Motivations Why Some People Reload Their Own Ammo?

reloading bench
Why Do Some People Reload Their Own Ammo?

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. –-( While today’s gun store shelves are filled with all manner of ammunition for every caliber and every type of shooting, many shooters are not content to go with over-the-counter production ammo.

Many, in fact, prefer to handload their own cartridges. But there are many reasons for reloading and recently polled recreational shooters and hunters to find out exactly what the top reasons are.

By far, the top response was to save on the expense of buying production ammunition, which can sometimes cost several dollars a round. In fact, 85 percent of those surveyed cited “to save money” as the main reason they handloaded.

Sixty-seven percent of those polled cited improving accuracy as a top reason, while 44 percent do it to obtain calibers or loads that are hard to find in stores. Lastly, 30 percent reload to reduce waste and 15 percent cited other, unspecified reasons for handloading. Respondents could chose more than one answer as many have multiple motivations for loading their own ammunition.

“With shortages of some types of ammunition in recent years, as well as the corresponding higher costs that arise when demand increases, it is no surprise cost savings are the primary reason many shooters choose to reload,” says Rob Southwick, president of Southwick Associates, which designs and conducts the surveys at, and

“But marketing efforts by smart reloading companies will acknowledge the other reasons why people reload.”

Saving Money At The Reloading Bench
Saving Money At The Reloading Bench

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Shipping ammo to Alaska is expensive , unless you freight forward and barge it. Besides it friggin cold out sometimes, been hot this winter only -14f for a couple days instead of 2 months -22f . Bullets , cases shipped by mail are cheap .


With the price of ammo way too high, I only shoot when I hunt. I don’t waste ammo shooing at paper that I learned to hit at 3 yrs. old. I save all my ammo for hunting and self defense and use it for nothing else. I refuse to be used by ammo manufactures and pay their outrageous prices for ammo. Their excuse of a shortage has turned into taking advantage of people who love guns. If there is a shortage it is only because they have held back production to cause one, driving up the price of ammo. They… Read more »

Grey Beard

BS, I started loading my own in 1972, after that only occasionally buying new or improved equipment (capital expenditures). I amortized the total cost of ALL my capital expenditures many, many years ago. So cost savings are a part of the equation. But accuracy is the primary reason I Hand Load my own. Tailor each load to what the individual firearm likes. And lately loading you own is the Only way you are going to be able to shoot that 32 WCF, 25-35, 10mm, etc. calibers you just can’t find factory ammo for any price. I buy components when they… Read more »

kitchawan kid

Some like in NY. reload because of the “safe act” and few stores selling ammo.


What kind of ammo are we talking about shooting where reloading is cheaper when you factor in the cost of equipment? I shoot 50Beowulf quite a bit and even that takes several hundred rounds of reloads reusing my brass to offset the cost of equipment.


Most of each of the surveys is just ‘product placement’ questions. Just like a movie when they carefully make sure you see the ‘brand’ of whatever they are using, drinking, eating. So I quit participating. You want answers, ask adult questions.


Price, consistent pressures, freedom.