When the chips are down, Cornyn has shown he’s more interested in placating anti-gun voices than defending the rights of law-abiding Americans.
Why John Cornyn is the Wrong Choice to Lead the Senate

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
When the chips are down, Cornyn has shown he’s more interested in placating anti-gun voices than defending the rights of law-abiding Americans.
Can we at least have some time for public input on something that can profoundly affect us all before sneaking this through?
In one of the closest & most expen$ive Senate races Texas has ever seen, Senator Ted Cruz narrowly defeated anti-gun Democrat Colin Allred, securing his third term…
So far, we have never seen proof of the weapons despite repeated attempts by AmmoLand News to get documents from the FBI/ATF.
The Montana Governor’s race and the Montana Senate race are taking shape. Governor Gianforte is the favorite to keep his seat as governor. Democratic Senator Jon Tester is in a hotly contested race which may decide who controls the Senate.
Senator John Cornyn, TX, sold out the Republican side of the negotiations along with nine other Republicans. Senator Chris Murphy led the Democrats in the debate.
Besides the substantial evidence of election fraud in several key states, the balance of power in the US Senate is hinging on two mandatory run-off elections for US Senate seats in the state of GA.
The Georgia run-off elections for open US Senate seats are of utmost importance to preserving the Second Amendment & to maintain a wall against the communist agenda trying to overtake America.
All gun owners need to realize the importance of winning the two Georgia Senatorial run-off elections. We must win this fight.
“I’m interested in representing the values of the people in my state, & that includes defense of our Second Amendment rights, which are being tested in a lot of troubling ways all across the country..
The U.S. Senate and U.S. House are about to wrap up the 115th Congress, and the bipartisan and universally supported Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act has yet to reach President.
The 2018 midterm elections have some good news, some bad news, and a lot of lessons for Second Amendment supporters to learn.
Bob Casey’s betrayal of law-abiding gun owners after the Sandy Hook shooting has left some bad blood, but Second Amendment supports can have the last word on November 6.
The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) presented Senator Mike Crapo, R-ID with the “Common Sense Award” last week in Washington, D.C.
We need your voice! Soon the United States Senate is expected to consider the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations Bill.
Just one day after the San Bernardino terrorist attack, members of the US Senate tried to attach the Manchin-Toomey bill to another bill not related to the Second Amendment.
Outdoor Industry Association applauds the U.S. Senate for passing two pieces of trade preference legislation and a customs-and-enforcement bill today that will benefit manufacturers of outdoor……..
VCDL-PAC is pleased to enthusiastically endorse Vince Haley for Senate in the 12th Senate district.
Next week, there will be more gun votes on the floor of the United States Senate than there will be for the rest of the year put together.
Critics don’t think the public should be on the hook to insure a very rich private sports enterprise…
Analysts are giving Republicans better than 50/50 odds to win back the Senate, both sides will be pulling out all the stops to win. Their are 12 closes races where you can have the greatest impact…
Bill Frady of Gun Owners of America, stated on his nationally syndicated radio show that Rubens “supports the 2nd amendment” and “passes the litmus test”…
At GOA’s request, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has bypassed Harry Reid’s stranglehold on the Senate by bringing a pro-gun bill directly onto the Senate calendar…
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to announce our endorsement of Ben Sasse for United States Senate in Nebraska…
Chuck Schumer held a press conference the same day to indicate that he will use the House-passed bill as a vehicle to pass even more gun control…
The law does nothing to keep undetectable guns out of the hands of criminals [who have] no regard for the law in the first place…
Senator Schumer already tried to sneak a gun control bill through the Senate on November 21st 2013 & the House could use a parliamentary procedure to pass it as early as today…
Harry Reid pulled the trigger on the “nuclear option” — a process whereby 52 Senate Democrats voted to change the Senate rules by brute force…
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Congressman Steve Daines for Montana’s open U.S. Senate seat…
The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty poses a clear threat to Second Amendment rights because of the inclusion of “small arms and light weapons,” which includes firearms owned by law-abiding American citizens…