A Forum For California Gun Enthusiasts

Lemoore, Ca. – -( is a forum for California Gun enthusiasts, we are 26,000+ members battling the politicians in Sacramento.
We have also instituted the Calguns Foundation where we defend individuals in court.
We introduced the Off List Lowers to California and working on the non-rosterd frames.
We are mostly all Californians with someoutside states thrown in just because they like the fight.
Through our Activism we have defeated several anti-gun Bills and we have Shall Issue as one of our current agenda items, it is in the Safety Committee for debate.
Come on over and check us out.
Don Vickstrom
The California Firearms Owner’s Home On The Internet Working Together To Preserve Our Freedoms.
I know I screwed up 30 years ago and was convicted of a felony, it been dropped to a misdemeanor under p.c.17b.and then the judge dismissed there anybody out there who would know if I can get my second amendment rights back. I realize I will need a attorney,but I would like to know if it’s even possible.don,t hate me ,I be done that for the last 30 years.
Thanks for your acknowlegment of
Thanks for putting Calguns on your website!
Thank you for featuring on the AmmoLand site.