John Cushman Seeks Your Vote to Return to NRA Board
New York, –-( John L. Cushman of Patchogue (Long Island), New York, has announced his candidacy for another term on the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association.
A former US Marine, he served on the NYS Conservation Council Board of Directors from 1973 to 2000. John was awarded the Grassroots Activist of the Year in September 1996, a nationwide recognition given by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
In April 1998 he was inducted into the NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame. John received the first-ever NRA Institute for Legislative Action Certificate of Appreciation in l983, was nominated as NYSCC’s Conservationist of the Year in 1985, and received its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000.
A founding member and current president of the Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education (SAFE) Inc., John is a past chairman of the Coalition of NY State Sportsmen, an organization that encompassed several groups particularly interested in firearms legislation, law and shooting sports.
He was instrumental in formulating the policies of the NYS Conservation Council, SAFE, and the Coalition of NY State Sportsmen concerning firearms issues. Author of a policy statement concerning semiautomatic firearms, he saw it adopted by the NYS Conservation Council in 1989 and sent to then-Governor Mario Cuomo and all NYS outdoor writers on behalf of the organization.
John currently serves on the Board of Directors of the NY State Rifle & Pistol Association and is an NRA-Certified Instructor in Personal Protection, Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun as well as Range Safety Officer.
He is an avid shooter, hand gunner and gun rights advocate to the legislature and the media. As president of the Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education, he has led the group in presenting standing-room-only annual Firearms Civil Rights Conferences and Women on Target clinics for a number of years.
The NYS Conservation Council, NYS Rifle & Pistol Association and SAFE have endorsed his candidacy for the NRA Board. Numerous local and county groups have also added their endorsements. John brings with him years of broad-based experience in legislative matters concerning conservation, self-defense, fish and wildlife, and particularly firearms law.
He is seeking support of all voting members of the National Rifle Association in his bid for reelection to the NRA Board of Directors.
John L. Cushman
Semper Fidelis (always faithful)
Semper Vigilante (always vigilant)
Mr. Cushman,
Ok, I know you prefer to addressed as “John”. You told me so at a CCW rally at the Suffolk Marriott.
John, I’ve been helping a few friends with their Nassau County Pistol licenses and am infuriated at the extreme complexity of the process. How could the NRA permit the lawful ownership of a handgun to be proceeded by this punitive gauntlet? Can anything be done about it?
Fred Capobianco