Pence’s five principles should be applied throughout the federal government. They would be excellent principles for Congress to apply in doing oversight. And many governors and mayors could apply them
Newt Gingrich
President Trump’s State of the Union Changed History ~ VIDEO
The President entered the House chamber embattled with a divided country and bitter partisanship. He left it with a lot more humor and happiness. The ice may be breaking on bitter partisanship.
General Jim Mattis: An American Patriot
General Jim Mattis has served his country for his entire life. He is one of the most important and respected military leaders of the last half-century.
Middle School Rocket Science ~ VIDEO
Last week, a group of more than 200 middle and high school students got to see what they can achieve when they work hard and dream big in America.
The Party of Illegal Immigrants, Fake Votes, and Stolen Elections
After all their feigned worries about Russia influencing the election, Democrats will end up stealing a lot more votes than Putin ever dreamed of taking.
Proposed Republican Pledge on Health Care
The best way for Republicans to earn the votes of undecided voters, and honor commitments to the Republicans who already support them, is to clearly articulate how they would fix our broken health car
Planning for the Illegal Immigrant Invasion ~ VIDEO
Once we deal with the immediate problem of this invasion caravan, Republicans and the White House must work to fix our broken immigration system once and for all.
We Must Defeat the Threats to Higher Education
In March 2018, nine Iranians were charged by the Department of Justice after computer systems at 144 American universities were targeted in a cyber theft conspiracy.
Real Leadership in Space
Just as young patriots have traveled the globe on land, air, and sea while serving our country, soon American Space Force members will be able to protect our nation in cislunar space, the Moon…
President Trump’s Education as Commander in Chief
President Trump’s growth as a foreign policy and national security leader is something which deserves major acknowledgment in every year-end review of 2017.
Republican Defeats: Republican Rethinking
By June, it may be too late to course-correct. Avoiding a Democratic wave election requires action now..
Bannon’s Strategy Will Undermine, Not Strengthen, the Trump Agenda
Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is on the verge of becoming Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer’s favorite person…
‘Bump Stock’ Ban Bill Phony Attempt to Capitalize on Las Vegas Atrocity
Throwing a scrap of meat to a pack of circling jackals and expecting them to then leave you alone is hardly “commonsense” …
The Single-Payer Disaster
If we let the Left win, America will be fundamentally changed in a matter of decades. That new America would be less healthy, less prosperous, and less free.
The Hysterical Absurdity of the Modern Media
While not surprising that the media attacked President Trump’s Warsaw speech – they were committed to doing that regardless – the offensive against Western civilization is simply baffling.
‘Authorized Journalist’ Mindset Misses Core Principle Behind Right to Arms
Reporters say Newt Gingrich called on the UN to give everyone the right to bear arms. That’s not what he said.