Oregon Ballot Measure 114 : Weapons Bans, Mandatory Training, Social Media Snooping

Oregon – -(AmmoLand.com)-As you know, Oregon is facing a ballot measure, Ballot Measure 114, that will create the most extreme restrictions on firearm rights in America.

“The measure requires a “class” with live fire training before a person can apply for a permit to purchase a firearm. There are virtually no facilities that will be available for this training. For first time gun buyers this could well require that you have a gun before you can get a permit to buy a gun.

The measure only allows those approved by police to provide the required “training” to apply for a permit. Police in Oregon are underfunded and understaffed. There is no plan in place to actually provide any training and virtually no police have the facilities or manpower to provide classes. Police in urban areas are already not responding to most violent crimes. Police in rural areas are spread thin and rarely have the facilities for the required class.

The “permitting agent” can demand “any additional information” to issue the permit opening up endless opportunities for abuses.”

Media: You Have Nothing to Worry About

The cartel media is all in on promoting this measure as a simple “permit to purchase”… a “minor inconvenience to keep people safe.”

In fact, this measure will make it almost impossible to purchase a firearm in Oregon. Not only will gun buyers be locked out, but it will also destroy gun dealers.

In the last few weeks, the proponents of this dangerous measure have ramped up their fundraising and now have raised considerably more than we have. With the media in the tank for them, they will not have to spend much on spreading their message, while we have been forced to spend a lot.

An excellent video produced for us is being denied digital distribution because it “involves guns.” Of course, it does. It’s a gun-ban ballot measure! That has forced us to confine our media buys to radio. We are in the process of acquiring yard signs and expect to have them available for supporters at the Albany Gun Show this weekend.

Please visit the Stop 114 website. We must share this info with as many people as possible.

The media is doing all it can to mislead Oregonians about what Measure 114 does. The STOP 114 website contains vital information and downloadable fact sheets to share.

You can make a much-needed donation to fight the gun grabbers here:

The elections are coming. The gun grabbers are determined to ensure people cannot protect themselves even as the police no longer respond to violent crime. Please help us stop them.

Share the Stop 114 website and donate today.

About Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no-compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org

Oregon Firearms Federation

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There, I fixed it for you.


Ban Antifa, ban BLM, ban the DNC as they’ve all caused more damage and loss of life.


I want to hold my own sign up beside theirs and it says



Guess I will NEVER move to Oregon!


This is why I am glad I live in Montana , please if you are from Oregon and hold these liberal gun grabbing values . STAY THE HELL OUT OF MONTANA . We don’t want your delusional mental lapses in our state . FJB and all Democrats !


I’m sorry.

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