Coming Up On Armed American Radio – January 18th 2009
The Official Voice of the USCCA
by Mark Walters

Jackson, WI –-( Holy Growth, Batman! It never stops folks, I’m telling you! More interest in Florida cities…I can’t name them yet BUT, they’re coming! More interest in Oregon…Can’t name them yet but they’re coming too!
So the bottom line is that the march continues and the guest lineups keep growing bigger and bigger. This week coming up is HUGE. I’ll be speaking with a PRO GUN candidate for sheriff in San Diego County, California, Mr. Jay La Suer ( This is a great guy and someone that AMERICA needs in office, not just Californians. I’ll be doing anything I can to help him and you will hear from him yourself this weekend.
Remember the old saying “So goes California, so goes the nation”. You know darn well how important it is to put someone like this in office out on the left coast!
In addition to Mr. La Suer, Gabe Suarez will be back to talk about a couple of DVD’s I want to cover with him and the advice you will get is absolutely priceless. Joining me for the entire broadcast will be Mr. Rob Pincus from Best Defense TV on the Outdoor Channel and we’ll be getting some great info to you from all of the guests!.
Make sure to check out Armed American Radio THIS Sunday, from 8-11PM EST, 5-8PM PST. Visit for more information on where to listen and become a fan of one of America’s fastest growing radio broadcasts as we continue our relentless march of freedom across America’s airwaves. It’s YOUR program and we’re fighting for YOUR rights. Be there.
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I’ll see YOU on the radio! Mark Visit United States Concealed Carry Association a .