Gun Owners on FBI’s Trump Raid: ‘We Told You So’

Gun Owners on FBI’s Trump Raid: ‘We Told You So’ FBI Agents IMG FBIHQ-IG Public Domain
Gun Owners on FBI’s Trump Raid: ‘We Told You So’ FBI Agents IMG FBIHQ-IG Public Domain

U.S.A.-( The FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s Florida home came as little surprise to the gun rights community. After all, the Department of Justice was weaponized against us the second the current occupants of the White House began measuring the drapes. Their agents have been running and gunning without any adult supervision ever since. So, it was only a matter of time before they became emboldened enough to raid a former President’s home – armed with weapons of war, no less.

To be clear, in the pre-Biden years when we actually had civil rights, if a federal law enforcement agency sought documents for an inquiry – like they wanted from President Trump – they would issue a subpoena, not a search warrant. That’s the way the DOJ worked before it was hired out as muscle for the DNC. Nowadays, if they’re investigating a Republican – even a former president – they send teams of armed agents instead of a fax.

According to news actors on cable TV, Tuesday’s FBI raid seems to fall somewhere between Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon to the firing on Fort Sumter. While the precedent and ramifications are extremely troubling, they’re certainly nothing new, especially for us. We’ve grown accustomed to civil rights abuse from the so-called Justice Department. We’ve been documenting their misdeeds since Joe Biden took his oath of office, which he seemingly violates nearly every day.

A few examples:

If you see something, say something.

There’s an old adage: Sunlight is the best disinfectant. This is certainly true with federal agents’ misdeeds. The best way to stop federal overreach is by exposing it, each and every time.

This approach works. To the best of our knowledge, ATF has not conducted another warrantless home inspection in Delaware since a video of their actions went viral. Nearly everyone in the gun rights community helped the word get out.

Ours is a close community with numerous lines of communication. It is one of our strengths. When something bad happens to one of us, we can get the world out quickly. We need to ramp this up.

The FBI’s raid is just the latest example of how little the Biden-Harris administration values our civil rights – especially our Second Amendment rights. If they would do this to a former President – a man with Secret Service protection – what wouldn’t they do to one of us?

If you see something, say something.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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Our system of checks and balances has been being destroyed for decades.

Under this administration it is being accelerated.


one part of it is still there …arm up and get ready hell is comming


Weaponized ? Criminalized is more like it ! FJB and the FBI . They are now on the wrong side of the law .


they are making them up as they go , kind of sounds like Germany in 1930s with natzis breaking down doors and going after opposition politicians

Wild Bill

Yes, the FJB regime are unapologetic alien smugglers.


think about what is going on, they attack citizens and make up rules that run counter to laws and then do not enforce laws that protect citizens (immigration, robbery,assault) …this is a consorted effort to destroy the republic


First rule of survival: you never, ever talk to federal law enforcement. Never. Ever. They can communicate with you through subpoena or through your local sheriff. You must understand one truth of historic proportion while trying to understand and then explain the actions of our rogue federal government. Point one: ideologies die slow and agonizing deaths. They leave a big crater and a big effective casualty radius when they die. Just look at the former Soviet Union as an example. The ideology currently in its death throes is the Progressive New Left. This toxic blend of Cultural Marxism and authoritarianism… Read more »


Christopher Wray “deplorable and dangerous.” sound familiar Hillary Regardless of your politics you should be terrified at the thought that one party would try to do anything they could to circumvent the free election process. And take freedom of choice from voters in order to hold on to power. Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray ordering their Gestapo to raid Trump’s home is political, unethical. When the FBI’s management acts like Democrat’s private police force I have to ask Director Wray, why has Bidens sons home or Clintons home not been raided? Why is James Comey not been prosecuted or Stalk… Read more »

Wild Bill

Just like his predecessor, and the one before that.


Yes the FBI from the get go was corrupt Hoover enlisted spies through the government and those actors Hollywood he help black list as CCM.

Hoover established and expanded a national blacklist, referred to as the FBI Index or Index List. That was used against all comers. Hoover was a man feared and loathed by many for his abuses of power.

He was obsessed with preventing interracial sex; he culled pornography from investigations for his own files; he used sexual innuendo and evidence to attack political rivals.


This is what honest people get for all the years of obedient gun law “compliance”. And it confirms why the illegal firearms market has always thrived. Complying with registration just gives the conniving authorities the data needed to track you whether you’ve done anything or not. And this is apart from giving your personal info out to the liquored-up mobs and Democratic “activists” that hunt “Trump supporters”.


they are drugged up ,on meth or what ever ,clean needles for a vote

Matt in Oklahoma

It’s only the start. Desperation has set in


protect whom and who are they serving, not we the people


Weaponized ? Criminalized is more like it . Fuck Joe Biden and the FBI .


Trump was Waco’d and Ruby Ridged. The idea you need the Gestapo raid on a house already protected by secret service agents is obvious intimidation. Nothing else.

We are doomed as a country because probably 60% of the country sees nothing wrong with this.

Wild Bill

I note that in the staged picture the lead agent is initiating deadly force before encountering any deadly force. If police, of any kind, initiate the use of deadly force, then they can not be said to be merely defending themselves.


they are being taught to attack whom ever they are told to look for , they are no more than stazi agency is past saving, and anyone that worked for them should never be allowed to have a water pistol

Wild Bill

There exist a whole array of none deadly force weapons that the police should go to first. Cannisters of stringy goo that hardens preventing a suspect from moving his arms and legs. “Guns” that shoot out weighted bolos. Shotgun shells that shoot out a 5′ x 5′ net.

The Army developed a machine that emits a disabling sound that negates whole crowds. Police should have a force continuum available to them and be required to use it.

Going to the gun (a real gun) prior to encountering deadly force defies the law of self defense.


making them criminals…but no one is arresting them.


Bill, you are incorrect, the “officer” is not initiating deadly force. The position shown could be called “presentation of deadly force” which is a step in the use of force continuum. Assuming the picture is representative of the raid on Trump’s it is unreasonable however, your comment seems directed to law enforcement in general. house In that case it is unreasonable and not tactically sound to expect anyone to go into a potentially life threatening situation without their firearm pointed in the direction of a potential threat.


atf agents that went to guys house to see if he bought guns had guns out when they asked to see one of the guns he bought ,they should have been arrested by local police criminal actions or unreasonable one by government leos are seldom punished. Only if trump is elected will the people that raided his house get fired


The state police helped the BATFE agents.


I could be mistaken but I don’t remember any of the LEOs have their guns drawn.


Oh please. Try saying no and see how quick the guns come out.


Talking to one of your socks again.


I can’t believe how absolutely spot on right you are about that, my left-hand BFF! I SHORE can’t!

Wild Bill

The officer (staged) illustrates deadly force initiation because she drew her weapon first. Tactics and officer safety do not eclipse the law of self defense.

Who ever initiates the deadly force incident will not be able to use the law of self defense against their own prosecution.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

so what you are saying is there’s a chance… that the Obiden administration is doing this on purpose? That ‘The One’ is now doing what he couldn’t do when he was in plain sight and have it tied to him? A sort of fundamental transformation of america? ….’come on, man! no joke! NO JOKE!


Why did you use a picture of female agents/actors?


that is one of the things atf and fbi have been doing, the stuff they put out now is all diversity bs


We had civil rights before Biden? The Fed Thugs would obtain subpoenas before acting? Really? Have you been out of the country for the last 50 years on a desert island? The Fed LEOs, ALL of them, have been out of control for decades and hundreds of innocent dead Americans, tens of thousands of innocent jailed Americans and hundreds of thousands innocent Americans who have had their lives and families destroyed can attest to that fact, at least those who weren’t murdered. The Feds have been out of control with no accountability for longer than some of their victims have… Read more »


I realize many on this forum have little, if any respect for politicians or law enforcement. They are quick to point the finger, criticize, and complain but rarely provide recommendations for how we can fix the problems short of “fire them all”. It’s like a bunch of grumpy old men sitting around the table complaining about how bad things are. When you get right down to it, we the people are to blame! We voted our politicians into office whether we actually voted for a particular candidate or not (not voting is just as bad). We don’t have meaningful discussions… Read more »

Wild Bill

Are you sure that We the People voted those politicians in? Oh, and welcome to the site.


Good point!


Some of the people complaining on this site are extremely involved in politics. It’s true that some others are not (some even criticize people for being involved). Regarding a solution (beyond being extremely involved in politics), consider this hypothetical scenario: When you were a law enforcement officer you enforced an unconscionable law against one of your fellow countrymen. The people in your community learned about what you did. When your wife said hello to her best friend at the grocery store, the friend just glared at her and walked away. Your four-year-old son has been talking about his cowboy themed birthday… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

The police and their families, would only associate with other police and their families. The wife’s best friend would be the wife of another cop. The birthday party guests would be the children of other cops.

Ostracism would only drive a wedge between cops and the community. Cops would have even less constraint when dealing with the public.


I suggest that everyone learn and know the Constitution of these United States of America and Live by our Constitution. If any official can’t live by the oath that they take when entering office then Kick THEM OUT OF OFFICE and make it clear why they have no authority to Rule or enforce the law of the land. Especially when they don’t know or don’t have any will to abide by it. So tell me, what official level does one have to reach before they don’t know that JOE BIDEN is incapable of being President of this country and neither… Read more »

Wild Bill

What level? you ask! I’m thinking that as slime forms in the bottom of a pond it grows and ascends … Yet, at each stage of growth and as it rises, it is more and more … scummy!
I could be wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

Keep sucking up to your oppressors!

Wild Bill

I can see that my writing has not been clear.
Choose asked, “… So tell me, what official level does one have to reach…” 
I answered in a comedic way with a pond scum analogy that I thought would be entertaining.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

Ostracism would only drive a wedge between cops and the community. Cops would have even less constraint when dealing with the public.”

That’s funny? Better work on your comedy routine.

Wild Bill

I thought that you were referring to the pond scum analogy. I guess that I am not the only one that can be unclear.


No, you’re the only one in this case. There is no pond scum analogy in your post.

Wild Bill

It is only six comments up from here. It is the first response to Choogie. Choogie asks, “So tell me, what official level does one have to reach before they don’t know that JOE BIDEN is incapable of being President of this country…”

Here’s my response: “What level? you ask! I’m thinking that as slime forms in the bottom of a pond it grows and ascends … Yet, at each stage of growth and as it rises, it is more and more … scummy!
I could be wrong.” See funny and clean.


Except I wasn’t replying to that comment.

Wild Bill

To which comment was unclear. I presumed that it was the pond scum politician comment.


Didn’t reply to that comment. Replied to YOUR comment as you know God damned well. Stop playing games. It’s sad. Who do you think you’re kidding with all your deflection?

Wild Bill

To which comment was unclear. I presumed that it was the pond scum politician comment.


problem comes down to police socialize with police so bad behavior gets reinforced not corrected ,and if they get sued and loose they all band together to harass the victim more , police should be held to a higher standard and punished more sevearly ,or just lose credentials after three mistakes. three strikes rule


If you look at the hypothetical scenario I described, those interactions are not with other LEOs/LEO families. One LEO family in a church with a congregation of 150 people. One LEO spouse in a grocery store that serves 400 local people. One LEO family at a music recital with 20 other families. The only person to drive by the LEO with car problems was a non-LEO. A neighborhood BBQ with one LEO family and 15 other families. If LEOs start harrassing people more, the people may increase their response. In a county of 15,000 people and 20 LEOs, that may… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

Do you personally know, or at least recognize, each of the LEO members in your community? Personally I do not even know the size of my city’s police force. I do know that it is larger than the number of people I know well enough to recognize. There are certainly enough of them that they could easily limit social lives to their co-workers and families. Unlike many cities in the area, I suspect majority of our cops live within this city. Many cops from neighboring cities also live here, including two I’m aware of within blocks of my house who… Read more »


Yes, I know who they are (in my town and nearby towns) and so do many other people. The spouses and children of LEOs are also known – those family members work with, go to school with, and socialize with non-LEOs (because those are the people who live around them). This is a rural community. The LEOs are spread out across the county. There are not enough of them and they are not concentrated enough to have their own social network. A LEO’s 4-year-old son would almost certainly only have the children of non-LEOs attending his birthday party. There may… Read more »


We live in rather different places. My small suburban city employs close to 400 LEO, of whom I’ve probably met 2-3 over my ~25 years living here. I say small city because I recently worked in a larger city (5x population) which required commuting across a neighboring city roughly the same size as mine. In a previous job I used to commute across several cities (3-4) of similar size. Thus I consider these small. I really think of the entire metroplex as one city – even though it consists of probably 10-30 legal entities incorporated as cities. Total population ~20-30… Read more »


Yes, as I mentioned, your advice may be better suited for where you live – Texas has a lot of armed government employees.  


Come to our town. Population 140,000+ city.
I prefer the <350.


Nice. Doesn’t sound like the kind of place where a cop rousting a wino would call in 5 squad cars for “backup”, or 400 of “xyz’s finest” would stand around looking tough while 20 children & 2 teachers were being slaughtered.


No, you don’t need everyone to do it. Just those who KNOW oppressors.



You and I discussed something similar a long time ago.

In the scenario I described, assume the only law enforcement in the large (but sparsely populated) county is a sheriff and small number of deputies. For the most part, they live in different towns throughout the county. Most of their children go to different schools.

Wild Bill

Or they could be local police all living in the same small town.


Other complainers are Tiger Talkers with self-serving excuses & defeatist prescriptions to DO NOTHING except Tiger Talk for FBI consumption or FBI’s behalf.

“Why vote-donate-volunteer-sacrifice to win elections if they just steal them anyway? I’ll just do my part by buying guns & ammo, bloviating & self-stroking online!” as if DemComs & Deep State have it all locked down and VA & other races didn’t flip.

Plus AGENTS provocateur hoping for morons to join or organize easily tracked-infiltrated groups to do more than yap. How many Epps types troll here with sock accounts on retard entrapment ops? Maybe Ray himself!

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Well that is a solution, possibly effective but more than likely not. Not a very mature response and definitely not a Christian response if that matters to you. Another example of what our country has become.


Sure thing, TEX. That’s the sissy neo”Christian” POV, where we have to bend over & spread the other cheek to tyrants & their enforcers. Can’t even ostracize a thug & his family, not even murderers like Horiuchi or Philip Brailsford, since that would be “unChristian” and “not very mature”.

This is a WAR for our survival, but you act like it’s a game of badminton under 1-way Marquis of Queensberry Rules, so you’re worried about being nice.

Thank God Christians weren’t suckered into that sissy M.O. 1400-200 years ago or we’d all be praying 5x/day to a mass-murdering pedo “prophet”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Not Christian? You expect Constitution-abiding people to back the blue no matter what they do? If some JBT arrests my neighbor (and ruins his life) for possessing something he purchased legally and with which he did nothing wrong, your opinion is that it is un-Christian of me to not say hello to the JBT when I see him the next day at the hardware store?    If it’s not effective, what do you think those Constitution-abiding people are going to do – just let the enforcers keep on enforcing? Is there any law you would not have enforced if ordered to do so… Read more »


“USCitizen” reeks of Ope-TEX sock poontang.


He posted some comments quite some time ago. I don’t remember him being such an extremist.

He should read some of Solzhenitsyn’s work.


I can smell a Tex sock puppet a mile upwind and I’m only part Injun!


WTF are you talking about?
Lay off the sauce.


As a former California gun law enforcer, you don’t like that idea, do you?


Lay off the man-milk, Bubba.


Some of them come here and talk about shooting politicians and hanging judges and conducting ambushes against some vague group of government employees (if only they had “secure comms” they could lead the ambush and obtain “heavy weaps” from the “enemy”), but if someone indicates they won’t say hello to the actual door-kicking thugs, they short circuit. Why are you so mean?


They’re either AGENTS or morons or both.

Wild Bill

You fail to relate the context of the comments. The context of those comments was ongoing civil war. In an ongoing civil war ambush techniques are appropriate. Obtaining logistics from the opfors is appropriate.
Ostracism of family between neighbors in peace time is just rude.


You fail to relate the context of the ostracism remarks. I provided it in the first bullet point of the hypothetical scenario I described to USCitizen: “When you were a law enforcement officer you enforced an unconscionable law against one of your fellow countrymen.” What is “rude” (and tyrannical) is an enforcer ruining someone’s life because the person purchased something legally and did nothing wrong with it. In some areas, people are not going to thank LEOs for their service of arresting people for not complying with never-ending gun control. If a LEO doesn’t enforce unconscionable laws, people (here) will still… Read more »


True story. But here is one critical aspect you leave out. Obeying an unlawful order is not a defense. You have a duty as a sworn officer of the court or the military to disobey unlawful orders. If those in our administrative state put country over career no one would issue unlawful orders. That is the solution. Personal accountability.


That is not true and that is wrong of you to act like a socialist has free will. They surrendered their free will for a paycheck. You pushing socialism, is just as bad as the liberals.

A soldier can’t disobey an order without legal consequences for disobeying an order. Socialist cops enforce unconstitutional laws everyday, if they refuse, they get fired.

Last edited 2 years ago by WeWereWarned

I disagree with you (WeWereWarned). If you think about what you just said you would realize that that is exactly how we got to where we are as a country today. Don’t tell me that this is the law and then put me in jail for obeying it or put me in jail for obeying a crook. Is it white or is it black. Is it an apple or is it an orange. Is it TRUTH OR IS IT A LIE ? If you have no conviction don’t take the job.

Wild Bill

Well, he is correct about soldiers. They take an oath which reads in part “… and obey the orders of the officers appointed over you…” There is nothing in the oath about disobeying.
Failure to obey orders is prosecutable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. There is no standard defense in the UCMJ about disobeying orders.
The standard operating procedure is to follow your orders and question them later at an appropriate time.


remember Nürenberg?

Nuff Said.


No, the medals. What you think, TEX?

Wild Bill

Those were international war crimes trials. No US soldier has ever been surrendered to the International War Crimes Commission. The US is not even a signatory nation to The Hague Convention.


The USA was heavily involved in those trials.


no and we still use land mines and sell them , which according to un is illegal

Wild Bill

Yes, that is true!

Wild Bill

I think that he means Nuremberg.


he spelled it correctly in german notice the umlaut english spellings are often different because we dont use the accents from most other languages I believe the only ones we use in the us are from french common phrases like Bon appétit ,german ,Hungarian polish and Russian all use similar accents but Russian uses a totally different alphabet

Last edited 2 years ago by swmft

It is a soldiers duty to disobey unlawful orders!


Most of the atrocities committed in the 20th century were committed by people following “lawful” orders.

Your buds in LE better start getting their heads around the concept of refusing to obey unconscionable orders (even if they are “lawful”).

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

4 dead in ohio .. lawful orders


No they weren’t.

Wild Bill

No, it is not. That is civilian thinking.


It what alt-universe Bizarro America is it not your moral duty as a loyal American to disobey unconscionable, treasonous, illegal, immoral, unconstitutional orders?

Also, we allegedly have a little thing called civilian control of the military, so civilian thinking takes precedence over immoral human dobermans.

Wild Bill

It is called the Law of War. Promalgated by The Hague Conventions on the conduct of war. Does not occur in America and does not apply to civil wars.
Civilian control of the military is conducted by Congress via the UCMJ through the National Command Authority. So not just any civilian’s thinking takes precedence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

Irrelevant to the issue of whether a loyal American should follow unconscionable orders.

Did I write or imply “any civilian’s thinking takes precedence.” No. Can’t stop playing games.

Wild Bill

Well you seem to be expressing your own thoughts on the matter, rather than the thoughts of Congress … so it seemed that you did not intend Congress or the National Command Authority. That leaves the rest of us.
No games. Just trying to explain it without writing a whole book.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

Bzzzz. Nice strawman though.


there is a whole book about it the ucmj

Wild Bill

You are quite correct, sir!


it is an officers duty , the soldiers under them do not take the same oath


The oath is irrelevant. It’s every loyal AMERICAN’s duty to disobey unconscionable orders.


the reason military is disarmed is they are not supposed to do anything against civilians , the code of conduct has been changed first published rules were in the 1950s has been updated ,last copy I got was 1988 so that has been changed


and the nasty guard is state , so domestically have different rules

Wild Bill

Yes, that is true, up until the Guard is nationalized under Title 10.

Wild Bill

You seem knowledgeable on the UCMJ.

Wild Bill

No, that is civilian thinking.


and the officers liability …if he refuses an order and is found to be righteous in a court martial hearing he will be golden…if not there is no upside to bad outcome

Wild Bill

If an officer refuses, he gets replaced and the mission continues. Courts martial is dicey.


if they refuse, they get fired.” Not exactly. Yes, if they FLAUNT the refusal, but in most cases there are ways around it. In any case, there is no excuse for “Just Following Orders”. Over 100 million dead by that in the last century.

Wild Bill

That concept of following orders was a complete defense until Nuremberg, and is not applicable to American law.


“That concept of following orders is not applicable to American law.”

How so?

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

That concept comes from the Law of War, and was a complete defense for soldiers up until the War Crimes Trials held in Nuremberg. That the traditional defense was not accepted is why Nuremberg is branded as Victors’ Justice.
The Law of War, as American soldiers are taught it, is promulgated by The Hague Conventions regarding the conduct of war.
However, America has not been a signatory for many years.



Wild Bill



As if you ever do that.

Wild Bill

I wrote out the explanation to you, twice.


You confused explanation with deflection, twice, again.


Crickets Chirping…


did you ever serve or go to a military school…rotc?


Any semi-human doberman willing to OBEY unconscionable orders has no business in our armed forces, officer or otherwise.


look no further than local police…I do not disagree with you but reality is a bitch

Wild Bill

No answer? Well, I guess that is kind of an answer, kind of.


Answering is a 2-way street, generalissimo.

Wild Bill

Taking care of the animals in this heat is more important than responding to you on your schedule. You just have to be patient.


30 million of them in Russia


More if you include Ukraine.


East Germany.Poland..I bet 100 million is a low ball


It’s not supposed to be a defense, but it IS a very effective de facto defense.




it means standing shoulder to shoulder to stop illegal actions of government too . I point out the wrongs to other leos and have shown what the law is to have it fall on def ears they will not read or follow the laws or constitution having qualified immunity gives them protection to do whatever until department finds them to be too much of a liability then they move on to another department . removing qualified immunity or it only applying on case by case basis might change things….take their toys when they have been bad they might behave


Most older folks don’t want to admit what they allowed out of greed and religion, so they blame the other party. The best is how the conservatives say gun confiscation is the line in the sand, while they have made it to where a socialist enforcer can kill us armed Citizens for being armed, and they blame the Citizen. You should read the book unintended consequences, as that is how a corrupt government is meant to be dealt with. Think of prohibition where the gangsters and those who drank were the defenders of the Constitution against folks using religion to… Read more »

Wild Bill

That is a terrific book. The history of gun control alone is worth what ever you have to pay for the book.


Didjya hear that quite a few precincts in Ohio returned more votes for the Dopey Guy than there were people of age to vote in those same precincts? So WHO voted for Dopey Joe? Methinks a goodly number of those tasked with “counting” the “votes”did no such thing. They manufactured at least as many as they counted, then counted themas “votes”.
That’s ONE area. One of several.


I have been working politics hard for 13 years now. I see no political solution.

There is a solution. The solution to all of this starts with each one of us wearing a weapon and nullifying each un-lawful or un-constitutional act of a government authority. When such government authority tries to make you to do something un-lawful or un-constitutional, you tell them to go get a subpoena or warrant. If they use weaponized force against you, you do the same to them.



Haven’t watched Sean hannity in years because he was so dumb sucking up to useless “stay tuned” Lindsey Graham and all hannitys fbi buddies he used to talk about all the time.

Wonder if he’s gonna sing a new tune now?

Wild Bill

That is two mighty big egos for just one little election!

Wild Bill

True enough, but still a room with both of them in it might get mighty small.


Pence was a good VP and is a good man.”

Pence is a saboteur cuck who calls is wife mother. Is there any CUCK RINO OpeTEX won’t shill for?


And in part Trump has himself to blame for enabling this.

He appointed WRAY, unvetted as usual.

He appointed BARR – heavily involved in the Ruby Ridge gun control RAID & murders as GHW Bush’s AG; got ex-Army FBI sniper Horiuchi off to murder again at Waco. Didn’t vet Barr or didn’t give a F about gun control raids & gun control murders. But when HE gets raided, OH THE HUMANITY!

How lame was it to nom anyone connected to the globalist Bushes who clearly hate him? Pray he’s capable of LEARNING from his F-ups; there’s little evidence of it

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r

Or is it just more theatrics for the masses ?


Funny how Lee forgot about the time former president Donald J. Trump similarly used the ATF as a weapon against Americans with a ban on bump stocks. Or the time St. Trump openly stated gun owners should have their guns taken away *before* your rights kicks in. (“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”)


There’s new therapy for TDS, you should seek it.


It’s always sad to see a fellow American worship a politician.


This is true. While I like Trump and supported his first election, after he turned against the 4th amendment and the 2nd amendment, I must pull the knives from my back.



To support the path of diminishing returns always yields the negative result you are against. You have to step up the conflict level.



Stupid chickenS strawman even for Abbott shill/ex(?)-cop Ope-TEX-Bruce-Will-FordWill-Bubba et sock posse.

For NORMALS, preferring the lesser of 2 evils (Trump over Biden) doesn’t mean you have to kiss Trump’s ass & pretend he never betrayed us.


Given how divisive Trump is, I suspect someone in the administration decided democrat’s best hope was to have Trump run in 2024. This raid certainly seems as if it was intended to rile up Trump’s base and piss Trump off – into deciding to run in 2024. Opposing biden or whoever takes his place is an easy choice. That is not the same as supporting trump. Accepting the lesser of two evils tends to embolden worst characteristics of the “winner.” Far too many believe trump can do no wrong, possibly making it easier for tyranny to flourish under his administration… Read more »

Wild Bill

I don’t think that Trump is any more divisive than any other millionaire New York real estate developer. He is just not from the professional political ruling class.


Bill,Finnky has called President Trump divisive many times on Ammoland. I wonder if he thinks Biden is divisive? Has the country ever been more divided than now?


So true. The raids, the hearings, the impeachments… all designed to smear the image of Trump so — should he run again — people associate him with trouble and vote for someone else. It’s psychological warfare, something progressive liberals are very, very good at.


Two things can be true at the same time, my friend. You just need to use ‘yer noggin.


I wonder if Trump now has any empathy for the victims of the red flag laws he encouraged and praised. I doubt he is capable of seeing any parallels.


you can bet it has been pointed out to him


That would be an interesting conversation.


yea he is not one to take advise that points out he was wrong politely. he would blame it on an advisor


Mr Trump is capable of seeing the parallels, capable of changing his mind, capable of saying the opposite of what he previously said or did, capable of doing a 180 on just about anything. He is incapable of admitting he made a mistake or was wrong. So he is not perfect. So what. He’s a fighter and in his worst week he has done more good for the average American than the republican party has in 50 years.


“So what.” Americans should not be required to prove themselves innocent of a crime that wasn’t committed and be deprived of their property until they do so. To make red flag laws even more insulting, they don’t “keep us safe” – the victim is still free to walk among the people, buy propane, buy gasoline, drive school busses, etc. Some of the people who voted for him are capable of criticizing him for the things with which they disagree. He’s less likely to change his mind if he is not criticized. Maybe he will change his mind from his stance on February… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC

Sir, only a moron or an evil person doesn’t understand that republicans especially the conservatives, have been the left’s greatest useful idiots to harm us Constitutional Americans for the last 70 years.
Trump was a New York liberal gun control supporter, the only reason I voted for him the first time was because he didn’t say that he intended to harm my White family’s quality of life, like the other New York liberal did. His support of gun control lost my vote.
I would rather not vote, over voting for a backstabber.

Wild Bill

Well, yes they can be idiots and often play into the hands of the marxist socialist democrat party, but the repubs are the only other party capable of winning on Election Day.


Take the guns worry about due process later, is probably not such a small thing to trump anymore. Now, that he is not a government employee, with a different tier of legal system, since some animals are more equal.


I honestly I don’t think he knew how important the Gun toting American was in the beginning.
That’s why he was fooled into signing off on Bump Stock ban and Not understanding how unconstitutional Red Flag laws are.
I don’t think he would make those same decisions today.


He was always anti-firearm rights.

He just changed for the campaign when he pandered to people who will believe almost anything.

Then some depraved murderers committed atrocities and Trump saw an opportunity to get some votes from suburban white women.

Most of the firearm rights voting block had already made it clear they would vote for him no matter what he did.

It’s not just bump stocks and red flag laws. Watch him brag about being better than Obama at pushing gun control laws:

I have not heard him recant anything he said that day.


Trump kissing Feinstein’s & Schumer’s asses was one of the most nauseating things I’ve ever seen. I’ll vote “for” him if he gets the nom, but I’ll NEVER donate to him again.


“The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end,” Trump told the members of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now “have a true friend and champion in the White House.”

“I will never, ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms,” Trump said. “Never ever.”

Less than one year later, he begged for one, big beautiful gun control bill. He bragged he was the only one brave enough to disagree with the NRA about raising the age to buy a rifle.


Probly thought they’d be nice to him if the jammed his tongue up their asses. How’d that work out?


I recently heard that Trump was advocating a return of the stop and frisk policy in New York.

Trump has demonstrated publicly, at least four times, that he holds no respect for the 4th Amendment or the 2nd Amendment.

To vote for a powerful person who would hold our future in his hands and would attempt to destroy our rights, as he has demonstrated so far, would be careless. It is time to up the level of resistance or lose those rights. I do not intend to lose my rights.



Oh, so NOW you like DeSantis after the years you’ve been smearing him and licking up to cuck ABBOTT.

AZ Lefty

Nice piece of Anti USA fear mongering


You are spare parts aren’t ya, bud?

Rebel VA

Darn, another stupid democrat!


The FBI isn’t dealing with your average former president, they are dealing with a life long criminal, who was already found to have stolen hundreds of boxes of US Government owned documents, and records which government entities were forced to recover months ago. They are dealing with a former president that stole US Government owned items from US embassies he visited abroad simply because he liked them, had a spot in mind to display them, or simply because he knew he could sell them to friends/criminals for easy cash, some of which were worth millions.The FBI didn’t issue a subpoena… Read more »


And, you know this how? What are your sources, if any! FOAD! Worthless Troll! Go bother someone else with your Bovine Scatology!


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


There’s new therapy for TDS, you should seek it.


TDS is a cult, started with the criminally ignorant belief that the mango moron is anything other than a huge steaming pile of bovine excrement, with a piss yellow mop head on top.There is no known cure, you will die from it, and it will die with you and the rest of the degenerate cultists.

Henry Bowman

He is clearly in stage 4 terminal TDS. He’s beyond saving.

Henry Bowman

Yeah, that explains a lot. But at least it’s a coastal state, that will make physical removal a LOT easier!


So after SIX years of trying to ping things on Trump they have FAILED at every turn, and we know this so called ‘raid’ was nothing more than a political stunt, that honestly, backfired terribly. It will help the the Republicans in the midterms. Everything you said is bs with zero merit. List your sources (if you have any other than CNN/MSNBC).


The only criminal is Hunter Biden. Notice nobody’s talking about him anymore. Just like the bomb that went off during Christmas at some AT&T building in Nashville. This is just to hide another move while Americans are looking the other way.

Rebel VA

Bullsh1t, creepy democrat!


I’m no Democrat, I just wasn’t dumb enough, or fascist enough to fall for the stupidity and ignorance put forth by the con man and life long ctiminal donnie boy trump, like you were.


No, I’m a Conservative Republican, and have been since 1975, you’re the RINO, backing an orange hued fascist dictator wannabe.




Apparently, you worship the orange sh!thibbon also, bless your demented little black soul.

Henry Bowman

Communist troll, your lies have no power here. Here’s a coupon!


You should cash in your ticket, take that ride with your little raving lunatic dictator wannabe.

Henry Bowman

What? Oh, I see, you’ve been standing in front of your bathroom mirror. For a moment I thought to were talking to someone. The only dictator the USA is facing is O’Bidens handler. Here’s a mallet, go pound sand!