Fox News Article Uses Fear to Push Anti-Gun Agenda

Criminal Gun Laws Never
Criminal Gun Laws Never

U.S.A.-( Fox News is known as a conservative news source, and most conservatives back gun rights. It was a little shocking to me when I saw their website running an article by Hollie McKay on guns that was using scare tactics to push for new laws.

The article starts by highlighting that only one out of ten criminals buy their firearms legally. It then tries to separate criminals from “mass shooters.” According to the article, mass shooters mostly use legally purchased guns.

This distinction is trying to separate violence by using superficial terms to push an agenda. It ignores that most people who die from being shot are not shot as a result of a mass shooting. Most people shot each year by someone else, are shot during the commission of a crime other than a mass shooting. Most people who die from being shot are from self-inflicted gunshots during a suicide. Ms. McKay is cherry-picking data to arrive at her pre-determined conclusion.

What the article doesn’t tell you is that the chances of being shot in a mass shooting are incredibly low. You have a higher chance of dying by getting wrapped up in your bed sheets at night than to be killed in a mass shooting. Yet, the “epidemic of mass shootings” gets rolled out in a so-called friendly publication.

The article also goes into criminals getting guns from private sales at gun shows. Earlier in the article, when the author is giving a list of statistics, she admits that less than one percent (0.8%) of criminals buy their guns at gun shows. She doesn’t reference that 99.2% of private sales at gun shows are between law-abiding citizens.

The article talks about the rise of people using 80% lower receivers to make their homemade firearms. It throws around the term “ghost gun” to try to scare the reader. It talks about these perfectly legal firearms as a “prominent cause for concern in recent years,” even though criminals hardly ever use these types of guns in crimes.

I spoke to the Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America, Erich Pratt, about the topic of homemade firearms, and he agreed with my assessment of the non-issue.

“The ability to make one’s own firearm is protected by the Constitution — and has been legal on this continent going all the way back to Jamestown,” Pratt told me. “While the anti-gun Left may try to demonize this process by referring to these items as ‘ghost guns,’ the fact remains that thousands of honest gun owners today are making their own legal guns — and 99% of these guns will never be used in a crime.”

The article also brings up the “Dark Web” as another scare tactic. It talks about how criminals can buy guns on the Dark Web. What the article doesn’t tell you is that most guns for sale on the Dark Web are scams or ATF honey pots. I am working on a deep dive into guns on the Dark Web and most people who frequent the underbelly of the internet agree that it is rare for guns to be sold on the Dark Web.

The Armory was an attempt to sell guns through the Dark Web by Ross Albrecht. Albrecht went by the online moniker of the “Dread Pirate Roberts.” He was the owner of the online drug marketplace, “The Silk Road.”

Albrecht dumped millions of dollars into the Armory to get it up on the Dark Web before is his arrest. He eventually shut down the site because the intercept rate of the firearms, when they were shipped, caused the site to lose money. There is no reason to believe that anyone has figured out the shipping problem.

The article ends with a quote about the need for more laws and the need for universal background checks. With friendly publications like these who needs the anti-gun media.

About John CrumpJohn Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at

John Crump
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Fox News is trending liberal like the other news outlets.


I don’t see that, although they do have some Leftist pundits and contributors I would not miss, but overall “fair and balanced” imo.

Arizona Don

I agree!


Sometimes when you watch it during the day you expect to see Don Lemon come on next, that is after Dona Brizel.


Yes, definitely. Succumbing to the cultural pressure to conform. It was inevitable.


Article referenced has a section where it talks about “rising violent crime in New York”. Is NYC bucking the trend of the rest of the country? Could it possibly be related to their draconian gun laws? The rest of the country has no such problem.


except for Baltimore, Chicago, Newark, Los Angeles and a few other large Dem SHole cities with SUPER tight gun laws that are not enforced…….. until they want to to make a political point.

And New York’s rising crime rate is all thanks to Bill de Blame-ee-oh.

Arizona Don

Everywhere restrictive gun laws are in effect crime flourishes. The democrats cannot figure that out. I guess it is impossible for them to see those restrictive gun laws take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Perhaps some day they will catch on to that reason. Maybe? Possibly? Well it is a nice thought anyway!


I haven’t watched FOX in years. I now watch OAN (One American News)… They are what FOX used to be..perhaps even better… Liz Wheeler and Ledger are both awesome…

Dubi Loo

For Real news I tune into OANN. In my opinion FOX has turned too far left.


For a long time now FOX NEWS has been replacing true, red-blooded Americans with Democrat insiders. Look at who they have let go over the years: Bill O’Rielly, Shepard Smith, Eric Bolling, Gretchen Carlson, Andrea Tantaros, Dick Morris, Stacey Dash, Great Van Susteren, and of course Megyn Kelly. When they welcomed Donna Brazil to their team as a regular, I no longer had to question myself about it. FOX NEWS is slowly moving to the left, if only because they don’t want you to notice. Owner Roger Ailes (1940 -2017) has always been a long time Democrat who only took… Read more »

Arizona Don

Shepard Smith was and is a stanch democrat. Greta Van Susteren (who I really liked) had other plans I understand they fell through so she stayed in the business at another station. Megyn Kelly lost her popularity because of her attack on Trump. I think we all know why Bill O’Reilly left FOX. He claims his innocence. Who knows. I think Gretchen Carlson may have been the other side of that story. Again who knows. I still like FOX and know they are the most reliable news outlet on TV as far as I know. I like Lou Dobbs, FBN.… Read more »

Will Flatt

FOX is for RINOs. OAN is for REAL CONSERVATIVES. Fox lurched to the left when Rupert Murdoch left the company to his two libtarded kids. For crying out loud, Fox tried to dump Judge Jeanine and they actually HIRED the commiecrat Donna Brazile!! THAT RIGHT THERE TELLS YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FOX.

Fox would die if Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and a couple other real conservatives like Watters & Gutfeld were to leave and go to OAN. Now there’s an idea…


With the exception of the final paragraph I didn’t find anything really objectional in the article.


As someone who actually watches Fox News I’d like to point out that Fox News is somewhat conservative but the point of not being biased in their news reporting Yes I realize Shepard Smith had an anti Trump attitude as does some pundits like Juan Williams. It’s quite obvious from watching Tucker Carlson, Hannity, and The Ingraham Angle that Fox News doesn’t micro manage their reporters or talk show hosts, like all of the liberal talking heads at CNN BSNBC, etc., are. So Crump is telling US that Fox News shouldn’t post an article by Hollie McKay because he… Read more »

Will Flatt

Trump is saying that FAKE news shouldn’t be posted. Big difference. He’s actually very pro-free-speech if one takes the time to pay attention to what he actually says. Chris Wallace, Bret Baier, and Neil Cavuto are also rabidly anti-Trump RINOs. And Fox also keeps Judge Andrew Napolitano on, and though he’s a libertarian, he is also rabidly anti-Trump. All these people who see Trump go to hell even though he has absolutely done more good for the country than ANY president in US history! Fox is dead to me. I get my news online from multiple independent sources and I… Read more »