The Wyoming House of Representatives has passed HB 172 50 to 10. The bill eliminates many gun free zones.
Wyoming’s Repeal of Gun Free Zones Passes House

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The Wyoming House of Representatives has passed HB 172 50 to 10. The bill eliminates many gun free zones.
The failure of New Orleans’ “gun-free zone” and the slaughter of 14 people on New Year’s Day is graphic proof that bad people are the problem, NOT firearms.
The establishment media is continuing its game of using different terms than “gun control” to describe ongoing efforts designed to infringe, impair and restrict the right to keep and bear arms, a practice some folks have dubbed “camo-speak.”
New York State’s “Vampire Law” made private property open to the public “gun free zones” unless the owner posted signs or gave express permission to carry a firearm on the property.
The New Orleans “firearm-free zone” is blatant attempt at frustrating Louisiana’s Constitutional Carry legislation & those newly enjoying their Right-to-Carry without a permit.
This hypothetical conversation reveals how hard core progressives think about gun-free school zones. It is all about politics and advancing the revolution.
The criminal complaint has been filed in the Gabriel Metcalf Gun Free School Zone case in Billings, Montana.
Dishonest corporate types cynically announce that weapons are “banned” from their property. Of course, such bans never apply to them personally, nor to their bodyguards.
San Francisco’s County Board of Supervisors has backed down on an ordinance that would make much of the city into a “gun-free zone” after the Second Amendment Foundation promised legal action.
To drive through a gun-free school zone, permitless carriers are supposed to stop before they enter, unload their firearm, & secure it in a locked container within their vehicle.
We protect malls, banks, stadiums & politicians with guns. But Democrats, & some Republicans, won’t protect our kids!? Maybe saving lives is not their real agenda?
In other words, localities may not casually ban guns in the very places where they might be needed.
But guess what the progressives in New York State did?
Missouri Bill 1642 has passed the House, and a Senate Committee. It removes gun free zones from public transportation and churches. There are several other reforms in the bill.
The Missouri legislature is considering reforming the law forbidding most weapons of public transportation. HB 52 would only apply to people with concealed carry permits.
As always, this will only “stop” the “law-abiding.” And after their guns are “registered,” any number of new prohibitions can be enacted to close “loopholes” against them.
HF 2502 has passed the Iowa legislature, the bill restores and protects Second Amendment rights from local government infringement.
Wyoming Senate Bill SF0088 would restore the right to bear arms in Wyoming by removing most “Gun Free Zones” in 2020. The bill has numerous sponsors, but was been defeated in committee in 2019.
The short version is this; under this bill, any school or local government body can declare their property and surrounding property off-limits to CHL holders. This is gun banner Burdick’s dream child.
A policy change by the Marine Corps marks a small step forward for the Second Amendment. Perhaps in the future, we will see the Second Amendment gain much more respect on military bases.
…they reverse themselves when it comes to letting foreign nationals of unknown ideologies into this country…
“Action” that needs to be taken is to implement an audacious new policy where all military officers and S/NCOs are to be continuously armed with issue M17/18 pistols at all times, on and off base.
Our military bases are all gigantic “gun-free zones,” where our “unarmed forces,” wait around to be murdered by armed terrorists, & where “commanders” are petrified by the thought of armed warriors.
A traveler returning to Wisconsin, was shocked to find a Denny’s with a gun free zone. He complained and left for another restaurant.
Stone Mountain Park had law-enforcement snipers on top of their Memorial Hall building for their last July 4th Fireworks Special. Good for them for getting serious with real defensive measures.
At least one Mormon I know has protested, for the temporal pleasures of being armed in church! What is worth more – your mortal life here, or your life in eternity?
In an effort to push a political agenda, politicians are now putting the live of our children in deadly danger.
The only thing we know for a fact at this moment is that the Gilroy Garlic Festival and the host location in Christmas Hill Park is a Gun Free Zone.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today lauded Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie for reintroducing legislation aimed at repealing the Gun-Free School Zones Act.
A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center that 98 percent of mass public shootings since 1950 occurred in places where citizens are prohibited from having firearms.
A violent Co-worker has a key to access secure areas of the building, where police have no access, and ends up murdering your spouse and eleven other people.