Today is Monday, February 10, 2025
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The Biden Justice Department argued that people in this age group were not adults, which was patently ludicrous. The government simply could not defend the constitutionality of the handgun prohibition
Gerald Bailey is the organizer of Bullets and Bombshells UK. In this episode, we take a deep dive into some of the issues facing South Africa.
Michael Sodini is the founder of Walk The Talk America. The Walk the Talk America initiative is a non-profit dedicated to making positive change in relationship to mental health.
Tom is a firearms instructor with FASTERSavesLives which is practical violence response training that has been protecting and saving the lives of school children across the nation for a decade.
Connie Wray lost her 25-year-old step-daughter to suicide in 2018, now works in Suicide Prevention Advocacy and recently partnered with Walk The Talk America.
Our guest today is Tara Craft. Tara is a firearms instructor, blogger, and Second Amendment advocate who shares her experiences as a female gun owner on various social media platforms.
Dr. Caster is one of the Founders of the FASTERSavesLives Emergency Response Program that has been protecting the lives of school children across the nation.
Paloma A. Capanna has been writing about the 2A as the modern civil rights movement for nearly 15 years & author “The Events of January 6, 2021….
OK State Representative Jay Steagall owns & operates a gun store, was a senior KC-135 pilot in the US Air Force Reserves, & had a big hand in passing SB1081 – Anti-Red Flag Gun Laws Bill in Oklahoma.
Our guest today is Lloyd Bailey, host of “Armed Lutheran Radio,” a weekly podcast about faith, firearms, and freedom. He is also the editor of the newly released book Duty to Defend.
Jeff Gottesfeld, award-winning writer for page, stage, and screen. His latest title is Twenty-One Steps: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in order to preserve history for the next generation.
It feels like our nation, our values, our goals, & our direction has veered far off course from the roadmap our Founders made for us in our sacred Constitution?
Hlebinsky offered testimony as a subject matter expert to Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution in a hearing titled: Stop Gun Violence: Ghost Guns. But she does not use that fake term.
We talk to AZ Senator Kelly Townsend, a fierce defender of the Constitution and is a national leader in the Article V movement and our AZ Election Integrity Audit.
David A Keene served in DC with a variety of people over the years. As someone who has a keen lens into the political process, can you shed any light on what is happening today in DC?
GunFreedomRadio EP147 A Double Tap of 2019 SHOT Show, Zeke Stout, Joe Towers, Austin Roberts, Rob Pincus, Kevin Dixie, Lara Smith, Mark Hanish, Trey Miller, Michael Sodini
GunFreedomRadio EP146 Magical Mystery Tour of 2019 SHOT Show, Kerry Slone, Ashley Hlebinsky, John “TIG” Tiegen, Dianna Muller, Greg Stube, Bil Romanelli, Larry Zanoff
GunFreedomRadio EP144 The Blame Game, KY Rep. Thomas Massie, Second Amendment Caucus, Andrew Pollack, Parkland Parent, #FixIt, Jenna Meek, Marc MacYoung, SafetyConcepts, Ken Scott, Provectus Group
This week on Gun Freedom radio we will hear Alan Beck & Stephen Stamboulieh the lawyers involved in the Young vs Hawaii Carry case
This week on Gun Freedom radio we will hear from Antonia Okafor, founder of EmPOWERed and Brian Bledsoe Host of TrendChat and Frank DeSomma the owner of Patriot Ordnance Factory. Tune in and listen.
This week on Gun Freedom radio we will hear from NSSF State Affairs Director Trevor Santos, as well as High Caliber History’s Logan Mesh and Author of Surviving A Mass Killer Rampage, Chris Bird.