Wyoming –-(Ammoland.com)- Today HB-114 repeal gun free zones passed out of Judiciary Committee 8-1 without any amendments.
Take a few seconds to cheer. Okay…that’s enough.
Today’s vote was just a small first step on a long road filled with potholes.
I watched as the Education Lobby lined up against the people’s right to self defense. They literally will do and say anything to keep their precious ‘gun free’ killing zones.
Testimony based on anti-gun feelings were kicked off by liberal-progressive Jillian Balow, the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Balow simply used her office and salary to rob the people of their right to self defense.
The first thing that came to mind were images of Hillary Clinton’s, “it takes a village to raise a child.”
Please be watching for my future emails so you can be involved.
HB-114 could be heard for first floor reading as early as tomorrow.
If you haven’t done so already, please contact your House Representative and ask them to support HB-114-without amendments.
Find your House Representative here.
For Liberty,
Anthony Bouchard
Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners
Wyoming Gun Owners is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as guaranteed by Article 1 Section 24 of the Wyoming Constitution and the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Wyoming Gun Owners is the only organization taking action at this level–with an aggressive program designed to mobilize public support for pro-gun legislation as well as opposition to gun control. www.wyominggunowners.org
Gun free zone your just letting criminals know we’re to go. We have rights . You don’t want or like guns that’s fine . Others have the right to protect what is theirs & family
If Wyoming’s Constitution clearly states a second amendment right to carry why does Wyoming need another law, enforce existing Constitution.
North Dakota is voting tomorrow in the House regarding allowing schools to decide if they want to allow concealed carry. it would require additional training from law enforcement on top of the concealed carry permit. it wouldn’t force anything on anyone it would simply allow each school to decide what it wants to do, instead of being forced to be a gun free zone where all the mass shootings keep happening.
Yes! Repeal it! So all the criminals will feel much safer, knowing that all the good people can’t defend themselves or others! What kind of idiots are behind this! FOOLS!
We need a chance to protect ourselves from criminals. If we are prevented to carry in an area and something was to happen then the establishment should be sued for failure to ensure our safety.
Gun free zones advertise to the not so sane that no one is armed. No one can defend themselves. Who arms themselves by carrying canned food??
It comes down to this. Its okay to discriminate against a person who believes in the constitution, liberty, his/her rights, and a lawful practice. Its a discriminatory practice, pure and simple. If you hate blacks, because you think they are dangerous, you can’t keep him out of school. But you hate people that have a self defense item, and you are allowed to openly discriminate? I can’t believe it. The thing is innocuous, harmless, and inert. Toxins and flammables in purses are allowed. Buck knives, and belt mounted box knives are allowed. WMDs (cars) are allowed on campus, with no… Read more »
No gun restricting laws. If you afraid of a piece of metal as it lies on a table you have a problem. the metal does not become lethal until it is picked up from said surface.
I agree that gun free zones have the potential to cause more harm than good. Citizen’s rights should apply everywhere. If the terrible unthinkable happens…..a shooter at a school….there needs to be armed “good guys” able to respond to armed “bad guys”. Gun free zones simply make it easier for the unthinkable to happen.