Canton, Party In The Park Picnic, Utah, SB17 – A Lot Is Going On For Ohioans For Concealed Carry

Ohio –-( We have a lot going on in the Ohio Gun Rights arena and thought it might be worthy of an update.
Canton, Ohio
If you have not heard about what happened in Canton back in June you’ve got some video to watch right here:
The City of Canton has gone silent on the issue (they need to, there is likely a huge civil lawsuit headed their way). But the important thing we all need to remember is that William Bartlett remains charged with a crime.
This despite the fact that he is clearly heard on video attempting to notify. When an actual trial date is finalized Ohioans For Concealed Carry will notify AmmoLand readers and ask those of you who can do so to come fill that court room with like minded supporters.
Canton Inspired Legislation:
From a legislative standpoint we can tell you that OFCC volunteers have been drafting legislation to repeal mandatory notification based on a number of abuses of the law. At our annual Party In The Park picnic Representative Danny Bubp announced that he is working with us to introduce that legislation this fall.
You can watch Danny Bubp’s very animated address of the PITP crowd on our website here: (along with video of everyone else who spoke, and the Tony Gordon Memorial Award presentation to Representative Danny Bubp)
Utah Training Class:
Due to unprecedented demand we’ve scheduled a second Utah training class to follow the one that is scheduled for next Saturday. For more information, go here:
Educating Law Enforcement – Changes to Ohio Law coming from SB17
OFCC has put together a letter for law enforcement agencies across the State of Ohio to hang up, distribute to officers, etc. The idea is to explain to as many police agencies as possible how the law is changing September 30th.
We’re using our volunteers and our discussion forums to pull this off as a grassroots endeavor. If you’re interested, please check out this story on our website:
An Open Letter To Law Enforcement Regarding Changes To Ohio Law
If you have not been reading on a regular basis please consider this an invitation to start looking at the website regularly. A number of our volunteers have started regularly contributing to the front page of our website and we’ve even started a regular opinion column!
Ohioans for Concealed Carry, founded in 1999, is a grassroots political activist organization. When founded, the primary goal of OFCC was getting concealed carry passed into law in Ohio. With that accomplished, our mission became to refine the concealed carry law and to expand and preserve the rights of all gun owners in Ohio. Visit: