAT as long as you have guys like Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder and the BATFE selling you weapons through straw purchases!

Roland T. Gunner

Texas doesn’t give rwo shits about anything an Illinois Democrat says.

Last edited 2 years ago by Roland T. Gunner

I moved to Texas from Illinois a long time ago. I couldn’t agree more about what the pols in that shithole say. I do care about the remaining few of my family that can’t get out – YET. The politics in that state is A JOKE and most everyone living there knows it


Anyone with a functioning brain doesn’t care what a Democrat says OR thinks… Doesn’t matter what state they live in…
RED WAVE coming this November, followed by another in 2024 !
The Dems are TOAST !


I wonder if anyone has information about whether this young person was taking, or had been taking any anti-depressant / anti-anxiety medications? I believe John Noveske was on to something before his untimely death. I believe that by the time that a child is 5 or 6 they know the basic difference between right and wrong (given any decent parental situation). There has to be something introduced into their brain to convince these young people that all of this abhorrent bullsh*t behavior is a good idea. In this case there were apparently all kinds of signals that he was unstable.… Read more »


Dave – that info ‘may’ come out but likely as not it will be squashed if it turns out that he was or recently came off of some type of psychotropic drugs. Many (most?) of these spree shooters have been under such influence.


I re-posted this elsewhere, but it DID come out, 3 years ago!


Talking about simulators, a good while back, a guy had been using flight simulators games and done a crime. I can’t remember what he’d done. He was barefoot and got in a plane, flown safely to where he was going. So, yelp I can see simulators being part of the problem even though were not meant to be, was intended for the good.


I’ve had the same thoughts Trussman, and I too would like to know if any of these Shooters were taking or had recently taken SSRI’s (Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors). Those psychotropics are handed out like M&M’s anymore.
Though used to treat both Anxiety and Depression, SSRI’s can lower a person’s inhibitions and increase agressiveness, especially in young males.


I posted John Noveske’s Facebook List above, under Trussman’s message.


“Robert Crimo III told cops he was a depressed drug user”

HEY! It’s the New York Post, so bite me!


Cain killed Able with a rock and he never had to fill out a Form 4473


First of all, one must realize what the overarching goal of the far left is. The repeal of the US Constitution so that they can gain total power. That being said, throughout history the first step has always been gun confiscation. No standing army on earth can go up against 75 million well-armed people. Thus, the far-left needs mass shootings to take place so that such events can be used to progressively strip the American people of their guns. When they pass gun laws, but don’t enforce them in ways that prevent tragedies, one must understand that this was done… Read more »


FO – they don’t need to repeal the Constitution, all they need to do is gut it badly enough that it no longer restrains big gubmint from doing what they want. BTW, there are (at least) 110 MILLION law abiding gun owners – not that all of them would resist with force of arms but do the powers that be want to risk even 10 or 20 percent doing so? That is why they need to disarm as many as possible. Oh and never mind that there were already laws in place in noo yawk (Buffalo) and Illinois and possibly… Read more »


Statutes uninvoked are just paper. That is the case here. When evil monsters tell us they are evil monsters we should believe them. But we live in a (collapsing) culture where everyone gets a trophy and every white punk on dope gets his dose of Ritalin in order to control behavior best controlled by steel bars and locked doors. New Left Progressive culture has created a cult of unaccountability on the part of evil doers and a habit of blaming the blameless for evil. In this case they project on law abiding gun owners evil intent and are blind to… Read more »




most messed up thing about most of these , is people with mental problems were enabled by others that could have helped and averted a crisis

Roland T. Gunner

The entire, complex issue, succinctly wrapped up in a single sentance.


Here’s more. Per this, he told police he was a “depressed drug user.” So it appears pretty evident that he lied on his BATF form, Question 21 (e). ”

Son of Waylon

There’s no more gun control to be had!!!! We “ good guys” are not the ones doing all these heinous crimes! Where’s this guy’s $75,000 bail and get let out like the guy that shot in the school??!!


One has to wonder about the democrats agenda, We had no shootings of this kind under Trump. There were many under Obama’s administration I know it is difficult to comprehend we have seen some bad stuff out of this administration and the far left flat earthers. There is clearly influencing happening on social media as there was during the 2020 election.The ATF FBI can not be trusted nor can local police departments as they will not rush in to save the lives of those under a active shooter in progress. “Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty… Read more »


“We had no shootings of this kind under Trump.”

Among others:


That shooting was different than in our country’s history. He had many locations in mind and made his choice. and the story ended there.


The texas shooting was not even close


I don’t understand the point you are trying to make.

You stated: “We had no shootings of this kind under Trump.”

Then you stated the LV shooting “was different than in our county’s history. He had many locations in mind and made his choice. and the story ended there.”

I guess if you narrowed the definition of “of this kind” enough, you would be right. During the Trump years there were no shootings by someone using an AR15 from a rooftop in Highland Park. Therefore, . . . connect the dots, I guess.


What is the point being made – that Highland Park was Biden’s fault (because ???) and the Las Vegas shooting was not Trump’s fault (because ???) – is that the point? I didn’t say there wasn’t something strange about the Las Vegas shooting (but why didn’t Trump, with the vast resources of The United States of America, tell us what happened?). His adminstration sent 15 FBI agents to investigate Bubba’s concerns over a garage door pull. Here is a list of all the shootings during Trump’s term in office in which at least 4 people died (I excluded all those… Read more »


Reply on hold (due to length). Do you know what point john is trying to make? Are the mass murders at Highland Park and other places since January 2020 Biden’s fault and the mass murders during Trump’s administration not Trump’s fault? Of course there was something odd about the Las Vegas shooting, but why didn’t Trump, with the vast resources of The United States of America, tell us what happened? His administration sent 15 FBI agents to investigate Bubba’s concerns about a garage door pull. There were 82 shootings during Trump’s term in which at least 4 people died. That… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

Funny how Las Vegas just VANISHED, and Trump said NOTHING about that.


I remember an Ammoland commentor once said Trump didn’t have time to trifle with investigating such matters.

Trump had time to get in Tweet wars, but he didn’t have time to direct the thousands and thousands of government employees at his disposal to find out what happened.

Also, there are some Ammoland commentors who are absolutely positive they know what happened. If they know what happened, maybe the President of the United States knew what happened.


I know murders are not the direct fault of any president. There seem to be some people that believe Biden is controlling people and making them murder people to create justification for more gun control. Have you looked at the data for mass murders by year? John stated we had no shootings “of this kind” while Trump was in office. Here’s just some highlights of the 82 I mentioned: May 27, 2017 Bogue Chitto, Mississippi – 8 killed, 1 injured June 5, 2017 Orlando, Florida – 6 killed October 1, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada – 59 killed, 441 injured November 5,… Read more »


There may be more under Biden by the time his term is over.

However, you stated there were less mass murders under Trump like this than there are under obiden and you know that to be true, everyone does.”

I don’t know that. How did you come to this conclusion?

If it is true, why do you think it is true?

Why don’t you “count” Las Vegas? If the “left” did it, why didn’t Trump prosecute them?


Because TRUMP wasn’t Barr and Barr wouldn’t do his damn job, Just like most of those in DC. Trump had this country headed in the right direction and he was being backstabbed from every direction because of the SWAMP. He couldn’t trust anyone but I believe he did the best he knew how to do and that was one hell of a lot better than anyone that served as President since Ronald Regan.


People with TDS Type B have an excuse for everything related to Trump.

Trump should never have hired Barr, but Trump insisted he was the best at hiring people and he hired the best people.

He could have fired Barr and hired someone else.


Trump was backstabbed by dozens of people he hired without vetting, or worse, in spite of vetting, including Barr, when the slightest research would’ve shown he was a Bushie, lied about his role in Ruby Ridge under Bush 1, and volunteered to get his pet murdering sniper off the hook to live to murder again at Waco. Why the F hire a Bushie for AG knowing the Bush family is his implacable enemy? Time to move on. DeSantis ’24


Just to make a point: I don’t think Obiden has the ability to do or make anyone else do anything. He can’t even complete a sentence.


I’m thinking ATFBI sting the let happen either out of incompetence, not really giving a F, or intentionally. Then they covered their asses.


Could very well be. That would explain why there were more mass murders under Trump. I don’t put anything past the scumbag treasonous FBI. But I don’t think you need any kind of Mk Ultra type programming anymore. They’ve F’d up parenting and schooling so bad that these kids are regularly created by the system.


True. Good point.

There were plenty under Trump, let’s put it that way. And if these are setup jobs, Deep State certainly had incentives to do them under Trump to make him look bad, with the bonus of a little Republican gun control. Whereas under Biden the goal is just more gun control, with a bonus of not losing all Dem seats up for grabs..

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

FBI-ATF-Deep State IS the left.

Roland T. Gunner

True dat.


Most of the shootings in Chicago are gangland and the Mayor lightfoot turned a blind eye not letting the police arrest any one. The even commented let them shoot each other NICE MAYOR.

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, what happen to this investigation and all the concern form the media. It went silgilenty into the night covered up the FBI and the ATF Nothing to see here.

Thank you Dave


With respect Trump had the democrats doing everything possible to remove him from office. That was a lot for any president to overcome. Bump Stocks were the least of his issues


Defending anti-firarms rights behavior doesn’t help. Trump went out of his way to ban bump stocks – he promised he would and then he followed through shortly afterwards. It wasn’t something that just happened and he was too busy to intervene.

Trump was chasing votes.

He thought he had the firearm rights group in the bag (people writing comments like yours) and believed they would vote for him no matter how much gun control he supported.

Therefore, he chased the votes of people who wanted more gun control (white, suburban women – as a group, clearly not every one).


Americans voted for Trump because of eight years of Obama then came Hillary. America had enough. I disagree Trump was not a politician he was not a elegant speaker he was a CEO used to getting his way only. I would dare you or any one to weather what Trump did everyday for 4 long years. Bump stocks most hunters target shooters along with PRS have no use for bump stocks nor do I. The tactical marketplace has nothing to do with the effectiveness of a expert marksman. To earn the classification expert which I have in rifle and pistol.Has… Read more »


I don’t have a use for a bump stock either. So what? It’s one more step along the long road of gun control and it set precedent for issuing Presidential Memorandums to the BATFE to implement gun control and it established yet another example to be used to regulate how fast a firearm can be legally fired. Instead of using the BATFE to implement one more step of gun control, he could have clipped their wings. He didn’t. Did you watch the video of Trump’s meeting? He was pushing for all sorts of gun control. He bragged he was better… Read more »


Yep I remember not a politician, life is give and take in washington there were no gives from the democrats,

That had also to do with Trump’s personality and the people he surrounded himself with.

I would hope that he does not run in 2024 for personal reasons.

I really do not think the republicans have front runner or even want to win in 2024. The midterms should be a bloodbath for the dems.
If election fraud become the issue I just do not know ????


“Yep I remember not a politician, life is give and take in washington there were no gives from the democrats, That had also to do with Trump’s personality and the people he surrounded himself with.” ~ john It’s no wonder we have tens of thousands of gun control laws. There is no downside for politicians who create them. People just choose someone they like and they rationalize anything that person does. I remember discussions at ranges in the 1990s with fudds born in the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. They believed the NRA was fighting for our rights and that… Read more »


Yep. When the same gun grabs are done by a Dem, the same folks paint him as El Diablo Communista!


The way people felate the Orange Infringer…


It’s uncanny. TDS Type B.




Yeah, the slobbery worship of anti-2A politicians is pretty disgusting.


Yep. The acoustic forensic analysis vanished even on naturalnews. I think the FBI harassed the guy.


It seems to me that most of the stuff on the internet that I saw, like interviews with witnesses that were really there, and cab drivers that heard shots from three different directions, etc., have been pulled down by who? The whole thing, in my opinion has been determined pretty much by the FBI. Whatever they say has to go and damned are those who have the guts to say, WTF?!


I hope you’re right about that, but I don’t necessarily think it’s a given. Former twice attorney general, Barr has turned on Trump big time, and it is obvious that even a ‘true conservative’ like Barr, as he calls himself is in it for power. He said in his book, “One Damn Thing After Another’ he would support Trump if he got the nomination, but that he doesn’t think Trump should run. I woulldn’t take anything as a given if it has anything to do with a RINO


You are absolutely Right! Barr along with the VP were both stinking no good for nothing back-stabbing TURDS!

Last edited 2 years ago by Choogie

Trump was fed the story the FBI wanted him to hear about bump stocks, and belived them. False informaion in, false response out. Simple equatioi.

The BATF were denied access to all of the firearms “recovered” in that hotel room nest, could not examine any of them. There is NOT ONE SHRED of evidence that any bump stock was USED during the incident. What I heard from the soundtracs of the videos we did see did NOT sound like a bump stock, nor rpid semi=auto, but full auto fire. From multiple directioins at once.

Roland T. Gunner

When you read it, you realize just what a bad deal the great “social contract is”. Tha really is the poi t of 2A- not conceding to any level of gubmint that monopoly on the use of force. And the idea that schools/school personnel are not completely responsible for the safety and wellbeing of my kids, during school hours, really is absurd.

Last edited 2 years ago by Roland T. Gunner
Gene Ralno

Since the Highland Park incident, I’ve read at least a couple of dozen articles that blow hard on the notion that America is ready to intensify gun control. On the other hand, I don’t know anyone who remains willing to admit firearm ownership at all, let alone itemize a collection. Survey data is meaningless. Further, it doesn’t take a physicist to see the vast majority of criminal activity occurs where people and businesses are aggregated in numbers. Howling about crime is a common political pastime.  Because these places have city mentality, hatred for privately owned firearms is widespread. What kind of… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

The first shot fired took out Paddock.


Amen Oldvet, you know damn good and well that they do and it’s going on big time in this country right now. You hit a nail directly on the head with that one but they have many nails out there at the moment and people have to start looking out for them. They are taking this country over.


They are taking this country over because of the apathy of the right.


I wonder who is wrong new york post or police post says 5 guns police say 4


or police statement is intensionally misleading


Covelli (Lake County Sheriff Department) said five weapons were purchased – four in 2020 and one in 2021.

2020 Purchases:

  1. The weapon used in the July 4th attack;
  2. A Kel-Tec Sub2000;
  3. A Remington 700; and
  4. A Shotgun.

2021 Purchase:

  1. A Glock 43X.

He didn’t provide the details, but the first firearm he listed (“the weapon used in the July 4th attack), was an S&W M&P15.

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

watch what the officer does and says, he runs the keltec into first phrase weapon used in shooting keltec sub 2000 he does not separate them and does the others ,then looking at notes makes year and glock comment like a correction
was it a Freudian slip or avoid this point directive.

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

He could have phrased it better and he could have spoken more clearly, but he said there were four firearms purchased in 2020 – the weapon used in the attack, the Kel-Tec, the Remington 700, and a shotgun. He then went on to say the Glock was purchased in 2021.

He had also previously implied that he was going to leave the identification of the firearm used in the attack up to the BATFE. Maybe that’s why he just referred to it as “the weapon used in the July 4th attack.”


that would make since ,I think that was said by the da


Im betting because fiod is state and he went out of town to pick up something not restricted by state they are trying not to get in toe stomping match, reason laws should be country wide no cross jurisdictional bs


Something else to consider, Dad was politically active, and has been for some time. He’d recently ran against the current Mayor, but lost his bid. The question I have is, was the lack of an arrest or a proper Flag not done because of the political repercussions such an arrest or Red Flag might have caused? Quite frankly, Dad should be charged as an Accessory to Murder.


Let’ see here: “Mental health professionals HANDLED the matter with no further law enforcement action.” – Now THAT leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy! As if these people are the protectors of all things sacred! “Months later in September 2019,” the narrative added, “a family member reported that Crimo had a collection of knives and said he was “going to kill everyone. Police responded to the residence and removed 16 knives, a dagger and sword from his home. At that time, there was no probable cause to arrest, and no complaints were signed by any of the victims, – Then… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by USMC0351Grunt
Doug G.

I don’t know where the M&P 15 came from because the Chief at the news conference stated that the rifle he used and dropped was the Kel-tec and that it had been purchased in 2020. I personally watched and heard him say it couple times when questioned by reporters.


The report from police that I saw he said “It was a rifle “similar to” an AR15″ and when asked if he used 30 round magazines they said he used magazines that held “around” 30. Early reports from Sandy Hook said the shooter left his rifle in the trunk of the car and he went in with handguns. That was probably the coverup that made them deny access to investigate the scene and then they dozed the building. Not that it was a false flag staged event, but that the rifle was left in the car and he used handguns.… Read more »


If they had their way you couldn’t have even a muzzle loader. Or possibly a sling shot or a bow. Either they lie or are totally ignorant of the intent of the 2A.


You’re Spot On Ray. Total Civilian Disarment is their goal.


I remember that, and you’re right, the reporting LE Authority in the News Conference early on said the AR was recovered from the Shooter’s vehicle and that the Shooter entered the school with handguns. Several days later, the narrative totally changed. The “Why” it changed has never been adequately addressed.

Like the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings, I’m getting a strong smell of “Grooming.”

I don’t know about anyone else here, but my Bullshitometer’s been ringing like an alarm clock ever since the Buffalo shooting.


If someone on the scene would have had a weapon, even just a handgun, they could have put suppressive fire on the shooter enabling more people to escape. Do not understand; Illinois and Highland Park have some of the strictest gun laws in the country, to include Red Flag laws, and this moron was able to get a locally banned AR-15 firearm. But the gun banners want to pass more restrictive laws, that the psycho shooters will ignore, but possible responders will obey. The result is, and always is, the shooter will have a target rich environment, with no one… Read more »


proof existing law failed, or maybe not…since Crimo wasn’t charged his name wasn’t entered into a dbase for background chks.”

NO: State Police received a Clear & Present Danger report on [Crimo] from Highland Park PD.” (And did NOTHING)

Sloppily repackaged FoxNews.


if someone with recent mental health issues is not on at least for a few years what good is any list, there should be one or none out of jail ok no tracking device on you ok


If I get what you mean, then a few years later is irrelevant here. “Clear & Present Danger”, and…NOTHING. They never did anything initially, let alone after a few years. It was the initial DO NOTHING that precluded him being blocked later when he bought the guns.


seems a re-runof the older “films” featuring the punk school kid in Flrodia who shot up his former school, and the ex-Air Force creature who shot up the Church where his ex-wife, whom he beat, along with their son, to within a few inches of their lives, was tried, convicted, DD’d from the USAF and two different lazy AF desk jockeys FAILED to do their job and forward the record of his conviction and DD to the NICS database, enabling him to “legally” purchase his rifle which he used to kill some 26 t the churchhouse, and injured many more.… Read more »


Yep. I’m tired of guns, gun owners & gun rights being blamed every time parents, schools & Big Pharma create a psycho who The Blue Knew and did NOTHING, while gun control facilitates his spree.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

My understanding is that an allegation was made by a family member who later decided not to testify that a crime had been committed (a threat meeting all the requirements for it to be considered a crime). Was a threat made that met the requirements of a crime? In this case, the subject turned out to be a depraved murderer who committed an atrocity. If the circumstances were different (let’s say a pink-haired, gender fluid female alleged her uncle made a threat when in fact she was just mad at him for refusing to acknowledge there are 87 genders), do… Read more »


Understood. Except…the “Clear & Present Danger” alert to the staties kind of throws that out the window in this case. Anti-gun or not, gender-fluid or not, I don’t think she or the cops made it up, and I don’t think it she was mad just at her uncle. I think he should’ve been on a list, hauled in for observation, scrutinized heavily, maybe institutionalized. There were already laws in place to do it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

I don’t believe the comment was made because someone was mad at an uncle either. I would rather that this incident isn’t used to justify the scenario I described. The laws that were in place to prosecute this guy should have been enforced, if they weren’t. If the witness retracts their statement or refuses to cooperate in other ways, how do the police conclude he was a “Clear and Present Danger?” Didn’t a “mental health professional” check the guy out? If the family won’t cooperate and a “mental health professional” won’t certify that someone is a danger, do we really… Read more »


Rog. I see this akin to battered calls cops, changes tune, refuses to prosecute for unknown bad reasons. Cops can see he beat hell out of her but do zip when they could still haul him in. Here they still thought he was a clear & present danger.

The accused should be presumed innocent with recourse to fair jury trial. FWIW, which is apparently zero in DC. Juries are convicting the ‘insurrectionists’ like clockwork. Too many gunners get voir dired, avoid jury duty, or are authority-worshipers who know zip about jury rights as intended by the framers

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

I agree. It’s likely that in this particular case, the Highland Park PD had a feeling that the guy would likely commit murder.

It will be interesting to see what information becomes available in the future. I don’t know that there is a way to remove all the nascent depraved murderers from society before they murder and not abuse the rights of the innocent.

Have you seen the “predictive policing” going on in Florida? It’s a horror.


No way to do it short of going full Minority Report Police State, which downvoters here would love to do. But for F’s sake, some cases are so damn obvious, the cops & FBI should be in jail for not hauling them in for psych hold. e.g. Parkland.

This is why it’s so critical for states to override local “gun free” zones. I still can’t believe none of the authors here have touched on the carry laws affecting that town.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

If a mere “civilian” is caught carrying in Highland Park, they are going to get thrown up against the wall, screamed at, and later they will be able to hire a lawyer to prove they are innocent.

Regarding arresting people for pre-crime, if the cops are pushed into it when the case is obvious, they will be arresting uncles with pink-haired, angry nieces. They aren’t going to try to differentiate.


No sale.



Roland T. Gunner

Absolutely right. For the tired patrol officer who has had a bad day, is answering a call for service to a disturbance, all he wants is an easy solution without liability. If he can plug the details in, in any way that allow a legal arrest of one of the parties, its a win-win. The call is resolved, nobody gets beaat up or stabbed or shot after the officer leaves. And the only individual mad at you is in the back of your shop, on yhe way to jail. Justice may be served, but Justice was not the point.

Last edited 2 years ago by Roland T. Gunner



I think what is wrong is no one wants a family member in jail when they belong in a hospital, even a mental hospital if the guys in white coats showed up reaction would be lets see if we can help him/her not no no we will take care of them


No excuse.


problem is that is all there was was excuses ,should not happen people need a system that protects rights and other people and our system is not there


education is in shitter meme mymy is where peoples heads are at all this crap do as we say people with problems will get worse until fjb is gone and may take years for “normal” to return, people go through life with blinders on things get worse

Wild Bill

Why would a parent leave education to the public school system, anyway?


Most can’t afford homeschooling or private school. Many others are illiterate themselves.

Wild Bill

I’m teaching math to the neighbor kids. I also teach them that most of what the teachers say is bs so keep your mouth shut, give them back what they want to hear, collect a good grade, and move on. The purpose of public schools is to take tests nothing more.


Excellent. Most kids aren’t that lucky.


not to mention that Ilinois have RedFlag laws in place, which were NOT ever invoked in this case, whcih is precisely the sort of situation these laws were designed to address. Severl eligible incidents are surfcing in this guy’s recent past that SHOULD hve triggered a “no guns for you” order, which would likely have at least delayed such n attack. Being denied legal avenues for gun acquisition, he always had the “undergrund” pipeline accessible.. just like the Brit clown who travelled here and in two days had a handgun in possession, which he used in a kidnapping attempt at… Read more »