By David Codrea
USA – -( A week-and-a-half before Christmas, a ton of House Democrats introduced H. R. 4269, a bill “To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.”
When you’re an Opposite Day “progressive,” mandates like “shall not be infringed” is treated more like an invitation to vandalize and eviscerate than anything else.
The primary “author” of this latest bit of subversion is Rhode Island Red, David Cicilline. It’s no surprise that he’s a career politician, or that he’s long partnered with Michael Bloomberg. What also doesn’t come as any great shock is that his old man was a mouthpiece for the mob and his “prohibited person” brother was convicted in a sting that included charges of lying to federal authorities and setting up a drug deal.
Add to that the guy’s affinity for communist dictators and his “leadership” in the socialist movement in Congress. If you didn’t know, the Bernie Sanders-cofounded Progressive Caucus was an offshoot of the Democrat Socialists of America. They’ve taken them down from their website, no doubt due to wanting to mask what they’re about to a new generation of useful idiots, but thanks to the Internet Archive, we can still see lyrics for some of their movement songs, with inspirational sentiments like:
Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill you all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie
Gee—I wonder why they want to disarm us so badly. And that goes for every one of Cicilline’s 123 oath-breaking co-sponsors.
Fortunately, the bill ain’t goin’ anywhere. Legislative monitoring site GovTrack gives it a six percent chance of making it out of committee and a two percent chance of being enacted.
So why even bring it up?
First to understand that, while useful for grokking end game goals, picking a hot button topic like “assault weapons” is a great way to distract gun owners from more immediate and achievable threats. And second, it allows those interested primarily in political advantage or in fundraising to gin up emotions and support.
So now, a politician who makes noises against it can boast about his RKBA creds, masking less obvious concessions and compromises that add to the incremental erosion the totalitarian lobby is relying on. That in turn allows “gun groups” that need to maintain insider access and relationships to continue promoting what “staunch Second Amendment” defenders their political pals are.
It also doesn’t hurt if the goal is just to take advantage of an opportunity to scare up more donations, or to keep well-meaning gun owners on the email-your-Democrat-rep-who-doesn’t-care treadmill.
By all means, we must be aware of the bill and expect our representative to oppose it, not out of any great act of leadership, but just as a bare minimum expectation and obligation.
And by all means, we must understand that the Democrats pushing it are domestic enemies who mean to establish a Borg collective where resistance truly is futile.
What we must really do is discern the most effective places to focus our limited personal activism/advocacy resources – which leads to another topic that is on the minds of many Americans this time of year: New Year’s resolutions, which barring unforeseen developments, is something I expect to explore later in the week.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and also posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
Well, folks, you got your wish – do you hear God clapping and cheering? Too bad school’s almost out. Not to worry!
Take heart – school starts again for the kiddoes in just 3 months – plenty of time to stuff your ar-15s with massive magazines.
This new ‘gun ban’ may be for “Show”, but the “Effect” of it is more far reaching than these politicians are willing to admit. What’s next?
What the Dems. the hoplophobes, and their fellow travelers call an “assault weapon” is no such thing. An actual assault weapon is capable of fully automatic fire; something strictly regulated since 1934, and rarely used in crimes (fewer than half-dozen times in the past seven decades).
Just remember a pitchfork was considered an assault weapon in the past…
Well, when the polls close on election day, they will see who is smiling then!!!
It appears that a new Battle of Athens may be needed.
Just some of America’s RETARDS pictured here!!!!
The gun grabbers know that their so called ” assault rifles” are not automatic but only semi. Just like your average .22 rifle. They are counting on dumb democrats and the younger generation who have no idea what is what, not do they care. They just want to get rid of guns that good guys own and think the bad guys will call it a day. The bad guys are laughing their asses off every time a new anti-gun law get passed. Makes their job so much easier. The gun grabbers know this but they just don’t care. They are… Read more »
Someone needs to filibuster the hell out if this.
What happened to my comment…was it censored by Ammoland?…It never appeared.
How can any gun owning Democrats vote for those who are hell bent on taking their constitutional rights away…”stupid is as stupid does”…What the leftist liberal national news media is not telling the public is that less than 3% of gun crimes are committed with rifles of any type and or configuration…so called assault rifles account for less than 1% of gun crimes…yet our dick head in chief and his Democratic stooges wants to ban so called assault rifles…Obama and the Democrats are only doing this to support the anti-gun crowd…by doing so he will keep them locked in with… Read more »
My map shows the entire Northeast and the Left Coast as “enemy country,” which will not receive a single cent of my vacation money.
Everyday that goes by the democrats (socialists) really do get more pathetic and amusing. It’s so obvious that these son of a bitches are just a lot of mouth,no bite ! They are like a bunch of kids wanting to see who can make the most noise ! There might come a day when law-abiding firearms owners run across a real threat to our 2A freedoms,but that day is nowhere in sight and these d bags sure won’t be involved ! We just need to keep bitch slapping these sissys and enjoy our firearms and 2A freedoms ! ‘Keep your… Read more »
Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder are responsible for the illegal sale of 5,000 assault weapons, both semi and fully automatic to drug cartels, Al Qaeda, “Syrian Rebels,” aka ISIS, resulting in 10,000 deaths. We need Government Gun Control.
In the oath that all new LEGAL citizens are required to recite, it says “to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.”
Guess who removed this line from the oath?
Might as well, seeing as how illegal aliens said, “We don’t need no stinkin’ oaths!”
Sorry Mack machine guns are legal with NFA form 4 for pre1986 arms. Your state may not enforce the Consitution but about 38 do.
Great points David. The sleight of hand only works when we’re not paying attention.
Tell David Cicilline, and his 123 co-sponsers, to come knock on my door. I have more than enough ammo to take care of that problem. Every one of the gutless wonders will hide from the people who are going to be looking to find out what they were thinking. Our GOP congressmen have been doing everything to assist obama, and I would be shocked if they held out here.
I have not seen any legit source for Pepe’s post either.
The BATFE has found a new way to impose the Assault Weapons Ban. The are taking the license away from Stag Arms to manufacturer guns. Which manufacturer will be next? I purchased my Stag Arms 2TL in 2008. I purchased it because at that time Stag Arms was one of the only gun manufactures that offered a left-hand eject AR-15. I am right-handed, but left eye dominant, The Stag 2TL suited me perfectly. I feel that the only reasons that Mark and Stag Arms are being singled out relates to the AR-15 rifles they manufacture, and this President and his… Read more »
look snippy all guns except for bolt action rifles fire as fast as you can pull the assault rifles ARE NOT MACHINE’s always people like you who don’t know a friggin thing about the SUBJECT MATTER that want to offer the most useless opinions.
Pepe– For some reason I cannot find that yet on a White House EO or statement search or the Google News feed– got a link? Thanks.
Nope, this bill was announced well before hand.
Maybe they let this story out to distract from Obummer’s Christmas day executive order outlawing green tip 5.56/.223 ammo again.
Gee, it sounds like this guy Cicilline and his relatives are as low-life as Chelsea Clinton’s husband and his family. What is it with these Democrats?
Don’t answer that. I already know.
Isn’t it interesting just how many criminal politicians are gun banners? I lost track of the number of Bloomberg mayors against gun members who were arrested for crimes, so it is not a surprise that this guy has family connections to the mafia. One of the funniest had to be the California state senator who was trying to sell firearms via his Triad connections. Maybe these gun banner politicians just like the black market incentives and money that can be made from their policies, similar to Prohibition era alcohol banners. Lastly, does anyone else remember how Liberal types used to… Read more »
Did you know about Steny Hoyer’s official comments? See here:
The Second Amendment, the Supreme Court has said, ensures the right of an American to own a gun. Machine guns, however, are outlawed in America. Why? Because they can kill a lot of people very quickly. That’s exactly what an assault weapon can do.
In San Bernardino, of course, the two shooters were armed with high powered, high capacity assault rifles that were legally purchased by a third party.
[See where he said ‘Assault Rifles’]
They should hire NRA contract lobbyist for IL Donald Todd Vandermyde to promote this bill. No one in the past 50 years has done more damage to the 2nd Amendment, and sold out Otis McDonald. When Vandermyde cut the deal with the anti-gun Chiefs of Police to put Duty to Inform w/ criminal penalties in hick Rep. Brandon Phelps “NRA backed” HB183 carry bill, Tim McCarthy was president of the IL Chiefs. That’s the same Tim McCarthy who was a Secret Service agent when President Reagan was shot, and who does press conferences with Jim & Sarah Brady to promote… Read more »
That rat bastard Cicilline is my Representative. He screwed up Providence, the capitol of Rhode Island beyond belief and the idiotic wing nut progressives reward him and send him to congress!!!!!
I find it fascinating that one of the stated purposes of the bill is “to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited”. Would that not mean the one of the purposes of the bill is explicitly to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms? As such would that not make such a bill unconstitutional on its face? These people are no longer hiding their intent.
I have a T-shirt I’m gonna wear more often. It bears the motto: When tyrrany becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.