Here It Comes – Democratic National Committee Calls for Assault Weapons Ban

Assault Weapon Ban
Here It Comes – Democratic National Committee Calls for Assault Weapons Ban

Wisconsin –-( There was serious talk at the 2012 Democratic National Convention to further regulate our right to bear arms.

The DNC’s platform to “Move America Forward” spells it out in chilling detail:

“We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements — like reinstating the assault weapons ban … and closing the gun show loophole…”

The assault weapons ban they’re referring to includes AR-15s, AK-47s, and many other commonly used sporting rifles that use magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

This far-reaching gun ban will instantly turn thousands of gun owners throughout USA into criminals. But let me back up and tell you why I’m writing today.

With the election season in full swing and our Political Action Committee working night and day to help solid pro-gun candidates, I haven’t been able to slow down to raise the funds needed to operate this organization.

As mentioned, notorious anti-gun politicians like Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) are using the recent public shootings in Aurora, Colorado, and Oak Creek, Wisconsin to drum up support for their ban on high-cap mags (HR308).

That’s not all. State legislators are still trying to ban private handgun sales (SB134). And microstamp your ammunition (AB116). They desperately want to overturn Wisconsin’s concealed weapons law.

… And they’re scheming to close the imaginary “Gun Show Loophole” … shutting down gun shows and sending scores of unsuspecting gun collectors to prison (HR591).

Without the resources like direct mail, postcards, lit drops, media, advertising, and gun owner mobilization — we can’t stop them.

Can I count on your support?

Corey Graff
Executive Director

P.S. — We need your help. While I’m hoping you’ll donate something — just $10, $15 or $35 helps — if you contribute $50 or more, we’ll rush you a copy of the new book Combat Shooting with Massad Ayoob as a free Thank You premium for your generous gift.

About Wisconsin Gun Owners

WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim they’re “pro-gun” – all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut by politicians – but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control – regardless of the political party – and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. Visit

Wisconsin Gun Owners

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Tory IV

The 2nd amendment prohibits the Govt from regulating assault rifles and non-assault rifles.

The antigun nuts should be reminded of McDonald vs Chicago (SCOTUS).

Mr. Szaz

Why don't we just have a law that automatically sends politicians to prison and/or out of office for failing in their responsibility to hold up the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. Problem solved.