Bergara Rifles recently hosted the first 2018 Bergara Experience on May 19th in Cresson, Texas. Participants had the opportunity to try out Bergara’s latest line of rifles at ranges from 100-1000 …
New for 2018, Bergara has officially begun shipping its newest member of the B-14 line, the “Ridge” Rifle.
Bergara has officially begun shipping its hot new HMR Pro Rifle to the trade.
NRA Publications recently announced that the Bergara Rifles B-14 Hunter was chosen as Rifle of the Year by the American Hunter editorial staff.
All new 2017 rifles were tested by a group of five independent judges with the B-14 HMR coming out on top.
Two Bergara Premier LRP Elite Rifles will be awarded to the winning sniper team of this elite law enforcement and military competition.
In the sea of semi-automatic modern sporting rifles, precision bolt gun and chassis kits, as well as tactical-style bolt production rifles are on the rise.