he city denied the ad placement on the grounds that it “depicts violence.” It actually shows happy customers holding firearms and an instructor working with a student at their indoor range.
In fact, if you listen to what he really said, his advocacy was insightful, rational, humane, and respectful of rights.
Activists in Arizona don’t intend to wait to prepare for an assault.
HB 2524 provides our best opportunity to derail a Bloomberg financed ballot measure to establish gun owner registration in Arizona before it happens.
You are invited to join Arizona Citizens Defense League on our fifth annual trek to Front Sight’s Nevada facility for a 4 day Defensive Handgun class…
This year we are expecting to see the introduction of legislation to repeal every firearms related freedom we’ve regained over the last 9 years…
At the Tucson AZ gun show on Sunday, December 15th, Bill of Rights Day, AzCDL volunteers recruited our 10,000th member…
Charles may no longer be an AzCDL director, but with his vast media back- ground and experience he still serves a vital role as AzCDL’s Media Coordinator…
To be perfectly clear, AzCDL has no intention of supporting any legislation that returns Arizona to the bad old days of restricted rights and limited CCW permit accessibility…
Your active involvement and support are vital if you want to help restore, protect and preserve your right to keep and bear arms in Arizona. Without your support, AzCDL’s influence on the legislature is weakened…
Arizona Citizens Defense League’s Eighth Annual Independence Day (July 4th) Rifle Match is less than a month away…
Included in this issue is a recap of the legislative session. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League…
Guns and Ammo magazine recently rated all the states on how they treat the right to bear arms. Arizona was rated #1…
Immediately following the Newtown tragedy, President Obama announced that gun control will be a top priority of his second term, in stark contrast to his campaign rhetoric
If HB 2729 becomes law, there is a strong possibility you will see fewer “no firearms” signs on state and local government property, because a cheap sign pasted on the door will no longer be enough.
Current law allows the operator of any state or local government property, choosing to ban firearms, to simply slap up a “no firearms” sign.
The AzCDL-requested and historic Constitutional Carry legislation that became law in 2010 was not the be-all-end-all of restoring the right to carry in Arizona.
Thank you for your emails on HB 2095 (stopping HOA firearms restrictions) and SB 1077 (firearms on state lands)! We are working with the committee chairs to get these bills to move forward.
Your help is needed to get these pro-rights bills heard in committee. Letters have been prepared and are waiting to be sent by you at AzCDL’s Action Center.
Legislators have until February 6, 2012, to file their bills so many are still busy drafting legislation that affects your liberty.
Over 900 bills, resolutions, and memorials have already been filed. We sift through every bill to find proposed legislation that affects your right to bear arms.
Our new organizational leader needed to be one hundred percent “hard core no compromise” regarding the Second Amendment and the morality of self defense…
The AzCDL-requested bill that would have required state or local government offices wanting to ban firearms to provide security measures that ensure no one is capable of bringing in a firearm without detection…
The current legislative session officially ended on April 20, 2011 and AzCDL was there the whole time…
The AzCDL-requested Campus Carry bill passed out of the House Committee of the Whole and was added to the Third Read Calendar where it passed by a 33 to 24 vote with 3 Representatives not voting…
We have just learned that SB 1467, the AzCDL-requested Campus Carry bill is scheduled for debate in the House Committee of the Whole…
mong those are the bills that AzCDL is supporting. Listed below is the status of pro-rights firearms related bills that are still viable this legislative session…
The Guns Save Lives truck will be in Phoenix on March 24, and they are asking for volunteers to help them spread the word…
It’s an improvement over the current law where only criminals can be armed on college and university campuses and law-abiding citizens can instantly become criminals…
Arizona Bill SB 1610, would establish the Colt Single Action Army Revolver as the state firearm…