This call to action is 2A FlashMob Approved, anyone joining will automatically qualify for their own FREE 2A Mob Patch.

Catalina, AZ –-( “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”
If you understand that restoring and protecting your right to bear arms does not end with your Arizona Citizens Defense League membership donation, then you are an activist and we are proud you are a member.
The Obama administration has declared war on gun ownership. Every time one of their supporters goes on a killing spree, this Administration and their allies in Congress call for renewed restrictions on the right of law – abiding citizens (you!) to keep and bear arms.
This national effort has emboldened anti-rights legislators at the state level. During the 2013 legislative session, we saw more bills filed to strip you of your firearms freedoms than to protect them. Fortunately, with the help of dedicated AzCDL activists, we were able to stop every bad bill that was filed. Unfortunately, because many members were content to let the “other guys” do all the work, many good bills also died.
This coming (2014) legislative session it is going to get worse. We are expecting renewed and stronger attacks on your right to keep and bear arms, with the weakening of “Stand Your Ground” and state firearms preemption being high priorities.
The ONLY thing that will ensure that your state legislators keep their promise to uphold the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions is pressure from YOU. Your AzCDL membership donations buy you two very powerful tools for protecting your rights. The first is two full time lobbyists who work tirelessly at the Legislature. They testify at hearings and work behind the scenes promoting pro – rights bills and calling attention to bad bills. The second and equally important tool is AzCDL’s Legislative Action Center
- . This is the same tool used by several national pro-rights firearms organizations for contacting Congress and the White House.
AzCDL’s Legislative Action Center is where you get to personally demand that Arizona legislators and the Governor protect your rights. Nothing gets a politician’s attention more than receiving several thousand constituent letters demanding their support on legislation. And, we make it easy for you with pre-written messages that take less than a minute of your time to send out.
If you are not getting our legislative alerts, now is the time to sign up:
Your active involvement and support are vital if you want to help restore, protect and preserve your right to keep and bear arms in Arizona. Without your support, AzCDL’s influence on the legislature is weakened. If you are not involved, or believe the “other guy” will do it for you, you might as well be supporting legislation being pushed by the anti – rights groups.
Support Freedom – Become an Activist!

AzCDL believes that the emphasis of gun laws should be on criminal misuse and that law-abiding citizens should be able to own and carry firearms unaffected by unnecessary laws or regulations. AzCDL was founded by a group of local activists who recognized that a sustained, coordinated, statewide effort was critical to protecting and expanding the rights of law-abiding gun owners. As a like-minded coalition of activists, the AzCDL founders were instrumental in the successful passage of the first major improvement to Arizona’s CCW (concealed carry) laws since they were instituted in 1994. Visit: www.azcdl.or
About 2A Flashmob:
In an effort to motivate gun owners and Second Amendment Supporters to show up in person at important events and rallies AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob Patches to anyone who attends a protest, rally, open carry event, committee hearing at your state capital or a counter protest. (You may already be eligible)
Spread the word, get out, get active!