The Next Stage: Interview with Connie Wray ~ VIDEO

GunFreedomRadio EP335 The Next Stage with Connie Wray.

USA – -( Our guest today is Connie Wray. Connie is the host of the Docu-Series “The Next Stage” and recently partnered with Walk The Talk America for a deeply personal episode.

After losing her 25-year-old step-daughter to suicide in 2018, Connie became active in Suicide Prevention Advocacy.

Connie currently hosts a monthly series for Crisis Support Services of Nevada called Talk It Out Tuesdays. The company has been instrumental in helping those who have struggled with addiction, anxiety, depression, PTSD & autism.

1) Can you give us a brief background on your life and upbringing? You’re a military brat, a mother, former radio host & now a suicide prevention advocate.

2) When did you and our husband realize your daughter, Katie, was dealing with mental health issues?

3) Why was it important for you to connect with Walk The Talk America? What surprised you most from this experience?

4) What is your stance on gun ownership after this experience?

5) What are you doing currently in your advocacy work?

6) What do you hope to achieve by sharing this story?

About Gun Freedom Radio

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than ONE GENERATION away from extinction.” And we at Gun Freedom Radio feel the responsibility to pass that baton of freedom along to our fellow citizens and therefore the next generation.

Hosts, Dan Todd & Cheryl Todd are small business owners with over 60 years of combined experience, they have been married for 30 years, they are parents and grandparents. Danny and Cheryl Todd are the owners of AZFirearms and Danny is also a Gunsmith. From these life experiences, they bring a unique perspective to the world of Gun-Rights and the need to speak into the next generation of American Citizens. Visit .

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Connie is a very courageous woman. It is a sorrow that people commit suicide. One day I accidentally went to the site and learned more about major depression and disorders. This problem is very acute. It is important to recognize the symptoms in time and prevent such a tragic situation.

Last edited 3 years ago by JeffThorsen777