You Have NRA Board Choices ~ Immediate Action Needed

Time is short please contact the candidates directly with questions on returning your ballots.

USA – -( I screwed up, but immediate action on your part could rectify my error.

My screw-up was failing to write this article two months ago – or at least two weeks ago – so now we’re almost out of time to make sure that Adam Kraut and Anthony Colandro are on the ballot for the NRA Board of Directors.

You probably know that I have endorsed Adam Kraut for the NRA Board for the past two years, and some might remember that I endorsed Anthony in an unsuccessful bid a few years ago. Both are outstanding guys who really could make a favorable impact on the NRA Board of Directors.

Adam Kraut is an attorney, working primarily in the area of firearm law, and hosts The Legal Brief, an online video series that’s part of The Gun Collective a firearms-oriented media outlet with programs on YouTube and elsewhere. Adam has come within just a few votes of winning a seat on the Board in both of the past two elections, and this year, I’m hoping to see him make the cut. If you download his petition, you’ll notice that my name is featured as his official sponsor this year. That might cost him a few votes, and will definitely earn him even more animosity from some of the Old Guard on the Board. Last year, long-time Board member and Past-President Marion Hammer sent out a nasty and misleading letter distorting my father’s legacy at NRA, and suggesting that Adam and I represent “the enemy within,” trying to somehow harm the NRA. I think she was just angry because Adam had called her out for failing to attend a single Board meeting in at least 3 years.

I’ve known Anthony Colandro for many years. He is the epitome of a brusk, straight-talking New Jersey native, and he’s been a staunch defender of the right to keep and bear arms for decades. He pulls no punches and calls things as he sees them. He owns a gun range and training company deep inside enemy territory, where he’s an NRA certified Master Training Counselor, radio host, and Executive Vice President of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs.

The NRA is the single most important organization in the gun rights war, and every gun owner and lover of liberty should be a member. My regular readers know that I often object to some of the things that come out of the NRA headquarters, just as my father was often critical of the organization, while always fighting to correct its course, not sink the ship. I have continued that legacy strongly supporting the NRA, while diligently working to make it better.

Too many gun owners refuse to join the NRA because they either think the NRA is either too radical, or not radical enough. The fact is that the NRA can only be what the members demand it to be. If you’re not a member, then you have no voice in the organization. If you are a member, you have an obligation to participate and make your voice heard. Electing strong, fearless defenders of liberty to the NRA Board of Directors is the most effective tool the members have to steer the organization.

Only Life Members and Annual Members who have been members for at least 5 consecutive years, are eligible to vote in the regular Board of Directors elections, and only those Voting Members are eligible to sign candidate petitions to get good candidates’ names on the ballot. Two years ago the Board pushed through a series of changes to the bylaws, which make it much more difficult to qualify a candidate for the ballot. Each petition candidate must acquire over 650 valid signatures of Voting Members in order to get on the ballot, and that’s not an easy task.

Anthony Colandro Flyer
Anthony Colandro Flyer

That’s why I’m asking readers who are Voting Members of NRA to take immediate action to ensure that Adam Kraut and Anthony Colandro’s names appear on your 2019 ballot. The deadline for getting petitions turned in is fast approaching. Adam and Anthony need your petitions mailed to them this week to have any hope of having them count, so don’t delay. Download their petitions from the links here, or from their respective websites: and, sign them following the instructions included with Adam’s petition, and mail them to them as quickly as you can – even if yours is the only signature on the petition.

Don’t delay. There are only a few days left to get signatures turned in, and it’s better to have your lone signature before the deadline, than to have yours and a dozen more after the deadline.

NRA members deserve a better, stronger, more principled NRA, but they’ll only get it if they are willing to work for it. If you’re a Voting Member of NRA, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to download both petitions, sign them and include your Membership Number, and mail them to Adam and Anthony right away.

Stay tuned for a full rundown of all of the candidates that will be on your ballot and my thoughts on them as soon as that information becomes available.

Together we can make the NRA the organization that it has the potential to be.

Jeff Knox
Jeff Knox

About Jeff Knox:

Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His father Neal Knox led many of the early gun rights battles for your right to keep and bear arms. Read Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War.

The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona and Manassas, VA. Visit:

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Colandro Anthony P

We actually have to submit by 10/9/18 to the office of the secretary @ NRA. I have enough already. Thank you for the support!



Video noted September 25th as the deadline for submitting the petition to get these gentlemen on the 2019 NRA ballot. We’re just now (10-02-2018) receiving this urgent message. Did I miss something?