Florida County Restores Second Amendment Rights to Employees

Lake County Commissioner Josh Blake

Arizona -(Ammoland.com)- The Lake County Commission in Florida unanimously voted to restore some Second Amendment rights to county employees. The vote took place on Tuesday, 27 February 2018. Commissioner Josh Blake said the commission had been working on the measure for months. From dailycommercial.com:

TAVARES — The Lake County Commission voted unanimously on Tuesday to allow county employees with concealed weapon permits to carry their guns while on the job.

Commissioner Josh Blake asked fellow commissioners to consider doing away with the county’s employee policy that prohibits the possession of weapons while on the job. Commissioner Wendy Breeden was hesitant but joined fellow commissioners in the unanimous decision to change the policy.

“I personally believe that the natural right to defend your life does not disappear into thin air when you leave your house in the morning when you go to work. I think that is something we have control over, which we do. It’s our employee handbook. I do think it’s a reasonable thing to allow employees to utilize that right and have the right to self-defense while they are on the job,” Blake said.

The change takes effect immediately and applies to those who have permits. It is illegal to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.

The change removes the prohibition imposed on County employees by the county. County employees will now be able to carry in the same places the general public can. Commissioner Blake said that other Florida counties do not have a policy on their employees carrying defensive weapons. In the United States, anything that is not illegal is allowed. This is the opposite of the totalitarian model, where everything that is not allowed is forbidden.

Lake County is following a growing trend around the United States. As the Progressive Project grew from the 1900’s on, more and more government units started forbidding their employees from exercising their Second Amendment rights while at work, using work rules as the vehicle of enforcement.

The laws were often ignored. I recall my father taking a long barreled  .38 Colt to work on a Wisconsin Highway Department survey crew. Once, he shot off the head of a ruffed grouse at some distance, astounding all involved.

As Second Amendment rights are being restored across the country, first with shall issue concealed carry permits, then with the enactment of Constitutional Carry laws, local governments have started to remove these repressive work rules.

Counties in Arkansas, Georgia, Virginia, Kansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Michigan and Texas have lifted similar restrictions in the last four years.

Thirteen states now have laws where most residents do not require a permit to carry weapons, openly or concealed.

The trend shows that we are ready to move back to a nation of laws and limited government, and in the United States, the government is the servant of the people, instead of the other way around.

When governments do not trust the people with arms, they are sending the message that we have regressed to the tyrannical governments of the past, where people have no rights, other than those the rulers allow them to have.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.

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About Dean Weingarten:Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

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Edward Weber

Is the 1st Amendment any more sacrosanct than the 2nd Amendment? No, of course not, buy it is being treated this way. How many teenagers are killed and maimed because of texting/talking while driving? Why aren’t their new laws to prohibit cell phones to anyone under age 21? Don’t here much about that do we? All ‘RIGHTS’ are just that,,,rights. If you mess with the 2nd then they will be able to mess with them all.

Dave Brown

Good for them. I want Universal Carry in every state and in Every Government Building, yet I approve of the 21 year age limit. Been there and done that in my 53 years of gun use.

Jim Macklin

So many tings to say, so little space and time, such limited attention spans. We’ve been winning for several years. Not just in a few counties, but nationwide. The Florida sheriff’s failure is te direct enabler. Some might wonder if it was hoped that an incident would lead to a gun control law movement. A teacher in Georgia fires a gun as political protest in school. Will he go to federal prison for reckless violation of 18§922(q) or will the ACLU and teachers union claim it was just free speech and mental stress? I hope that President Trump is playing… Read more »


As per the Constitution and the 10 amendments.
LEGAL LAW ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS have the RIGHT to own and bear weapons! The Constitution says NOTHING about WHERE I can or cannot bear a weapon.
As a LEGAL LAW ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZEN, I REFUSE to surrender MY RIGHTS to any and every gun(people) control group or politician!!!!!!!!!!!!