Using decoys over water can be a great way to put the birds right where you want them. I’ve found good success hunting doves this way.
Find Water, Use Decoys, Hunt Doves

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Using decoys over water can be a great way to put the birds right where you want them. I’ve found good success hunting doves this way.
If sending your bird dog out to flush a covey of quails or taking home your limit dove on opening day gets your blood pumping – then the Baschieri & Pellagri (B&P) Heavy Dove and Quail line of…..
Hunter’s Edge is excited to introduce the new Wing-It Dove Decoy and Dove Feeding Frenzy…
Shotgun Life is the first online magazine dedicated to the best in wing and clays shooting. Between the online magazine and the Shotgun Life e-letters that are read by some 600 affluent shooters daily…