Grass Roots North Carolina for Firearms Education Scores Two Victories

On Monday, GRNC reported that just before the election, the Kernersville Board of Aldermen snuck through a last minute gun ban in public parks which not only prohibits guns in the narrowly-defined “recreational facilities” within parks which may still be posted under the provisions of recently-passed House Bill 650, but also included walking and running trails – a clear violation of state law.
Gun rights supporters responded in force yesterday, electing at least two new pro-gun aldermen, removing anti-gun incumbent Bob Prescott, and prompting remaining incumbents Dana Jones and Tracy Shifflete to contact a GRNC representative to say they want to “fix” the problem. What they are willing to do remains to be seen, but suffice to say that your calls and e-mails delivered our message. We will keep you apprised of progress.
Please note, only 42 votes separated the 4 lowest vote getters in the Prescott race. More than likely YOUR votes made the difference.
Yesterday, Gordon Meyers, Director of the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, stated that restrictions on both open and concealed carry in game lands would be lifted in accordance with section 14 of HB 650, and that carry would be permitted not only in state parks, but also game lands managed by the state but owned by the US Forest Service and others.
Section 14 of HB 650 says: “…it shall be lawful for a person to carry any firearm openly, or to carry a concealed handgun with a concealed carry permit, at any State-owned rest area, at any State-owned rest stop along the highways, and at any State-owned hunting and fishing reservation.”
We are gratified to see NCWRC take an expansive stance on interpreting the new language.
A limited number of game lands are exempted from the new law. According to NCWRC: “These exempted game lands are not state-owned game lands, but are lands enrolled in the WRC game lands program and owned by corporate entities, federal agencies, or other entities which requested the exemptions.”
For a list of exempted game lands, as well as firearms law on game lands in general, go to:
FIREARMS DISCHARGE ON GAME LANDS IS STILL PROHIBITED: Beyond the taking of game, you may NOT discharge firearms in these areas, and one expert advises that rattlesnakes you may encounter are protected species and may not be shot or otherwise destroyed. GRNC has won the right to defend yourself in these areas, but YOU must keep it by using and carrying firearms responsibly.
For information on rules governing firearms on game lands and other areas, go to:
Next Steps
Thanks to your calls and e-mails, GRNC is busy expanding firearms carry throughout the state. The next step?
Restaurant carry! Keep the pressure on!
Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a non-profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in 1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment, GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North Carolina.
"Gun rights supporters responded in force yesterday, electing at least two new pro-gun aldermen, removing anti-gun incumbent Bob Prescott" I like it! A step in the right direction for law abiding citizens who are pro-gun and NOT criminals.