Repressive States: No Right to Carry, Ban on Semi-Autos, No Suppressors, and High Taxes

gun control gun rights iStock-gguy44 962772470
gun control gun rights iStock-gguy44 962772470

Nine states show up again and again as the most repressive states in the union of the United States of America. With the occasional exception, these states refuse to honor the Constitution; they have extremely restrictive policies on who may bear arms, they ban common rifles, they ban the ownership of suppressors, and they tend to have high taxes. They are all controlled by the Democratic Party.

The nine most repressive states are California, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.

Of those nine states, all but Rhode Island have enacted bans on some semi-automatic firearms, usually under the politically defined label of “assault rifles.”

Washington State has also banned certain semi-automatic rifles. Litigation challenging such bans as unconstitutional is moving forward in several states, including Maryland, New York, California, Illinois, and New Jersey. At some point, the Supreme Court will rule on one or more of these cases.

Of those nine states, all but Rhode Island have enacted bans on some semi-automatic firearms, usually under the politically defined label of "assault rifles." 
Of those nine states, all but Rhode Island have enacted bans on some semi-automatic firearms, usually under the politically defined label of “assault rifles.” 

Of the nine repressive states, eight of them have laws that prevent most of the population from exercising their Second Amendment rights, especially the right to bear arms outside of the home.

The right-to-carry map shows the current state of the right to carry in the United States of America by state.
The right-to-carry map shows the current state of the right to carry in the United States of America by state.

Of the nine repressive states, eight have “may issue” laws whereby a government official has discretion to deny a carry permit based on his subjective opinion.

In this way, Martin Luther King was denied a carry permit in Alabama in 1956. John Stossel was denied a carry permit in New York City. Illinois is shown as a “shall issue” state. Illinois was forced by the Court of Appeals in the Seventh Circuit to pass a “shall issue” law or risk being forced to become a permitless carry state.

Of the nine repressive states, all but one ban the possession of silencers/suppressors in their state.

Suppressors/silencers are effective safety devices, which are common in Europe and many other countries. The American Suppressor Association maintains a map showing which states ban the legal possession of silencers/suppressors. Maryland does not ban the ownership of suppressors and allows them to be used for hunting. Suppressors/silencers are banned in California, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.

Of the nine repressive states, all but one ban the possession of silencers/suppressors in their state.
Of the nine repressive states, all but one ban the possession of silencers/suppressors in their state.

Now, taxation, of the nine most repressive states, six are in the top ten highest tax states: New York, Hawaii, California, New Jersey, Illinois, and Delaware.

All of the nine most repressive states are Democratic party trifectas, as shown by Ballotpedia. A Democratic party trifecta means both houses of the legislature and the governorship are in the hands of the Democratic party.

A similar situation existed with states in the South when they refused to follow Supreme Court rulings to desegregate public schools. Eventually, under a Republican administration, President Eisenhower enforced the desegregation order in Arkansaw schools. Do not expect a Biden, or any Democratic administration, to use troops to enforce Second Amendment rights in the repressive states.  Just as the Democratic party was the party of government power and segregation through the 1950’s, the Democratic party is the party of government power and repression of Second Amendment rights since the Supreme Court rulings in Heller (2008), McDonald (2010), Caetano (2016) and Bruen (2022).

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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Paraphrasing Josef Stalin: SCOTUS? How many divisions do they have? “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams IOW, our system is designed for a cooperative society where (most) people play by the rules for the benefit of all. What force is built into the system is designed to deflect attacks from without and to control those who do not play by the rules. Which Democrats do we see playing by any rules but their own? Which Democrats do we see supporting SCOTUS and… Read more »


In the eyes of Democrats, gun owners were the new n*g***. (For the moment that focus has shifted to MAGA enthusiasts.) Democrats are the party of slavery, jim crow, segregation, and the KKK, just to name a few. It’s in their hateful DNA.


I’m a Northern Californian who left the state over 20yrs ago after undergrad and have never looked back, primarily because of all the jackassery in that state caused by the far far more authoritarian south and mid-coastal areas like San Fran (if it weren’t for the state capital Sac would be a lot smaller and not nearly as liberal, but c’est la vie). I fully understand why folks in other states do not want Californians moving to their area, driving up home prices and voting for more Left policies (though I do wish folks in these states would recognize not… Read more »


As a resident of the Soviet of Washington I feel like it’s actually two states in one. This state has 39 counties only 5 or maybe 6 counties are the drivers of the insanity. The city/state rule of Seattle and the two adjoining counties I call Pugetopolis, is where all the infringements are born, those people are mental messes. Paranoid, cognitive dissonance, self loathing and radicalized stupidity describes every single one of them. Because of the infringements statewide and the fact we have FJB as the tyrant pretender-in-chief some online outfitters and Amazon has virtually blocked us from buying anything… Read more »


As a resident of the Soviet of Washington/Oregonistan, I feel like it’s actually two states in one. This state has 39/36 counties only 5/2 or maybe 6/3 counties are the drivers of the insanity.

Different state, same boat. Oregon is pretty far south and Idaho is pretty far East for you. I have seen such good deals on primers and powder as well as 22lr bullets when we could not get them in Canada. Can you buy there and bring it into the USA?

Just a thought.


I call it The Peoples Repubelick Of Pugetopia, and define it as the roughly 25 mile zone around Puget Sound. (With exceptions for places like sections of the west side of the Sound.) The rest of the state, (and the EASTERN ends of Snohomish, King, Whatcom and most of Skagit,) are relatively sane. Again, a few exceptions to that as well, like Spokane, but I’ve always regarded, (for over 60 years,) Bellingham as being whacko central, especially Fairhaven. We threw Dimslee out of Eastern Washington 30 years ago and he had to slither over to the Westside to get back… Read more »


Because of the property prices in the real super duper liberal enclaves of Seattle, the lesser liberals have been oozing out into the western side of the Puget Sound. Kitsap County my previous home county for 30+ years is now under siege. Bremerton has become a hotbed of radical leftist hate. Tara Simmons a house of representative member from the 23rd district is the very first ex-convict elected. She’s a radical, drug addled, dangerous to free societies lawmaker. She’s also a charter member of the Washington group of the Keeper Of Odd Knowledge. KOOK! Idaho maybe too late. It’s well… Read more »


maryland is listed as a “may issue” state. HOWEVER, the SENSITIVE PLACES makes the LEGITIMATE carry a MAY NOT ISSUE! The DemoKKKratic Communist party members say; “I KNOW WANT IS BEST FOR YOU PESANTS”!! Bow down and worship we “humanist know-it-alls”!


The trifecta caused by decades of election fraud. Democrats need to ALL go to the g@ll0ws for RICO/treason and the party itself permanently banned.


Nice article Dean as usual! But you forgot the UnConstitutional State, Connecticut. CT put forth a banned rifle list in 1994 then expanded it again in 2013 and again in 2023.

Please visit and contribute to our lawsuits against the government. The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is trying to restore our civil rights through the courts and legislature.


If measure 114 goes through, you can add us to the list.