United States – -(AmmoLand.com)- Sometimes, a comment on an unrelated issue can be a major warning about a danger to our Second Amendment rights. The recent comments by Terry McAuliffe about parental involvement in schools is one such comment.
Schools have had the attention of Second Amendment supporters in the context of preventing school shootings for a long time. That attention has been rightly focused on efforts to prevent -and mitigate those attacks. Why? Because in the wake of Columbine, Sandy Hook, and other horrific school shootings, Bloomberg’s group gets support from parents so worried about their kids, they end up buying the snake oil from Everytown and Moms Demand Action.
Stopping that is important, to put it mildly. It not only requires legislation like the School Violence Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2019, but Second Amendment supporters, particularly after Sandy Hook, called for armed security at schools. And it is the right call, Cowards of Broward aside.
But McAuliffe’s comments highlight another danger to the Second Amendment from our schools.
This is coming from teachers and administrators who are pushing the agenda of anti-Second Amendment extremists. We covered the double standard before, especially with the trade-offs that Second Amendment supporters who are high school students and college students have to keep in mind, but McAuliffe’s comments make it clear there is another front.
In this case, Second Amendment supporters need to act, but this action starts with taking time to look over the assignments and textbooks their children get from school. In addition, they need to start finding out what else is going on in their students’ classes. Because the first line of battle is not in the halls of power, whether it’s corporate, legal, or political. It’s in our schools.
The good news is that Second Amendment supporters working at the grassroots level have a very good chance to make a difference when it comes to what is taught in schools. Running for school board is not as difficult as running for Congress, and the effect it will have on securing our rights could be far greater than you might think.
There will be one key point to keep in mind – Second Amendment supporters will have to contend with the teachers unions, and they have weighed in against our right already. The American Federation of Teachers threatened Wells Fargo when it refused to go along with corporate gun control, and you can bet the NEA will also fight as well.
The good news is that we have faced foes with “deep pockets” before, and beating the teachers’ unions will be important as well. Second Amendment supporters need to turn back these assaults on our rights by working to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists at the federal, state, and local level via the ballot box as soon as possible. They also need to support pro-Second Amendment organizations.
About Harold Hutchison
Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.
Will (“TEX”) – 10/11/21:
“Their [sic] one in the same.”
Response to Will (“TEX”):
Wrong again, Will (“TEX”)
Where do you get that JSNMGC is The Revelator (I haven’t seen his id here in quite a while), as the writing style is totally different as well as the point of view.
How do they do it ? By moving the Overton Window Goal Posts. One Masonic power structure fashioned after Rome. McAliffe is a Knight’s of Malta who’s swears his oath to try e UK Queen Hierarchy. Do your research before you engage the ego & cognitive dissonance. Been written about by lots emphasis on “lots” of insiders/writers who warned humanity. Puppets all playing roles wearing Masks. There is no legit two party system but, there is/are secret societies masquerading as if there were two parties. Roman Fasces hang in US’s Halls of Congress. I’d call that a clue. Read &… Read more »
Always remember that when a citizen is arrested for speaking out against government tyranny he or she is arrested by a cop who says “I’m just doing my job.” There will always be despots….will there always be the thuggish goons who will enforce the will of despots and say “I am just doing my job.” That didn’t work for the Nazis at Nuremburg will that argument work here? Has so far. Who is the real enemy? The despot or the goon that enforces the will of the despot for a paycheck.
OK folks, lets boil it all down. Terry McAuliffe is a dedicated member of the Progressive New Left. As such he rejects your rights, all of them and rejects the basis of your rights, God, and rejects any document or philosophy that advocates for your individual rights. He believes that a select elite should govern unrestrained by quaint concepts such as natural law and constitutions. No, the Kewl Kids, the People We have been waiting for are the ones who should call the shots. This is why he rejects your right to direct the education of your own kids. Heck,… Read more »
Those who would prevent & mitigate massacres must call to abolish the bans on civilian carry (teacher-staff-parent) that make massacres possible & worse, not call for more union officers who can’t stop them all however brave they may be. 131,000 would be needed just to have one officer in every K-12 school. 1000s more for colleges. Even then they couldn’t be everywhere at once. Only one in a class at all times is the teacher. Hiring dedicated officers instead of arming teachers & staff is a stupid expensive dangerous placebo that blocks what really needs to be done to stop/mitigate… Read more »