USA – -(Ammoland.com)- Let us prepare for what seems inevitable.
Sadly, no Thomas Jefferson has appeared among us (yet) to articulate and encourage the Constitutional faithful and our message wide and far enough to shut these fools down.
With subversive scum like George Soros, the morons in the entertainment industry and the willing idiots in the media pushing this insanity, our resistance to this plague of lies, distortion, and hostage-taking of ignorant youth has to be strengthened and elevated nation-wide.
Look – I am an example of a full-on American patriot, a Marine wounded-warrior and now retired federal officer, which means I’ve sworn that Oath twice in my life.
I am NOT a member of the NRA, but you can rest assured a staunch Constitutionalist, including an unabridged Second Amendment.
I am prepared for any possible future as regards to this onslaught on our nation and our rights.
I want many more of you, whether having served, fought, or simply are a loyal American, to begin to stand up, be articulate, put forward logical and sensible arguments, and give these ignoramuses some lessons in truth and honesty..

If they choose to persist in the deceit, so be it, we have made our position clear, period. The United States Constitution stands as is, UNLESS a Constitutional Convention is convened to act on it lawfully, unlikely.
As for former justice (small “j”) Stevens, his wisdom is lacking, his reasoning is flawed, his significance is, well insignificant.
And there it is.
Timothy V.
Springfield, OR
Excellent article. There are many out there like me, too old to fight, too tired to run so when they come to take the guns we only have one option, and it’s not going to be comply.
We the people must take back our government. Term limits for any and all elected positions is the only way I o truly “drain the swamps”.
Politicians aren’t listening! Just check the voting record of the recent spending bill with FixNics in it.
It’s time we stopped playing in their sandlot and as Timothy asks, get to doing.
In order for Americans to fight and make change they must become uncomfortable. Right now they sit, drink beer, watch ball in climate control. Nothing will happen except they will drop a dime on more 3%er, molon labe, Spartan, snake swag.
Those few (3%?) who do something will call a politician and that’s it.
Let’s demand that our Congress Critters do two things, both positive. #1 Add one word to the Oath of Office, OBEY! Preserve,Protect, Defend and OBEY the Constitution!!! #2 Reinstitute and reinvigorate with Patriots, the old House Unamerican Activities Committee from the fifties. Until prosecutions can be attained, #2 will cause mass Bowel control issues among the Commucrats of the country!
They will not listen to you, they are unable to rationalize the benefits of the 2nd amendment. In the face of all logic they will be unable to reason logically about firearms. The hopolophobes who advocate for gun control are sick people. They have an unreasonable fear of firearms. They also may suffer from transference syndrome. These people would use a firearm in an unjustified manner over something as trivial as a parking space. They can not internalize these feelings of rage so they transfer them to someone else. “People will start shooting each other over parking spaces, so we… Read more »