Minnesota –-(Ammoland.com)- Since 1989, Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (GOCRA) has been your gun rights watchdog at the Capitol. We get the job done with your support.
When the Bloomberg money keeps flowing, the gun controllers keep finding new ways to take away guns — and rights. This year’s attempt is the most despicable, underhanded attempt we’ve ever seen.
This week, Rep. Dan Schoen and Sen. Ron Latz introduced…well, we call it the Sign Away Your Rights & Rat Out Your Family Act. The Bloomberg bill, HF1361/SF1289, starts with the assumption that every gun owner is a ticking time bomb. The bill would encourage doctors to trick you into giving up your gun rights, and encourage your most anti-gun family member to petition a court to take away your Second Amendment rights.
Tricks And Kicks Gun Owners When They’re Down
Everyone has moments in life where things seem hopeless. A death in the family, a job loss, PTSD from military service, a divorce… Responsible gun owners know that a doctor or psychologist can help. But this bill would encourage doctors to trick you into signing away your rights!
Imagine: there you are. You’re hurting. You go see a professional. He listens, then says he can help. He gives you a pile of forms to sign. Buried among them is a form created by this bill — one that puts you on the NICS no-buy list. “Voluntarily.”
How do you get back off the list? The bill says that the Department of Human Services will “establish a process” for removal. How many hoops will you have to jump through? The bill doesn’t say.
Puts your gun rights in the hands of any distant family member
The bill also lets any family member, no matter how distant, or even an ex-wife or ex-husband, accuse a family member of being too crazy to own guns. The court, on the word of that ex or distant relative, can immediately take away your guns, before you even know what’s happening! Then, you either have to go to court and fight the accusation, if you can afford it, or lose your Second Amendment rights.
Of course, the family member has to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that you’re a threat, right?
Nope. The standard is “preponderance of evidence.” That means they have to convince a judge that there’s a 51% chance you might go nuts with a gun. And we all know how fair some courts are when it comes to gun issues.
This bill needs immediate action
Don’t wait on this one. Call Senator and Representative (their contact info is at the bottom of this email) and tell them you strongly oppose HF1361/SF1289.
Ask them where they stand on this treacherous bill, then click here to tell us what they said.
Please get on this TODAY. We need to get this bill shut down before it gets any momentum.
Thanks for your help!
About:Â We are the Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, the organization behind CCRN (Concealed Carry Reform Now!). We are people from all walks of life who have banded together to preserve and protect all of our civil rights as gun owners. Visit:Â www.gocra.org
Their fake statements have no power or force of law. Repugnant to the Constitution. Marbury Vs. Madison .We Won Long Ago. We still Lt. Dan.