We Won Yesterday in the Senate, But There Is Still Work To Be Done

New Hampshire Firearms Coalition
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

Milford, NH –-(Ammoland.com)- The Senate voted and we won, for now.

You, the grassroots gun owners deserve a thanks for your hard work. Your calls, emails, letters and faxes helped freedom to prevail in the United States Senate.

A quick read of yesterdays, roll call votes shows that Senator Kelly Ayotte ultimately voted with firearms owners 100% and Senator Jeanne Shaheen voted AGAINST firearms owners 100% of the time.

Here are the highlights of what happened yesterday:

(1) The most important vote was the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer national gun registry proposal. With 60 votes needed for passage, the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment was shot down by a vote of 54-46.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, along with GOA, NRA and other State level organizations that make up the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban strongly opposed the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment. We were surprised to see that another gun group – not only said they supported the Toomey language, but – said they helped write the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer text. Thankfully, their support for this gun control language was not enough to get it passed. You should remember that Alan Gotlieb and the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms SUPPORTED GUN CONTROL. Remember that Mr. Gottlieb begs for your hard earned money.

(2) The Cornyn-Vitter-Thune amendment – received a 57-43 vote (so we fell three votes short since 60 were needed). This provision would have allowed concealed carry holders and persons in constitutional carry states to carry nationwide. The overwhelming vote on this amendment sets the stage for bringing it up again and again on must-pass legislation.

(3) As predicted, the Feinstein gun ban lost by a vote of 40-60 – falling far short of a majority – and the magazine ban lost by a vote of 46-54.

Today is a day to celebrate! We are thankful for all of you and for all the help that we have received in this long struggle to stop infringements of our liberties.

Here’s what is still left for today.

Harry Reid’s bill (S. 649) is still on the floor of the Senate, and there are two scheduled votes that will take place toaday. Eventually, the Senate will vote on whether to end debate on the bill (known as cloture), but that vote won’t necessarily take place tomorrow. The Senate will need 60 votes to end debate, but if they can’t reach that threshold, the bill effectively dies.

So we are telling Senators to vote AGAINST cloture on the bill, whenever that vote comes.

ACTION: We think that we can defeat cloture on final passage of the bill. But, to be safe, we are encouraging activists to contact their Senators and urge them oppose cloture!

When you call, thank Senator Ayotte for her recent support; but also remind her that you are guided by the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition. Let Senator Ayotte know that you expect her to continue to support the Second Amendment. Also call Senator Shaheen and tell her that you are a outraged by her multiple votes against liberty and that you will continue to watch all roll call votes in the U.S. Senate.

Senator Kelly Ayotte:

  • Washington, DC – 202-224-3324
  • Manchester, NH – 603-622-7979
  • Nashua, NH – 603-880-3335
  • Portsmouth, NH – 603-436-7161
  • North Country Office – 603-752-7702

Click here to email Senator Ayotte.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen:

  • Washington, DC – 202-224-2841
  • Manchester, NH – (603) 647-7500
  • Claremont, NH – (603) 542-4872
  • Nashua, NH – (603) 883-0196
  • Dover, NH – (603) 750-3004
  • Berlin, NH – (603) 752-6300
  • Keene, NH – (603) 358-6604

Click here to email Senator Shaheen.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,
Jonathan R Evans
Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

P.S. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort.

About New Hampshire Firearms Coalition:
The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is New Hampshire’s only No Compromise Gun Rights Organization. While many so-called “gun rights groups” work to curry favor with politicians and the media, NHFC is working aggressively to hold politicians accountable and to put a stop to gun control. Visit: www.nhfc-ontarget.org

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Dan Wiberg

Obama is talking about Executive action regarding the gun grab. What are we going to do as Americans/ Take it up the A$$ once again?