Blaming Guns in Slaying of Congressman’s Grandson Will Not Stop Killings

By David Codrea

Davis and fellow travelers continue to publicly blame everything except their role in making further dependency and violence inevitable. (Congressman Danny K. Davis Facebook photos)

USA – -( “2 teens charged in slaying of congressman’s grandson over shoes,” CBS News Crimesider reports. Unsurprisingly, it happened in Chicago. And just as unsurprisingly, the congressman, Rep. Danny Davis, put the blame on guns.

“Davis said it’s unfortunate the teens ‘would have access to a gun that could lead to that kind of mayhem’ and that he will ‘continue to work with those who are trying to get guns out of circulation,’” CBS dutifully repeats.

Think about what that means. And Davis has the track record to show that’s his goal.

He supports seeing lawful manufacturers and dealers sued out of existence for the choices and actions of the types of cold-blooded, system-nurtured and enabled sociopaths who would end a human life over shoes. He supports a “right delayed is a right denied” prior restraint on lawful gun purchases. He supports ending private sales, enabling registration (and ultimately, confiscation). He co-sponsored a magazine ban. He co-sponsored the repeal of “stand your ground” laws for self-defense.

None of these, of course, nor any other “gun laws,” would have had any effect on the killing of Davis’ grandson, or over the other  of Chicago’s 700 (and counting) murders this year – a rate not seen since 1998. All they would have done is infringe on the right of the peaceable people to keep and bear arms. Considering the number of times he’s sworn to support the Constitution, as an alderman and each time he’s been elected to represent Illinois’ 7th District, beginning in 1997, that makes Davis a serial oath-breaker going back decades.

Still, that this would be Davis’ response is hardly surprising.  Nor are his affiliations:

Davis is a member of the Democratic Party. Davis is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Progressive Caucus, and Democratic Socialists of America.

That is, he’s a member of an exclusive, segregated political group of connected elites that bases inclusion and membership on race. He’s a member of a collectivist cabal with “close ties” to a group that – well, here – let them tell you what they believe through a couple of their songs of solidarity:

Is it any wonder someone who would ally himself with these people favors citizen disarmament?

There are all kinds of solutions to the type of violence that “progressive” policies and rule in places like Chicago make inevitable, but based on electoral results, those most affected by the carnage don’t want to hear them.  As long as there are voters dependent or deluded enough to give collectivist charlatans like Danny Davis political power over their lives, the killings will continue. As will attacks on freedom, as safety and prosperity for his constituents remain elusive dreams…


Also see: Anti-Gun Ellison Perfect Choice for Democrats to Continue Alienating Flyover Voters

David Codrea in his natural habitat.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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2War Abn Vet

Severely punishing criminals would be more effective, but since Democrats love criminals, and Democrats run Chicago; that’s unlikely.

Diana Plahn

following that thought, we should outlaw cars (they really kill people), pencils (we’ve all seen the movies with the pencil in the neck), knives (lots of deaths there), oh and cars in parking lots at the holidays (an amazing number of people killed in parking lots during the holiday season from drivers lack of attention).


Over a pair of shoes? You need a gun to protect yourself from that kind of ‘object subject’ paradigm!


Since I have never been “politically correct” and never intend to be, I will agree that the government’s policies have had a major effect on the black families in the inner cities. That being said, I would like to propose that the problem is even deeper than that, it is the very culture of the black communities. They do not share the same level of morality and ethics that non-whites (overall) have and as a result we see the inner city ghettos in the US operating not much differently than many areas in Africa. Until the black leaders address the… Read more »


So I have a few questions for this Davis critter: the punks who killed his grandson: were they over 21 years of age? If not, feolony for underage handgun in public, loaded did they have their FOID’s? If not, felony for possession without Did they have their Carry Permits? If not, felony for carrying concealed without it Either have prior arrests/convictions? If so, felony for possession by prohibited person Was the gun stolen? If so, felony for possession of stolen firearm. Now, lets look at the other crimes they committed once they had the gun illegally: possession of firearm with… Read more »

George Murphy



Molan Labe!

Bob Shell

Typical clueless Chicago politician. It is people like him that enable the murder rate to be so high. Chicago is so corrupt that they would need a corkscrew to bury it. Sorry about his grandson I lost one so I know how that feels but as long as he & his type are in power Chicago & similar sewers will be murder capitals. Try something new . Punish the bad guys and let the good guys have guns & use them for self defense. BY the way how many laws did those teens break when they murdered that kid. I… Read more »

Shawn Alexandre Grammont

Just like what Colion Noir said in the freedom safest place ad “Guilty of the most despicable form of racism imaginable.”


Despite what the congressman personal opinion about registered and trained citizens should not carry. He must take part of the responsibility for the loss of this child, his choice to disarm all good citizens. Maybe he should enforce bad guys not having guns, and talk and laws aren’t working. Support the Police Officers and quit holding the feet to the fire or soon 911 will simply become three numbers.

Gary Howell

Follow the logic. If we got rid of prison’s; we’d have no more criminals.


if we get rid of readstaurants we’d have no food.

Don’t be stupid it does not help unless you are a congresscritter like this Davis guy

Gary Howell

It wouldn’t be we’d have no food; it would be there’d be no fat people, lol. I won’t tease ya for the bad spelling….I’m not smart enough to notice.


MAYBE, IF they ENFORCED the gun laws in Chicago and LOCKED UP the thugs caught using a gun in a crime or ILLEGALLY carrying a gun this WOULD NOT have happened. MAYBE if they quit paying for illegal babies and made the fathers support them this would NOT have happened.
Maybe if they had their heads out in the fresh air and not rammed somewhere this would not have happened.
The CONGRESSMAN is as RESPONSIBLE for his grand child’s death as the thugs pulling the trigger.


Maybe if the Congressman had supported the right to keep and bear arms and made Chicago/Illinois a place where law abiding citizens could easily carry, his grandson would have been able to defend himself.


If the 2nd American civil war breaks out he will be one of the first arrested, tried, and hung for treason.


Please tell us more about how terrible it is that some people are suggesting harm should come to Trump.

2War Abn Vet

Terrible or not, it is illegal! 18 U.S. Code § 871 (a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such… Read more »


chicago is ruled by mobs. i was there a few years back. i rented a car was amazed by the traffic on all points. was hit by a truck from left corner of the driver side. with the big rig at fault comes a cop who came after 20 min. talk to both parties and the driver talk to the owners of the truck and had them talk to the cop. after the talking, it turned out that it was my fault. i could not contest it to the court because i live in another state so i ended up… Read more »


It would seem that the view of empowering criminals while disarming law-abiding citizens is a major goal of democrats. Could I be wrong? Isn’t that what the movies refer to as “a special kind of stupid?” Anybody ask this idiot congressman how his / democrat-proposed gun control laws, if in effect before his grandson was killed, would have changed the outcome? Maybe the congressman doesn’t know that killing people, regardless of method, is against the law. Maybe congressman Davis doesn’t realize armed robbery is against the law. Maybe this moron doesn’t realize that in spite of all the laws against… Read more »


bottom line: it ain’t the arrow its the Indian. And always willl be


If we are going to talk about government policy being at fault, let’s talk about the cultural marxists like the above congressman who have made sure to destroy the black family and any sense of morality with the creation of the cradle to grave welfare state. It is why around 75% of blacks are born out of wedlock, and why around 6% of the population (black males) are responsible for over 50% of the murders. If mere access to guns was the problem, why is the murder rate so low in heavily armed white rural areas like vermont? Why are… Read more »


Stupid tablet auto correct. Last line should read:

“Whites own a tremendous amount of firearms in this nation, so why aren’t the white areas and rural areas an al capone style bloodbath?”


when I read it the word “not” fell into the proper place instantly.

Part of why I turned OFF autocorrect. It is not my friend.

But the correction might be necessary to deflate the trolls……


Yes, I hate auto correct, too.


Dem Blacks can’t handle welfare they way dem Reds couldn’t handle firewater.


No race can handle having the father of the family destroyed and replaced by a government check. If you disagree, why were black marriage rates slightly higher than whites prior to LBJ’s Great Society?

Now three out of four black children are born out of wedlock and six percent of the population commits half the murders in the country. Great job proving your point.