American Hiroshima 70 Years Later?

By Major Van Harl USAF Ret

Target USA Nuclear Fall Out
American Hiroshima 70 Years Later?
Major Van Harl USAF Ret
Major Van Harl USAF Ret

Wisconsin –-(   No we have not had another attack by Al-Qaeda on US soil since the 9-11 assault on New York City and the Pentagon, but it is coming.

Our own government has said it is not “if” another attack will happen but “when”.

The Internet is a great source of information, but it can also be extremely scary. If you want to ruin your day type in “Al-Qaeda targets and see how many hits will come back.

It would appear that there are in excess of forty nuclear weapons missing from official state run inventories. Many of the nuclear devises are what we call suitcase bombs. Meaning they are in the 100 to 150 pound size. Something one or two men could move around with very little effort. Most would appear to be former Soviet Union weapons. So who has them?

Al-Qaeda seems to have a bottomless pit of money to finance their terrorist missions (read Iran), to include paying for the services of former military and officials of nations that have weapons of mass destruction (read Russia). In some Cold War doomsday scenarios it has been proposed that the “enemy” already has brought nuclear weapons into the US. These weapons allegedly were and are still sitting in the basements of unsuspected homes in large cities just waiting to be remotely detonated by sleeper agents.

The 70th anniversary of the US atom bomb attack on Hiroshima is coming up on 6 August 2015. Al-Qaeda has put out the word that they want to create an American Hiroshima. Detonate a nuclear weapon in a large US city. Then while the entire country scrambles in reaction to the first bomb going off, a second one goes off a few days later just like Nagasaki . In order to make this continue to appear like a religious war the proposed plan is to attack US cities with large Jewish populations (i.e. New York , Chicago, Miami , D.C, & Las Vegas ).

Think about the natural disasters on the Gulf coast. With all the destruction that occurred, the major positive factor was that help could get into the area right away. If a radioactive device were to be detonated in a US city nobody is going to be rushing in to help. And if you think because you live in small town America and are too unimportant to be a target, then get on the Internet and research wind patterns over the US. What you don’t know may kill you.

Radioactive Fallout Map
Radioactive Fallout Map

The intent is a total disruption of the US economy. If nobody comes out of their homes to conduct a normal life style (work, school & spending money) because they are literally afraid for their lives, the economy shuts down.

Twenty years ago there was an average of a five to seven day supply of food on hand in a city. If the supply trucks stop coming and the public figures that out early, then it will take less that seven days to run out of food. The problem is the USDA determined in 2003 that we are down to one day’s supply of food in the stores, if you projected supplies across the entire US. How much nonperishable food do you have in your home?

But even more importantly how much water can you store in your home? Think back ten years ago when the town of Bridgeport, Oklahoma had no water for its 109 residents. They learned quickly what an impact no water has on your peace time living—no water controls your entire daily life. Now multiply that with a national crisis. I would suggest it is time to get out the old Boy Scout manual and start getting “prepared”.

Read AmmoLand’s Top 5 Survival Things To Have In Case Of Civil Unrest then go to the Internet and discover there are large lists of emergence preparedness suppliers ( ) out there.

Water Bricks
Water Bricks

They”, our national, state and local government agencies will tell you, that you need to be prepared to stand alone without outside help for three days (72 hours). After that, help is supposed to be on the way. Look back at New Orleans and Mississippi, six months after Katrina happened, people were and to this day still are waiting for basic utilities to be restored. This is with the rest of the US not suffering from a disaster.

A hundred years ago even the richest most powerful people knew how to use a kerosene lantern and find the outhouse when there was no running water. I would suspect a large share of Americans have never used a kerosene lantern or been in an outhouse. Now that our dear leader has given away the nuclear farm to Iran, the real possibility of a Hiroshima disaster happening on US soil just went up exponentially. Always remember Obama is descended from Shiite Muslims-read Persians-read Iran. We in the west do not understand the visceral hate between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and just how scared Sunni counties like Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt are of an Iran with nuke weapons.

So scared they are willing to openly join with Israel in an effort to stop Iran. Be prepared, it is coming. Buy fresh ammo and water jugs.

Major Van Harl USAF Ret.
[email protected]

About Major Van Harl USAF Ret.:Major Van E. Harl USAF Ret., a career Police Officer in the U.S. Air Force was born in Burlington, Iowa, USA, in 1955. He was the Deputy Chief of police at two Air Force Bases and the Commander of Law Enforcement Operations at another. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School.  A retired Colorado Ranger and currently is an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Cudahy PD in Milwaukee County, WI.  His efforts now are directed at church campus safely and security training.  He believes “evil hates organization.”  [email protected]

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Well Major, if the bad guys had not already thought of this, they owe you a Thank You for the info .It always surprises me when knowledgeable people just have to tell what they know, or think they know without any thought about to whom they may be giving the pertinent info. I sincerely hope that you do not live in fear. A soldier or any other responsible citizen should not have to be paranoid.