The Supreme Court’s Overkill ‘Scheme’

By Bluegrass Bruce

Supreme Court
The Supreme Court’s Overkill ‘Scheme’

Kentucky –-( On Monday, June 16h 2014, the Supreme Court struck down a challenge from a former police officer named Bruce Abramski, who was convicted of “straw purchasing” after he bought a handgun on behalf of his uncle.

Despite the fact that Abramski’s uncle is an eligible gun owner and Abramski transferred the gun through a federally licensed firearms dealer, the Court upheld his conviction.

Abramski’s challenge said that it should be legal for one registered gun owner to purchase a gun on behalf of another eligible gun owner — especially if it is done through the proper channels. (Before taking control of the gun, Abramski’s uncle also passed all of the necessary background checks.)

Yet for the Supreme Court, that wasn’t enough. It ruled that Abramski should also have listed his Uncle’s name on the forms when he made the original purchase.

Tell me something — how does this kind of bureaucratic overkill prevent criminals from getting guns?

It doesn’t — and preventing crime is not the Court’s true intent.

In the majority opinion, Justice Elena Kagan wrote:

“[Federal gun law] establishes an elaborate system to verify a would-be gun purchaser’s identity and check on his background. It also requires that the information so gathered go into a dealer’s permanent records… And no part of that scheme would work if the statute turned a blind eye to straw purchases.”

Funny word scheme..?

SCHEME: verb
make plans, especially in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong.
“he schemed to bring about the collapse of the government”

Protecting this ‘scheme‘ is all that the liberals on the Court really care about.

Just like all the other liberals in Washington, their only goal is to control gun ownership any way they can.

About Bluegrass Bruce
Bluegrass Bruce is a hunter, political blogger, and UK basketball fan from Kentucky. His opinions on gun rights and politics are posted on “Bluegrass Bruce” and shared on websites and blogs across the United States. Visit:

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Dr Dave

How about the issue that the cop willfully frauded the store owner out of profits. If the store owner wanted to offer the discount to everyone they could have simply done so. The deal was for LEOs only the cop willingly bought the weapon KNOWING that straw purchase was illegal in PA AND that the discount would not be valid for the family member. This is who polices our streets??? Shouldn’t law enforcement be held to a higher standard? I can tell you in my years with drug interdiction we would NEVER have played that game. Not only would we… Read more »


I just ‘gave’ a Winchester .357 lever gun to my niece for her high school graduation. I think what I am trying to say, is, “screw you SCOTUS”

J Pyle

This is the typical outcome of poorly written laws that, on the surface, have the good intentions of keeping prohibited persons from acquiring firearms but in practice entrap law abiding citizens. Nowhere in any of the Court documents is the criminal intent of Mr. Abramski noted. Had he known that what he was doing was going to be interpreted as atechnical violation of a law then he most certainly would have chosen another means to provide a firearm to his father, bear in mind that neither were prohibited from legally purchasing a firearm and both had already passed a NICS… Read more »


At this point in America’s evolution the political ruling class fears ‘We the people’. The political elite look upon the ‘governed’ like we’re the peasants getting ready to storm Frankenstein’s castle.


Government’s only concern, all branches, all agencies, is in protecting government. Nothing else matters. Gun crime was relatively low in the fifties and sixties. Some nutcase shoots the president, and like magic the unconstitutional GCA68 appeared, and upheld three years later by the most twisted, insane, manufactured decision I’ve ever seen from SCOTUS. (It’s interesting to note that the 4 and 5 deaths per 100k rose almost immediately after passage of that law to 8-10, where it stayed the next 25 years until States started restoring the 2A). The Brady Bill was what was left of a package of gun… Read more »