Gun Deal: Italian M91 Carcano Cavalry Carbine $219.99

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Gun Deal: Italian M91 Carcano Cavalry Carbine $219.99U.S.A.-( The Italian M91 Carcano Cavalry Carbine is available for $219.99, this is a great price on a historic bolt-action rifle. Click here to buy now!Buy Now Gun Deals

Gun Deal: Italian M91 Carcano Cavalry Carbine $219.99

Carcano is the frequently used name for a series of Italian bolt-action, repeating military rifles and carbines. Introduced in 1891, this rifle was chambered for the rimless 6.5×52mm Carcano cartridge (Cartuccia Modello 1895).

  • Manufacturer Italy
  • Caliber/Gauge 6.5x52mm Carcano
  • Action Bolt Action
  • Barrel Length 17.5″
  • Capacity 6 rnd
  • Condition Surplus / Used
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Cheap gun, but ammo is expensive if you can find it. Good gun for a reloader or for mounting on the wall, but my suggestion if you just need a shooter and don’t plan to reload.

I’d still consider getting one, even though I do not reload (yet?), but have enough safe queens that don’t get shot enough. 🙂


Somebody’s gonna have to tell Clint Morgan, it’s CAVALRY, not “Calvary”. Don’t ask about confession.


In the 60s, I told my dad…”We should buy some of those 9 and 10 dollar Enfield’s and Mauser’s.”He said…”You don’t want that foreign junk.”
Years later when the prices went through the roof…He told me, “I should have listened to you!”:




I paid $5 for one of these when I was 16.
(that was 1968)

Last edited 2 years ago by Terry

paid $26 for m14 at F.W.Woolworth ,garands were 20, 1917,or1903 were 16 , but $100 was good pay ,now it is not a tank of fuel to get to work 1967 $2 would fill your tank so multiply the numbers by 50 and if you think diesel 5-9 cents a gallon current $5.80 then the multiplier is 100 and makes the m14 prices of today inline


Italian WWII rille, unfired and only dropped once.