When Kalama Harris was serving as California attorney general, she was sued at least twice by gun rights groups, including the Second Amendment Foundation, over enforcing the state’s restrictive gun control policies, and gun owners haven’t forgotten.
The weekend announcement by President Joe Biden that he is “bowing out” of the 2024 presidential race and throwing his support behind Harris—who will not be able to fake-laugh her way through a debate with former President Donald Trump—ignited a debate among pundits, who began throwing several other names around as the ultimate Democratic nominee.
Biden’s gun control policies have been shared by Harris since the 2020 campaign. She can’t deny it and she cannot escape it.
Last year, the Biden-Harris administration created the first-ever gun control bureaucracy in the White House, the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. Biden, according to critics in the firearms community, has “weaponized” federal agencies against gun owners and the firearms industry.
Biden’s departure from the political battlefield merely confirms an analysis of the situation days ago in TheGunMag.com, which matter-of-factly accused Democrat Party elites of throwing Biden under the bus in order to retain power. It described Democrats of shifting from “the Party of Gun Prohibition” to the “Party of Self-Preservation.” It is a callous move by many of Biden’s old political cronies to protect their own positions.
Reportedly, Bill and Hillary Clinton have endorsed Harris. Barack and Michelle Obama have not.
As noted by Politico days before Biden’s Sunday announcement, Republicans had “made clear” how they would be running against Harris. There is no reason to believe the plan has changed. They will remind the nation that Harris has been the Biden administration’s “border czar,” and one look at the southern border is enough to show just how much of a disaster that has become.
The story quoted former Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, stating he had “never seen anything like the Biden-Harris open border policy.” When one looks at the issue of crimes committed by illegal aliens over the past few years, it is clear the Biden-Harris administration really has no border policy, so they simply opened the door and walked away.
Harris, according to Reuters last year, “embraced a more combative role as President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign kicks into gear, took a swipe at Republicans who have blocked Democrats’ proposed gun safety laws, saying such changes are no threat to Americans’ constitutional gun rights.”
Now, Harris will have to own all of it heading into the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month. The Biden-Harris gun control policy will now be entirely hers, since the Delaware Democrat will not have to answer to voters in November for wanting to trample all over their right to keep and bear arms.
As long ago as 2021, Biden admitted he was working to ban the sale of modern semiautomatic rifles and 9mm pistols. Both SAF and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, jumped on that admission, using the video clip of the president acknowledging his intentions. A series of televised ads broadcast on several major cable networks got the attention of millions of Americans, all of whom will be likely voters in November.
On top of all of this, the latest Rasmussen poll on Trump’s vice-presidential pick—Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio—was pure bad news for the Biden camp. According to Rasmussen, “51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of Vance as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, including 31% who Strongly Approve.”
“Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republican voters approve of Vance as their party’s VP choice,” Rasmussen reported, “including 52% who Strongly Approve. Vance also gets approval from 30% of Democrats and 48% of voters not affiliated with either major party.”
NBC News reported, “Biden, 81, could not reverse growing sentiment within his party that he was too frail to serve and destined to lose to Donald Trump in November.”
Now, Republicans are already noting that Harris was “in on” the alleged cover-up of Biden’s declining cognitive abilities. But as AmmoLand reported back on July 8, a lot of people—including the establishment media—have been covering for Biden, for a long while. This “sudden revelation” about Biden’s infirmities in the aftermath of his disastrous debate with Trump was quickly seen as “fake news.”
It is not even clear whether Harris will be the ultimate candidate put forth by the party next month. In the process, watch Biden suddenly become the “elder statesman” of his party, instead of being remembered as the career politician who, in his effort to cling to the office he had sought since the 1980s, got demolished by Trump.
There is one other thing, and it was brought up by Fox News on Sunday following Biden’s announcement. If the Democrats try to shift the focus to Trump’s age and his state of health, they’ll take that right into a dead-end because, as Fox’s Dana Perino noted, the whole country saw the former president shot in Pennsylvania on national television, get up, raise a fist and show up two days later in Milwaukee to accept his party’s nomination. That argument will not pass the smell test.
Vance posted on “X” essentially what is the fact of this matter: Harris owns all of the Biden administrations failures.
Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way. Over the last four years she co-signed Biden’s open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. She owns all of these…
— JD Vance (@JDVance1) July 21, 2024
“Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way. Over the last four years she co-signed Biden’s open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden’s mental capacity–saddling the nation with a president who can’t do the job.
“President Trump and I are ready to save America, whoever’s at the top of the Democrat ticket. Bring it on.”
As the NBC report noted, Harris is not the only option on the table. There is California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has been carefully positioning himself as a Biden replacement for the past several months. There is Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who suddenly found himself in lots of headlines. And apparently someone mentioned retiring Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who couldn’t get any traction with his “green agenda” when he ran for the presidency four years ago. Whitmer says she won’t run, according to Fortune. Newsom endorsed Harris, according to the Sacramento Bee.
And one thing more: In 1968, then-President Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not seek nor accept the nomination of his party for another term. That year, Democrats gathered for their convention in Chicago, and it was chaotic. They nominated Sen. Hubert Humphrey as their standard bearer. That November, Humphrey lost.
If history is about to repeat itself, it will take a massive voter turnout and gun owners will be critical to that effort.
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
Let’s face it. When she loses, she will be on her back in no time to get ahead.
To me, the interesting thing is when I get challenged for my laundry list of “crimes” Biden has accomplished, that liberals can’t say what he’s done right… you just get the same old rehashed. “fascist, felon, MAGA” and now the Project 2025 thing that has nothing to do with Trump
I’m still waiting to hear how great joe was and how superior a “hoe in chief” is and has been.
brain dead demoncrats…there was a wo to man on pbs said she would vote for a dead demon before she voted for Trump
DW: Thanks for the interesting update.
So, will those who comment here and elsewhere open their wallets, clear their schedules from now to November and get out the vote to support the Republican nominee? Casting our votes is a great final step. But getting LIKE MINDED OTHERS TO VOTE is the way to score the Win in November 2024.
: – )
It’s likely Harris will be replaced.
Do liberals really think this is a good idea? Or are they just celebrating diversity again???