A judge in Texas has dismissed with prejudice a case against a man arrested with marijuana and firearms, citing Second Amendment concerns.
Gun Owners
New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Achieve Gun Owner Goals
They are all doable, and none of them will be all-consuming. In any case, there’s no reason why we can’t do more than one, and no real excuse for doing none.
YouTube Grinch Steals Gun Owner’s Christmas Gift to Relatives
The simplest explanation is that YouTube agrees with the gun prohibitionists on zero “tolerance” for young people being anywhere near them.
Gallup’s Gun-Ownership Data is Pure Fiction
According to Gallup, gun ownership data has been the same for more than 60 years: 44% of Americans admit they have a gun in their home.
AZ Dept. of Health Services: ‘Remove Guns From Homes with Children’
The Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS) just put a lump of coal in the stockings of Second Amendment activists in the state by recommending that firearms be removed from households where children are present.
Gallup Poll on Guns Reflects Manipulation, Ignorance, and Denial
That makes using resulting data to “inform” legislation demonstrably irresponsible and dangerous.
Gallup Poll Shows Gun Control Losing Steam Except Among Democrats
89 percent of Democrats want tougher gun control laws and fewer Democrats own guns now than they did during the period of 2007-2012.
Matt Gaetz May Scare Democrats More Than President-Elect Trump Does
Gaetz cares more about the Second Amendment than anyone else in Congress – especially the Democrats. So, of course they are going to attack him personally.
How Trump Can Restore American Justice
Trump is coming. It won’t be pretty for anyone who stands in his way or tries to thwart his plans. Here’s a quick look at what he should do.
Rush to Name Senate Majority Leader Betrays Gun Owners and MAGA Voters
Can we at least have some time for public input on something that can profoundly affect us all before sneaking this through?
Falkland Islands Homicide Rate: More Guns, Less Crime
The Falkland Islands have one of the highest rates of firearm ownership in the world and one of the lowest homicide rates in the world.
New Zealand Gun Owners Disarmed for Thoughtcrimes
Sixty-two New Zealand gun owners had their firearm licenses revoked, not for anything they said or did, but for what they allegedly believed.
Social Pressure Index: Revealing Americans’ True Views on Gun Ownership
A recent study by a Massachusetts-based think tank delving into the differences between what Americans say publicly and what they think privately has revealed that most people support private gun ownership.
Kamala’s Comments After Heller Decision Raise Questions Media Won’t Ask Her
So much for “Harris … branding herself as a pro-Second Amendment gun owner.” By opposing the Heller decision she was declaring the Second Amendment is not an individual right.
August Sees Another Increase in Suppressor Applications
According to the ATF’s National Firearms Act (NFA) division, August saw another increase in Form 4 suppressor applications.
Gun Sales Continue to Rise for August 2024
The National Instant Background Check System numbers are in for August of 2024. Check numbers and firearm sale are both higher than they were last August.
Former sheriff’s deputy charged with manslaughter for shooting airmen in his home
Former deputy Eddie Duran has been charged with manslaughter. He has been arrested. He is currently out on a bond of $100,000.
Court Rules Banning Marijuana Users from Owning Guns is Unconstitutional
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals dealt another blow to the gun control regime by ruling the law banning marijuana users from owning firearms is unconstitutional.
Gun Owners for Harris Highlight Lie of ‘Second Amendment Democrats’
There is no parallel “pro-Second Amendment Democrat” movement happening. That’s because there’s no such thing as one.
Walz has a History of Betrayal for Gun Owners and Veterans
No matter how voters feel about the stolen valor claims, one thing is for sure: Tim Walz is no friend to gun owners.
Hatred of Gun Owners and All Things MAGA Nothing New
Here are just a few examples of malevolent wishes from leftist influencers that have been building up—and inciting weak minds—for years.
Armed Father Holds POS at Gun Point After Heinous Home Invasion
Castillo was cut short when the girl’s screams woke the homeowner, who courageously confronted the intruder and held him at gunpoint until police arrived.
I Don’t Need a Firearms Training Audit… Do I?
No matter how good, or how far you believe your skills have progressed, you will ALWAYS derive benefit from having a training audit performed.
New York State Requiring WARNING Labels for Gun Shops
New York State lawmakers recently passed a bill that will require gun shops to put a warning sign on their buildings to warn people of the risks of owning firearms.
Washington Gun Owner Exodus Explained by Retailer Who Jumped Border to Idaho
There’s an exodus underway from West Coast states largely due to left-drifting politics, according to Fox News, and among those heading to “free America” are Washington State gun owners.
Court Hears Arguments in Minnesota’s Ban on Young Adults Carrying Guns
A federal hearing about the right of 18 to 20-year-old adults to carry firearms in Minnesota took place in the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals.
Bills to Reform Firearms Code on Address Pass House Committee
Two bills to reform federal firearms laws on what is a usable address to purchase a firearm have passed the House Judiciary Committee.
NICS Numbers for January 2024 Hold Steady at New Normal
The January, 2024 National Instant background Check System (NICS) numbers show gun sales at close to the average for January for the last ten years.
NSSF’S Firearm Ownership & Sports Shooting Participation Survey Reveals American Firearm Use
NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, released the Firearm Ownership & Sport Shooting Participation in the U.S. in 2022 report.
USA a “Shining City on a Hill” with Second Amendment
Many people around the world, especially where they are treated badly by their government, envy the freedom to arms, protected by the Second Amendment, which Americans enjoy.