Is the Constitution Still Our North Star? with Michael Peroutka ~ VIDEO

GunFreedomRadio EP308 Is the Constitution Still Our North Star? with Michael Peroutka

USA – -( Our guest today is Michael Peroutka. Michael is a Maryland lawyer, the founder of the Institute on the Constitution. Michael once held a position in the United States Department of Health and Human Services and was the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2004. He is also the co-host of The American View radio program.

1) In just a few months since we last spoke it feels like our nation, our values, our goals, and our direction has veered far off course from the roadmap our Founders made for us. Please help me answer the question posed by the theme of today’s show: “Is the Constitution Still Our North Star?”

2) I have heard it said that ideas like Critical Race Theory are re-framing the US and even World History for our children and our children’s children. In an era where, more than any other time in history, the dream of “We Are The World” is a reality. Our circles of friends are diverse, and our families include people of multiple ethnicities…how then are we so eagerly accepting the racist and divisive ideas embedded in something like Critical Race Theory?

3) Another counterintuitive thing is happening in all of the sweeping Second Amendment Rights Infringements. The past 12 months have brought 8 to 10 MILLION people to become brand new gun owners. And NOW is when the Biden / Harris administration believes is the time to vilify those people and make changes in laws and regulations which could result in millions of felons being created overnight? How does this square?

4) We are facing Inflation issues because of all of the money being printed simply because there is still paper to print it on. The degree of inflation is yet unknown, but it will come. If our sense of history is destroyed, and our ability to protect ourselves and our families and our money become worthless…how can we get back to our North Star?

Michael Peroutka GFR Graphic
Michael Peroutka this week on Gun Freedom Radio.

About Gun Freedom Radio

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than ONE GENERATION away from extinction.” And we at Gun Freedom Radio feel the responsibility to pass that baton of freedom along to our fellow citizens and therefore the next generation.

Hosts, Dan Todd & Cheryl Todd are small business owners with over 60 years of combined experience, they have been married for 30 years, they are parents and grandparents. Danny and Cheryl Todd are the owners of AZFirearms and Danny is also a Gunsmith. From these life experiences, they bring a unique perspective to the world of Gun-Rights and the need to speak into the next generation of American Citizens. Visit .

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As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than ONE GENERATION away from extinction.” then sighed away the right to make machine guns he was pushing the wheel toward slavery


Reagan also “defeated the Soviet Union” while helping 3rd World S-h0le Mexico invade & take over the USA.


I think you’re refering to the Hughes Amendment, but that was Bill Clinton, not Reagan.


FOPA, with the Hughes Amendment, was signed into law by Reagan.

Knox will tell you this was a good thing.


By god you are right on. I could’ve sworn that was Slick Willy. Shows how inaccurate 30 year-old memories can be…
We all make mistakes. It’s being human. Keep checking up on me. I appreciate the lesson.


We all make mistakes. The whole web of never-ending gun control would be funny if it wasn’s so sad. FOPA wouldn’t have been necessary if the Gun Control Act of 1968 wasn’t passed (with NRA support), or if armed government employees didn’t abuse the power that was assigned to them. Rather than shrinking the size and budget of the BATFE and disciplining or charging the BATFE employees, more legislation was passed (FOPA) to protect firearm owners. The anti-2nd Amendment people couldn’t just give in though. They knew “The Art of the Deal” and managed to get an act created to… Read more »


Sadly, even Knox caved & signed on to the scam. “FOPA”? Please. But…he also hired Lucky LaPierre & put a bunch or crooks, derelicts, collaborators, rubes & clowns on the board e.g. Harry & David, who betrayed him and the membership.


I was referring to Jeff, not Neal. Jeff wrote a long post here explaining how FOPA, with the Hughes Amendment, was good. He was insistent that having some protection (FOPA) against the abuses committed after passage of the GCA was worth having to accept the Hughes Amendment. The NRA and the firearm community should have said “no more” a long time ago. Each time someone tries to do some negotiation, the anti-2nd Amendment crowd accepts the capitulation and then immediately comes back and pushes for more. If enough people told GOA right now that their dues/contributions were contingent upon GOA… Read more »


I knew you were referring to Neal. Jeff had zip to do with the machine gun ban far as I know. But given his “compromise” apologia, I can imagine his take on Neal hosing himself & all of us, hiring-nominating a pack of ButFudders, corrupt a$$h0les & disloyal rubes like Harry & David when there were hundreds of loyal 2A activists he could’ve nominated. The guy was addicted to Potomac water.

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

I’m fairly certain it was a mistake.


Lord of the Scharts reads minds too!


Good grief.


Hey Schart, take your own medicine and “stop violating Ammoland rules”, you full-auto copy-schart name-calling hypocrite!

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

Wow, Schart, you don’t know everything?


Well, I should let this slide… but since lord scarf is such a technicality nazi….
No law is ever MADE by any President. The legislature MAKES law, the Executive APPROVES(or vetoes) whatever law the other branch made.
As a technicality nazi you really should have known!


You know this, but for the Dumbscharts of the world, Presidents aren’t supposed to make law, but they’ve long done so through unconstitutional E.O.s, and increasingly, indirectly & directly, by commission & dereliction, since the advent of unconstitutional administrative-regulatory law.


Yup. They’re been corrupting the Constitution that way since FDR stacked the SC back in 1933. But the problem existed before that. The genesis goes back to the day before Christmas Eve in 1913, when a certain couple of ‘laws’ were passsed by voice vote (no recording of who voted how) after almost all of Congress had gone home for the holidays. So Mr. Knowitall likes to pretend that that’s all the Constitution’s fault. But, he’s paid by Bloomberg or Soros to pretend to be a gun owner and then be as big an insulting ass as possible to make… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Knute

Good points. I’m sure you know FDR never stacked the court. Just had to threaten to stack it for the cowards to cave & betray the oath. Same way Trump’s 3 “Federalist” Society “Justices” caved to Commie-Dem court-packing threats, used bogus denial of standing to help them steal the election & seat the Xiden-Harris Junta.

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

Yes, I did know that. His stacking attempt failed, but then he actually did get to stack it anyway, when the older Justices died before he did.


Please stop violating Ammoland policy, Schartre. You’re angry & unhinged, and your spelling is deteriorating. While you’re at it, stop being wrong.

“That is (sic) could have been over rode (sic) with a vote (sic) is, at best, speculative.”

APG member

Your elected representatives have been treating the constitution as an anachronism your whole life! You may be in denial… To wonder if it is your “north star” is ABSURD. A lot of people here quote it like scripture; go and reflect on Article 1,Section 8, Clause 12 please (Butter much?).
Ronald Regan supported the Mullford Act and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act yet he is idolized by “2A supporters”.


True, but what’s your solution? Vote for LoLibertarian stalking horse spoilers? Because they’re humored & therefore able to operate within the “liberty” tent, those fools are vastly more destructive than commie-libs, especially the “Ls” posing as “Rs”.

APG member

My solution? ABOLITION! The way you straw man the Libertarians betrays your ignorance and or collectivest tendencies.


“ABOLITION!” Of what? “your ignorance &/or collectivest (sic) tendencies” Having run Libertarian campaigns in the early 1980s & led a Libertarian student group, unlike you, I actually know what Libertarianism is supposed to be vs Left-Libertarianism or LoLibertarianism & its consequences. True Libertarians back property rights, including the natural born citizenry’s voting control & indirect ownership of the USA. As Trump says, deluge immigration & invasion-occupation inevitably means no country. It overwhelms the natural born citizenry’s voting control. It yields massive wealth redistribution & destruction, immediate, delayed, direct, indirect. The resulting high density brings loss of liberty & quality of… Read more »


P.S. If these are “strawmen”, how about you disown LoLibertarian immigration policy, disclaim “Reason”, Cato, the “Independent Institute, and the L party (whose platform calls for numerically unlimited immigration and 1-way “free trade”, and explain how voting “L” doesn’t elect commie-Dems?

Crickets Chirping…

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r
APG member

No, libertarians belive in private property rights. If you want to let people walk across your property (or not) it is up to the OWNER. Libertarians would eliminate the socialist warfar/wellfair state republicrats have constrructed. Without all the free stuff YOU offer, freeloaders would not be encouraged to come here. You collectivists and your false dichotomies. Abolish the USA, we in the Redout will form a new free country…


“Abolish the USA” -APG Thanks for coming out of the closet to prove you can’t take the pledge of allegiance let alone the oath of office. QED “Without the free stuff YOU offer, freeloaders wouldn’t come here.” -APG I don’t offer free stuff. The rest of your argument is the typical mindlessly parroted self-contradictory “L” spew. Only an ign0ranus thinks that if immigrants could no longer augment with welfare, then they’d rather stay in oppressive dangerous S-holes earning $1 a day rather than earn hundreds a day in a relatively safe, free USA. The same phony Ls claim we need… Read more »

APG member

Pledge of Allegiance: by Francis Bellamy SOCIALIST. “Oath of office?” As if you are inclined to hold elected officials to their oaths of office! You make me LAUGH!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by APG member

“Francis Bellamy SOCIALIST” -APG

Ad hominem evasion. There’s nothing socialist about the pledge of allegiance.

As if you’re inclined to hold elected officials to their oaths.”

I am so inclined. You, on the other hand, want to “ABOLISH THE USA”.

At least RINOs & commie-Dems PRETEND to be loyal Americans. LoLibertarians like you don’t even hide your tr3a$0n.

You don’t come here for the hunting, do you APG?

APG member

Yeah you and the FBI holding elected officials accountable.LOL! So when you ran Libertarian campaigns in the ’80s you were a LINO? I would not expect you to represent your self honestly given your posting habits. You “Pledge allegiance to a FLAG” while the people you elect wipe their asses with your constitution and rendered the republic ineffective. If your interpenetration of the anachronistic constitution was not tainted with collectivism you might pledge allegiance to the state you live in…


“Abolish the USA!” -APG, LoLibertarian tra!t0r.

APG member

Secessionist. You should read the works of Carl Marx, you will love it.


“Abolish the USA!” -APG, LoLibertarian trait0r.


Hell no! Our Constitution is being trampled every day by the Communist Democrap Party and their EVIL MINIONS! There will come a time in this country – and that time is not very far away – when American Patriots will have to arm up, stand up, and fight these Communist Bastards!


Pretty verbose for one that has yet to answer the question: “What is the difference between a Republic and a Democracy”????


Not to even mention the easiest question of all time: What do we call a firearm’s dangerous end?

Wild Bill

At JLS, regarding your not voting for the U.S. Constitution: When you reached the age of majority you ratified the Constitution by deciding to live here. That should have been in your Civics class in high school. Perhaps the public school system failed you. I myself am a victim of public schools.


Me, too. Up to the 7th grade. From then on I’m the victim of a religious school. That is why I quit on my 16th mirthday. Only at 25 did I attend college as a non-trad and learned there to do my own research. All of that is what led me to where I am today, so it was all good. I wouldn’t change a day of it. Not even the beatings for asking questions that the religious chose not to like. If it hadn’t been for those I probably would never have gone in big for the Martial Arts… Read more »


Just FYI, this is what a question looks like:
Exactly which firearm were you referring to that you claimed had a muzzle at both ends?
Or is that also considered a claim in your world? 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Knute