Training Weak Hand Shooting is Important

Support hand shooting
Training Weak Hand Shooting is Important

When people talk about practicing weak hand shooting, what is their typical justification? The most common reasoning I hear is preparation in the event their dominant hand is struck by gunfire. This isn’t without reason. Often times we see individuals struck in the hands and arms when shooting at an armed threat, as tunnel vision focuses their eyes on the weapon that has caused them to fire. However, I think there is a much less dramatic, and much more likely reason for needing to practice weak hand shooting.

What reason am I thinking of? Simple; injuries to the dominant hand produced by day-to-day accidents. How many of you have ever broken or fractured a bone? Dislocated a joint, or in extreme cases, had an amputation? Slipping on ice, tripping over children and pets, sports injuries, car wrecks, and more are never too far away. Having personally dislocated a shoulder and elbow, I know this reality all too well. Unfortunately for me, these injuries occurred as a child, and the potential implications of them didn’t hit me until much more recently. Even amputations aren’t too far from reality, as I’ve known a couple of dozen people who have lost partial and whole fingers from injuries as simple as having a door slammed on their hand.

Supporting my Argument

Emergency Room Visits

Supporting this is a 2009 study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), using information collected by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). You can read their information here. Below are the results of the study:

“A query of the NEISS resulted in 92,601 records of upper extremity injury treated at an emergency department in the USA in 2009, which translates to an estimated total of 3,468,996 such injuries that year. This corresponds to an incidence of 1,130 upper extremity injuries per 100,000 persons per year. The most common region injured was the finger (38.4%). The most common upper extremity injury was a fracture (29.2%). Specific injuries with high incidence rates (all per 100,000 per year) included finger lacerations (221), wrist fractures (72), finger fractures (68), and lower arm fractures (64).”

Support hand shooting
This elbow dislocation put the arm out of commission for several weeks

Keep in mind that this data is only reflecting injuries recorded at emergency departments. It does not include injuries treated in other settings, or those which never made it to the hospital. I don’t know about you, but I know plenty of people who get fairly substantial injuries without seeking treatment. This means that we likely have an even greater chance of suffering injuries that could impact our shooting than shown in the data above. Of course, we can mitigate this by being cognizant of our surroundings, wearing protective equipment, and more, but there’s never a guarantee that we’ll go through our lives without injuring our dominant hand, arm, or shoulder.

Something A Little More Mundane

An even less dramatic example of hand and wrist injuries is the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the United States. Nearly 400,000 procedures are done annually in the US alone. As people spend more time on phones, video games, and more these rates continue to climb. Arthritis can also significantly impact our performance, with roughly 24% of all Americans experiencing some form of the disease throughout their lives.

As shooters, we’re at risk as well. The repetitive motion of pressing triggers, absorbing recoil, and more can gradually cause damage to our hands over time. This is magnified when shooting more powerful calibers such as magnum loads and full house 45’s over long periods. Now we have the conditions of everyday life paired with recoil forces pounding away at our bodies, and it’s easy to see how injuries can be commonplace.

Wake-Up Call

My wake-up call came at the height of the pandemic. I thought I’d broken my dominant hand during horseplay with my then-girlfriend, now wife, after smashing it against the kitchen counter. Sure, I practiced support hand shooting every few range trips, but it was never the focus. I knew how I performed in slow fire, but couldn’t quote specific standards for my performance at speed or under stress. As a concealed carrier, horror instantly set in.

I didn’t own a concealment holster for my support side. Due to this, I’d never practiced drawing from that side of my body with my support hand. If my hand truly was broken, I was about to be in a world of trouble in terms of personal defense. Instantly I jumped online and ordered a left-handed Tenicor Velo, my preferred holster at the time.  Luckily for me, I’d just really hurt myself. No broken or fractured bones, just a big ouch, with soreness that lingered for a few days.

I got lucky, but what if that wasn’t the case? What if I was stuck carrying in an unfamiliar way, forced to shoot with significantly reduced speed and precision for weeks or months, or even permanently? Not only is my ability to defend myself reduced, but now I’m a far more appetizing target. Like a wounded elk stalked by wolves, a cast or sling on an arm makes us an easier mark for our neighborhood bad guys. Now we have increased our likelihood of needing to defend ourselves, while simultaneously reducing our ability to do just that. This is a recipe for disaster.

Making Positive Changes

Since this incident, support hand shooting has become a larger part of my range sessions. Not just strong and weak hand only shooting, but completely mirror image practice as well; shooting as if I was naturally left-handed, with both hands on the gun. Some days this is nearly all I practice, firing as few as five to ten rounds normally to ensure proficiency with my dominant hand, while getting in a day’s worth of work with my support side. Interestingly, it’s like learning to shoot all over again, with virtually zero muscle memory as a lefty compared to my normal shooting. This allows me to work on new techniques without trying to overwrite bad habits, creating differences between the two sides.

Left handed Holsters
A selection of left-handed and ambidextrous holsters in my inventory

I’ve also purchased additional holsters for carrying on my support side should that ever be necessary, and regularly carry mirror-image at home to gain familiarity. If your budget is more limited, look at some of the quality reversible options out there. While not my favorite holster overall, the PHLster Floodlight and PHLster Pro holsters are excellent options, both of which are completely reversible without having to buy additional hardware. With just a minute or two and a screwdriver, you can swap everything from left to right-handed use and back. This should save you some cash to put towards range time, helping to build those support hand skills.

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

With this in mind, when was the last time you practiced shooting with your support hand only? Do you own the equipment to make carrying on that side possible? Have you worked on not only your draw stroke from here, but also holstering?

Support hand shooting
This course of fire tests a variety of skills from 25 to 5 yards, all shot as a left-handed shooter. I managed a passing score despite four stoppages on the second stage.

If not, you may want to reconsider and bust out that debit card. Start spending some serious time at the range and in dry practice working with your non-dominant hand. Wear your offside holster around the house to acclimate to something being on that side of your body, and how it impacts your mobility. It will likely be difficult at first and possibly discouraging, but putting in work will quickly alleviate these problems.

Much like most of our training, hopefully, this is a skill that never gets used. But in the event that it’s needed, you’ll be happy you practiced with your (formerly) weak hand.

About Dan Reedy

Dan is an Air Force veteran, avid shooter, and dog dad. With a passion for teaching, he holds instructor certifications from Rangemaster, Agile Training & Consulting, and the NRA. He has trained with Darryl Bolke, Mike Pannone, Craig Douglas, among several other instructors, amassing over 400 hours of professional instruction thus far. In his spare time you’ll find him teaching handgun, shotgun, and less lethal classes.

Dan’s work has been published by Primer Peak, and The Kommando Blog, and he has been featured as a guest on Primary & Secondary.Dan Reedy headshot

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Injuries happen all the time.

About two and half years ago. I severely injurie my dominate hand.

I could not use a fire arm with it for several months.

Now I have around 95% used back.

Due to scaring and numbness by shooting ability has suffered.

I can not feel the trigger like I used to.

Be careful it can happen real fast.

Doug G.

What a good, timely article. I’m currently wearing a brace on my right thumb and had to buy a new holster and train and practice, doing a few hundred reps, with my left hand. Which I already know to be my weak hand, due to experience in IDPA competitions, where weak hand shooting often comes up in stage scenarios. Even just re-holstering my gun took some practice. The author rightly points out that having to switch sides due to injury in a gun fight is a concern, however, having a temporary or permanent switch due to medical issues is more… Read more »

Wild Bill

Yep, that is true (e.g. Billy Clanton had to switch in the middle of a gun fight due to injury. His switch was temporary and permanent!)

Knute Knute

There is another school of thought that goes that Billy was unarmed at the time, and was reaching over his horse to arm himself with his rifle. OFC its impossible to get the true answer now, this much later. Too much of the evidence is gone. The only thing we can be fairly certain of is that he took the fatal shot while reaching for his rifle, because the fatal wound is recorded as a shotgun blast to his right side that missed his right arm. Hard to see how that could’ve happened without having his arm over his head.… Read more »

Wild Bill

Are you sure that wasn’t one of the McLaureys? I thought that Billy was shooting his pistol, was hit, fell back against a wall, switched hands, and returned fire until he was fatally shot, again. I could be wrong.

Knute Knute

Damn if you didn’t catch me yet again! That’s at least twice now. As I said before, memory is a weird thing. One can never be quite sure of it. It turns out that that was Billy Claiborne, and not Billy Clanton. Somewhere throughout the years I guess my memory mixed up its Billies! 🙂
Just another good example of why we shouldn’t ever trust our memories 100%… no matter how sure one is! I’m gonna try hard to avoid a threepeat…. but it’ll happen sooner or later. We humans just aren’t 100 percent, no matter what we think.

Wild Bill

Oh, I thought Claiborne took a powder early on.


Practice the non-dominate hand is good, also when doing that watch for dominate eye also it does effect your shooting, a little tougher to check but you will also find different ways around that, but can adjust after finding that out!


i use the term non-dominant hand, more accurate of a term. i have hurt my right (dominant) hand and luckily my wife is left-handed and doesn’t carry her glock very much, so i had access to holster and firearm. began practicing drawing and dry firing until it became much easier, but still did not feel comfortable. comcealed carry should be comforting, not comfortable. now i still practice left-handed just in case.

Wild Bill

In the field, whatever has the least syllables is fastest, and therefore “best”. I could be wrong.


Accidents happen every day to anyone at any time. Even smacking your hand on a table & making it “dead” can incapacitate it for a short period of time.You may even have to help/support someone injured with your strong hand to escape a situation & ONLY be able to use your support hand. Who knows. If you’re serious about this “gun thing” (yes, I’ve heard someone actually say that) you should be training with BOTH hands equally. Run mags with both hands, strong hand, & support hand. Run reloads with one hand alone, strong or support. “Play” (I use that… Read more »


Try shooting a bow with your non dominate side. It made everything else a lot easier. And way cheaper. Playing darts, shooting pool, table tennis, etc. Even switching hands during work helps. It’s just practicing hand to eye coordination. And all of these games are cheaper than ammo. Not saying you still don’t need to practice at the range. But there are ways to help before wasting ammo. I started when I was in the Army 30 years ago. due to a friend breaking their wrist. I wanted to even up the games (level playing field for all of us).… Read more »

Wild Bill

Hmmm. A purported 25 November 2003 article with 1 year ago comments. Curious.


Bill, recently Ammoland has started recycling articles from years ago. I guess they have run out of new stuff to write about.

F Riehl, Editor in Chief

NO our articles are that good that they need to be seen again, we have almost 2 decades of excellent content. So you will be seeing many more.


It is a good idea to learn to shoot with both. During my LEO career. I always shot some with my non-dominate hand and still do. Do to a accident I lost the use of my dominate hand for 5 months. With extensive therapy I regain 95% use of it back. My trigger finger well never be as sensitive as it once was. I brought a left hand holster and after practicing a lot a became fairly decent. But never as good with it. Decades of draws with my right side is hard to over come. Be watchful and careful… Read more »


I learned to shoot right handed because there are few left handed pistols. so I have the advantage of always shooting week hand and strong, the other is lefties spin and shoot opposite of what people expect gave me an advantage in a shoot out


Thinking about the Uvalde SWAT team, who managed to have the thumbs of their dominant hands stuck up their butts when seconds counted for those kids. 🙁

Last edited 8 months ago by Grigori

Weak-hand, single-hand in general, push-back/away and shoot, and especially point-n-shoot (close range shooting w/o using the sights), These should be the focus of self defense training.


Since most hostile activity occurs at night, shooters should at least familiarize themselves with night firing as well. And if possible, rainy and stormy weather firing also. Including loading and clearing weapons in these diminished conditions. The old US Jungle school Panama trainees were required to fire while being shook and shaken to simulate conditions of firing when seriously wounded, snake bitten and even dying.


I’m part of the lefty forced to be righty club myself. Bowl, shoot, eat, throw wipe and play guitar right-handed, bat, and play drums left.

Mom said when I was young she would tie my left hand behind my back when I went to eat. I don’t mind but it would have been nice to have a brand new bowling lane whenever I bowled if I were left-handed rather than using the worn out side that everyone else uses.


I don’t know. I was taught to shoot at such a young age, I can’t see how anyone would not automatically use the eye that they have closest to the sights or the scope instinctively.


OV my dad when he was teaching me how to shoot, handed me the rifle and said close your eyes and I did, then he said put the gun up as if you are going to shoot it and I naturally put it up right-handed. His friend that was there asked him why he did that and dad said I never know which way he is going to do things, left or right.


Man, I am having a hard time here.
Got an add that says the rifles are up to 50 percent off but the 50 bmg is still 14,000.00 which is what it was before turkey day.

Is it I am not using the new math correctly or are they trying to deceive me? MSRP went up too!!!!!!! Noticed that allot lately, the percentage it is discounted is 5% more but the MSRP went up 5%. I think I am being flim flammed. I think they think they found another turkey!!!


LOL, that is why I search prices all year long. One thing I have learned is that you can get things cheaper and they are more willing to wheel and deal in January and to the middle of February. As soon as the Tax checks start coming, things go up more than they were the year before.


Paid mine this month too. I am tired of paying taxes on what I have paid taxes on when I bought it, paid taxes on the money I worked for to buy it and then when you die they take another chunk too. Ridiculous.


What an eye relief. LOL Been there, done that once, hopefully, never again.


I know, insurance is one of the biggest scams there is. You pay taxes on the money you get from working, you pay for insurance, your stuff gets stolen, the insurance company gives you pennies on the dollar and then you have to claim the amount they gave you to replace your stuff as income, so you pay taxes on it again. I’m tired of taxes living in a non tax state and an overtax country. If they didn’t waste it, I could kinda live with it but making new agencies like the Gun Violence Prevention Agency that O’biden just… Read more »


It depends on the lefty. I think Jimmy used to play with the big E string on the bottom but if you buy a lefty guitar, it is strung like a righty.

I played with a guitar player that tuned his guitar into a cord. I think they call it open tuning. What I mean is that it would be a chord when open and then each bar would cause you to go up another chord. Was confusing to try and follow him. I just turned my head and used my ear.


I would be too. Like Jimmy Hendrix, How anyone can learn from a standard guitar player to play what I call upside down and backwards is beyond me. It’s hard enough following a normal player.


Hummmmmm. That’s a good one. I don’t know but your question reminded me of why I hate selfie mode in my phone. Everything is always backwards.


OV, my dad bought me a drum set and I set them up the way that felt most comfortable without looking at a picture to see how I was supposed to do it. I showed up to try out for stage band and three people told me I had my drums backwards. I looked at the other drum sets and sure enough, mine was opposite. Oh, well, never stopped me from having fun or making money.

Knute Knute

“with your (formerly) weak hand.” ???????
No matter how much one practices, one can never make one’s natural weak hand into one’s strong one. One CAN make one’s weak hand stronger, and more useful, but it will still remain inferior to one’s strong hand… forever.
The words do have rather a nice ring to them to end an article with, however. Just don’t take them too seriously! 🙂