Review Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up, 2017 Las Vegas Shooting ~ VIDEO


New Jersey – -( Dear so-called fact-checkers, members of the Ministry of Truth, and social media censorship junkies:

This is a review. Before you slap a little “our fact-checkers say different” notice or label this content as misleading or untruthful, allow me to guide you in this process. Being a “review“, I simply have written “a critical appraisal of (a book, play, movie, etc.) for publication in a newspaper or magazine.” Fact-checkers, do note at the top of this article is the word “Opinion”. So I invite you to take your censorship and shove it up your posterior prior to this piece being censored.

To my readers: Should you find that this article gets slapped with a sticker saying it’s misleading, please do us all a favor and direct big tech to the definition of what a review is and what an “Opinion” is.

“end of message”

Route 91: Uncovering the Cover-Up

I was recently acquainted with the documentary film Route 91: Uncovering the Cover-Up by Mindy Robinson. (also on Bitchute)   Interestingly enough, the above disclaimer and warning to big tech aside, a friend had this documentary posted on social media, and it was not accompanied by any fact-checking warning, at least not at that time. I don’t know if that’s telling or not, but let’s all take note of that fact. Another perambulatory thought here that’s worth bringing up is that YouTube has left this video un-molested, however, they offer the following disclaimer when you go to check out the documentary:

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.

Route 91 Warning
Warning to YouTube viewers about the documentary.

In our world of overreaction and censorship to the max, I personally find these things intriguing. Social media nor YouTube has pegged Robinson’s work as being misleading, untruthful, wrong, against their community standards, etc. At a minimum, the big tech overlords have said “I will allow it.”

Route 91: Uncovering the Cover-Up by Mindy Robinson is a documentary film that’s over two and a quarter hours and addresses the Route 91 active shooter event, better known as the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. In Robinson’s work, she upends several rocks and with that, we’re left with more questions that need answering. The narrative that we can say factually occurred is that there was an active shooter event that occurred in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, and many people tragically lost their lives during the attack. Outside of those details, there are several narratives that have been put out by officials and as Robinson points out, they don’t seem to add up.

To comprehensively bring up every detail that’s worth bringing up is nearly impossible. Given that, we’re going to just look at a few things that really stood out, and we urge you to check out the film (embedded above) in full on your own HERE. Note, the film is “age-restricted” on the YouTube website?

Robinson introduces herself at the beginning of the documentary to bring us all up to speed on her, her work, and areas of focus:

My name is Mindy Robinson. I’m a political commentator, a constitutionalist activist and an investigative journalist. I actually got my start in acting where I was able to use my platform to push for the things that I believed in, like the Second Amendment, freedom of speech, and being pro life, which turned into a lot of traveling and speaking out about all the things that I was uncovering, that the mainstream media wouldn’t. I focused on things like government corruption, biased media censorship, protecting children from sexual predators on social media, and exposing how the fake news media has absolutely no problem lying to us. Living in Las Vegas the last eight years also meant I was reporting on the insane amount of corruption here that the local news wouldn’t…

Now that we have a more focused idea on who Mindy Robinson is, and what she stands for, she teases us just a bit more with the narrative:

On October 1, 2017, one of the largest mass shootings in America occurred at the route 91 harvest festival in Las Vegas. It was a terroristic assault on innocent civilians, and everything American I can think of. But if you think we don’t have an answer to this tragedy, because the guy responsible killed himself, and nothing ever pointed to anything else, that I’ll let you in on a secret everyone else here already knows.

The following quote perhaps seamlessly segues from Robinson’s assertion that there’s a secret that everyone “already knows.” Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said this in one of his pressers:

The word incompetence has been brought forward. And I am absolutely offended with that characterization.

What did Robinson uncover? One of the more startling things that I found was that Robinson uncovered evidence that there were either other active shootings the same night, and or reports of other active shooting events. Personally, I remember hearing about the tragic news, and then shortly after the subject of additional shootings was brought up. But it seemed like the media focus shifted towards so-called gun control and the banning of “bump stocks”. No coverage diverged from the story that the attack was focused upon and located just at the concert venue. Here’s a list of locations where alleged reports of other potential shootings/attacks, and or evidence of the same was noted in Vegas that night:

  • The Tropicana
  • The Bellagio
  • Delano
  • New York, New York
  • Luxor
  • The Cosmo
  • The Excalibur
  • The Mirage
  • Harrah’s
  • The Paris Hotel/Casino
  • Bally’s
  • Planet Hollywood
  • Motel 6
  • The runway of McCarran Airport
  • Sundance Helicopters

The “official” narrative according to Wikipedia says:

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire upon the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people[a] and wounding 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the number of injured to 867. About an hour later, Paddock was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive is officially undetermined.

Nowhere is there a mention of reports of anything happening, or having been reported to have happened at any other location that night. Since we’re looking at what the technocratic overlords say we’re allowed to know, turning back to Wikipedia we have this fun quip:

The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in United States history. It focused attention on firearms laws in the U.S., particularly with regard to bump stocks, which Paddock used to fire shots in rapid succession, at a rate similar to that of automatic firearms.[4] Bump stocks were banned by the U.S. Justice Department in December 2018.[5]

This is some fancy wordplay. Robinson points out in her piece how the narrative might be presented to the public. Noting the label of “committed by an individual in the United States” should be qualified with Robinson’s assertions:

First, when people say route 91 is the largest mass shooting in American history, that’s not actually true. It’s only true if you don’t count the times it was our own government doing the shooting. Like the time they shot over 250 Innocent Native Americans on purpose and 25 of their own troops by accident at Wounded Knee. If that seems too far removed. Then they also did it as recently as 1993 when the ATF shot and then burned 76 people alive in Waco, Texas, including two pregnant women and 25 children all over suspected illegal weapons. Way to keep America safe there. It’s not always accidental either. In 1962, the US Department of Defense proposed a plan called Operation Northwoods, where the Feds wanted to stage and carry out an attack on American civilians, to blame it on a foreign enemy to start a very profitable war, which at the time happened to be Cuba, you can look all of this up. Our own Joint Chiefs of Staff concocted plans to blow up US ships or stage riots. One plan to avoid civilian casualties that involved loading up a passenger plane, giving people backstories and aliases, unloading them, and then using an unmanned drone masquerading as that plane to be shot down, start a war and then ultimately get Americans killed during wartime anyway. And they wonder why people think certain things. Unbelievably, every Chief of Staff signed off on it at the time, except President Kennedy. And we all know what happened to him. Subsequently, President Johnson took over and within months use the Gulf of Tonkin incident that we already suspected was fake them. But now thanks to release documents know for sure to leverage war powers from Congress to drag America into the Vietnam War, a war which benefited absolutely no one other than the military industrial complex selling weapons of war, tanks, bombs, guns and chemicals like napalm and Agent Orange that poisoned our troops, civilians and everything in between. Let that sink in for a second.

In the wake of the shooting, the topic of “bump stocks” was brought up, and front and center in MSM, as the firearms that Paddock allegedly used were outfitted with bump stocks. Throughout the documentary, a number of witnesses were noted to say that the gunfire they heard was automatic. There is a difference between automatic and bump stock gunfire. The following biased news video HERE shows the difference. Focus on the sound and function of the firearms, and perhaps their content with a big grain of salt.

Watching Robinson’s documentary, we’re presented with several bits of footage that chronicles the string of fire during the attack. You can decide for yourself if the fire was automatic or bump stock induced. Does the bump stock fired rifle above sound fluid? Does it sound the same as the sounds recorded by multiple persons during the attacks?

The topic of bump stock use during the commission of a crime was subject to a FOIA in 2019. Collogue David Codrea wrote several articles on the topic of bump stocks being used in the commission of a crime, the FOIAs surrounding them, and the politicization of them. In one piece Codrea noted the reply to the FOIA and some commentary:

“We have conducted a search for ‘any records documenting the use of a bump fire-type stock used during the commission of any crime to date,’ and found no responsive records,” Department of Justice lawyer and Disclosure Division Deputy Director Peter J. Chisolm told attorney Stephen Stamboulieh May 1. He was responding to a Freedom of Information Act request on behalf of firearms designer, frequent expert witness, and president of Historic Arms, LLC, Len Savage. “This is not a denial of information, rather it is to inform you that no records were found based on a search of our Criminal Enforcement System of Records.”

It’s tempting to say the DOJ can’t find records of such devices being used in crimes, and that is unproven at this point, but Chisolm is being cute here rather than responsive. Note his selective use of quotation marks and then look at Stamboulieh’s FOIA request.

Codrea’s article on that topic does tie perfectly into this documentary which works to point out that we’re not necessarily getting all the information on what actually happened in Vegas that night. Government agencies don’t seem to play nice when the peasants question them. On Codrea’s part, he did note towards the end of his piece a qualifying statement that’s worth repeating:

I’m not trying to imply anything. I’m merely repeating the government’s words. If anyone infers more to it, that could quickly be cleared up if DOJ wanted to give some straight answers and not play games with FOIAs. Especially since they’ve given us more reasons to scratch our heads.

The other narrative we’ve been fed is that there was a lone shooter. Robinson pulled audio and witness testimony that suggests there may have been more than one shooter. What was said by an expert on audio analysis about one of the soundbites of a string of fire is quite compelling. Robinson noted “a sound editor with 20 plus years experience proving multiple guns were used at the same time”:

Look at the symmetry. Look at that symmetry. They’re in the same place. They just moved up a few feet. shots coming from the same point, one gun here. Here, they’re back, maybe 15 feet go down and go down. You can hear the guns in the background and you can hear the primary in the background. I hope you can. At least you can see it in the waveform because it’s all erratic. Look at the difference between that. And that same guy. Same body cams, same officer. Same alleyway. Big difference. So these are some of the questions that have to be answered. I hope this helps. And eventually May the truth prevail. God bless America.

The official narrative of what happened during the shooting in comparison to the interesting details that Robinson holds up to us in her documentary shows there very well may be a disconnect between reality and what we’re told is true.

Other details brought up involved several helicopters in the area that turned off their location tracking devices as they flew around, and presumably through the area of the shooting. What’s also suspect is that the officers that were responding to the shooting were all told to turn off their bodycam recording devices and it’s alleged they all were forced to sign NDAs about the events of that evening. Robinson brought up the amount of red tape she’s had to cut through in order to obtain what little bodycam footage she did get, often a court order is required in order to get requested information. Or there’s the fact that there should be security camera footage that should be able to put to rest any contrary narratives than the one we’re being presented, and yet the footage is unavailable. What about dead witnesses and people having their phones wiped cleaned by government officials?

The documentary is jammed-packed with much more information that’ll make you stop and go “hmm”, which is what I think was Robinson’s intent. In her own words, she prefaces what she thinks the narrative more closely resembles:

What do I think happened? I’d honestly prefer people come to their own conclusions.

But I also understand I easily spent more time researching and putting this together than any other article I’ve ever written or anything I’ve even done for college. And for the record history, degrees or nothing, but neurotically researching and writing about subjects using stupid amounts of references, but at least it comes in handy for something. And while Lombardo is satisfied with writing everything off that happened on the strip that night, whether it was witnessed by 1000s of people and caught on video as distractions that he doesn’t think he needs to investigate, I think I can at least lay down a more reasonable and plausible premise for you than that. Disclaimer, it’s called an opinion.

As for what Robinson thinks went down and all the other thought-provoking things she uncovered, you’re going to have to just watch the documentary in full. In my opinion, the information she presented is cause for the public to question what might be withheld from us. Take time to review the entirety of Route 91: Uncovering the Cover-Up by Mindy Robinson and leave us your thoughts in the comments below.

And remember big technocratic overlords, this is an opinion and a review. So lighten up Francis.

John Petrolino is a US Merchant Marine Officer, writer, author of Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use and NRA certified pistol, rifle, and shotgun instructor living under and working to change New Jersey’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. You can find him on the web at on Twitter at @johnpetrolino, Facebook at @thepenpatriot, and on Instagram @jpetrolinoiii .

John Petrolino
John Petrolino
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Nothing we are told by the US Government is true. The sooner we realize everything being peddled is a lie, the better off we will be. Not ONE chain of custody projectile has been linked to one of Paddocks rifles.


Funny I posted a quote from the article & it needs approval. lmao

Henry Bowman

The fact that the government has actively covered up so much regarding this shooting tells me it’s a ‘Gladio’ – type operation. Blame the American gun owner, the way the media falsely blamed militias in the mid-90’s after the OKC bombing, and then act as though the whole affair is “settled”.
Whenever Dems/RINOs are losing the battle of the narratives, you can be assured that a false-flag shooting will happen soon!


The whole story got shut down and any evidence disappeared faster than that of the Uni-bomber, the OKC bombing and Waco. All investigated and taken over by the Feds and all evidence taken away and any further questions ignored or inquiries shut down. Make you wonder doesn’t it.


Hell, we cannot get any part of the “story” on the Selected Democrat POTUS and his mental awareness.


One plan to avoid civilian casualties that involved loading up a passenger plane, giving people backstories and aliases, unloading them, and then using an unmanned drone masquerading as that plane to be shot down, start a war and then ultimately get Americans killed during wartime anyway.  9-11 anyone ? lol

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