Myth: Benevolent Government & Societal Perfection


Redneck America
“To put it simply, I like my America sloppy, disorganized, unpredictable, with no guarantees,,, that is real freedom!” ~ Anon

New York – -( Ultimately, each individual must depend on him or herself for sustenance and for providing for one’s needs, wants, and desires, and happiness.

That is as it should be. This requires less Government control over the citizenry–as little control as possible–not more control over the citizenry. Government, whatever its configuration is not benign, and it is not benevolent and reliance upon it to create a utopia for its denizens is a cruel hoax, even as the Collectivists tell us otherwise. A recent Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal bears out the hollow, empty pipedreams that Collectivists shower on the masses, like so much fairy dust–sparkling gold that inevitably turns to gray soot and ashes in the sharp, clear, rationality of the morning.

Barton Swaim, who writes political book reviews for the Wall Street Journal aptly points out the shallowness and emptiness of the Collectivists’ drives, aspirations, and goals. Published in the Wall Street Journal on February 11, 2019, Swaim’s article, sarcastically titled, “All You Need is a Congress, And A Dream,” writes of the bizarre aims of the Democratic Party Collectivists–new members of the Party and old–whose goals, if implemented, would fracture, irreparably, our free Republic and its free People. It is worthwhile quoting Swaim’s article at length. He says:

“The [Democratic Party’s] Green New Deal is an expression of dreams, but that doesn’t make it pointless or merely comical. Take it seriously, not literally. Much of it reads like a leftist manifesto from half a century ago–I thought of the Port Huron Statement, issued by the founders of Students for a Democratic Society [invariably referred to, at the time, by the initials “SDS”] in 1962, which crammed scores of hopelessly vague and muddled objectives in a single document for the purpose of movement cohesion [that is to say, for their own benefit and not for the benefit of the American citizenry or for the benefit of the Nation] not ‘the economy itself is of such social importance that is major resources and means of production should be open to democratic participation and subject to democratic social regulation’ and so on. . . . The imperturbable Ms. Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t offended by the word, ‘dream.’ I don’t consider that to be a dismissive term,’ she said. ‘I think it’s a great term.’ It’s certainly an apt one, and makes sense of the resolution’s weirdly vatic language. Mr. Marky, sounding a little like the prophet Isaiah, said: ‘We will save all of creation by engaging in massive job creation.’

The word ‘dream’ almost always has a happy connotation in American politics. To dream is to desire worthy and noble ends. Sometimes the ends really are worthy and noble. . . . But, mostly they are not. Communism was always a dream, always a future state toward which its adherents had to struggle. I recall the haunting line of the political philosopher Michael Oakeshott: ‘The conjunction of dreaming and ruling generates tyranny.’

American progressives are fond of the word ‘democracy’ but it is not democracy they want, because democracy is messy. What they want–and it is Mr. Trump’s strange genius to make them say it–is the noumenal perfection of a dream.”

The dream of the “perfect” society is difficult enough to conceptualize, and impossible to realize.

To begin, how do we define this word, ‘perfection,’ as applied to a social, political, economic, and legal construct? Carrying out such a scheme would be empirically, if not logically, impossible–one fraught with considerable difficulty and peril from the get-go, even if theoretically possible.

Assuming arguendo, that a workable definition could rationally be developed, how would one go about implementing the creation of this seemingly ‘perfect society?’ And, once implemented, how might this ‘perfect society’ be maintained? One is reminded of the futility of the enterprise, as one reads Voltaire’s satire, “Candide.”

Yet that doesn’t stop the Collectivists in this Country from daring to thrust their notion of the ‘perfect society’ on the rest of us. Indeed, the thing they envision is grounded on a precept, taken as axiomatic, that very few in our Country would agree with. It is that a strong, centralized Government, unfettered by rights and liberties of its citizenry, imposing edicts on the rest of us, is the way forward toward creating this ‘perfect society.’

These Collectivists accept as self-evident that a strong, central Government of unfettered power is the appropriate vehicle through which the ‘perfect society’ might one day be realized. But the idea is less ambitious than it is foolhardy and presumptuous, and pretentious, and dangerous.

Consider: what does the Collectivists’ blueprint for their ostensibly perfectly ordered, perfect society, entail?

It entails no less than the dissolution of our Constitution; the dismantling of our free Republic; and the debasement, defilement, and subjugation of the American people. The Collectivists’ blueprint for their ostensibly perfectly ordered, perfect society demands that the American citizenry forsake their fundamental, unalienable rights and liberties, and–adding insult to injury–therein proclaim that the American citizenry would be all the better for having done so. The Collectivists’ blueprint for their ostensibly perfectly ordered, perfect society presumes that some people–namely and particularly, the Trillionaire Rothschild clan, residing safely in their lofty, sequestered, protected abodes, removed from and safely tucked away from the hoi polloi, who toil away in the lower realms of the world, along with the Billionaire Globalist Technocrats, through whom the radical Left elements in Congress and in the Government Bureaucracy receive their marching orders–be permitted to rule with dictatorial power and abandon over the rest of us, bound not by legal constraint or by ethical maxim, or by convention, or by compunction of custom, or by simple common decency as they, after all, know what is in our best interests. Oh, but how imperfect this perfect world they envision and how imperfect this seeming perfect world they would make and thrust on all Americans.

The founders of our Republic would likely take a very dim view of this, the Collectivists’ most perfect of all perfect worlds and of this, the Collectivists’ vision: that of a meticulously crafted and implemented, presumptively and pretentiously presented, pompously ordained, perfect well-ordered society that the few “Elite Elect” in the world ordain for rest of us, the Condemned and Damned, to toil in, underfoot, for their benefit, on their behalf.

Arbalest Quarrel

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Excelent, thought provoking article. The Founding Fathers knew that governments, run by PEOPLE are subject to all of the ruling classe’s darker aspirations. That’s why ALL of their documents, official and otherwise, LIMIT the government’s power and enforce the rights and freedoms of the people. That’s why they HATE the constitution. It tells them specifically that they (the “smart ones”, the ones who know better than you do) do NOT have the authority to take away ANY of my rights, enumerated or not. They will get rid of the whole “outdated” thing as soon as they have the votes. Then… Read more »


Reading recommendation: Unintended Consequences by John Ross


“It is that a strong, centralized Government, unfettered by rights and liberties of its citizenry, imposing edicts on the rest of us, is the way forward toward creating this ‘perfect society.'” I borrowed this statement from the article. Cherry-picking, if you like, because it defines the unelected bureaucracy that writes laws, rules and regulations, according to a particular agenda, every single day, that affect the way you live, what you eat, what car/truck you drive along with myriad other things that, in an instant, can make the average citizen a criminal without even knowing it. These are the people who… Read more »


I think these modern day collective/imperialists hearken to Marie Antoinette’s classic exclamation “Let them eat cake!” Cake was what was at the bottom of the outhouse. Unfortunately for Marie, she lost her head in the end. That might be a fitting end for her modern contemporaries. How about that Crazy Nancy.


I was stationed in the UK for three years. Though not a true socialist country their free health care means you wait until the government decides you need whatever and then you go on a list and WAIT. Don’t believe it, then ask yourself this, if it so wonderful why are their private hospitals that if you have the money you can go to and get service when you want it. Like the royals do to have their babies!


Jack Mac

Our problem with the medical care industry is its greed.


There are, and always will be, three classes. Hugh, middle and low. They will always be, must be, in opposition. To say otherwise is a lie.

These folks spin the age old story of overthrowing the high for the sake of the middle and/or low. When in fact, they simply seek to be the high.

To keep the balance between the three is no small feat. It is messy, difficult and imperfect. But, this is the worthy struggle and the thing our founders understood.