“‘War’ is when the government tells you whom the enemy is. ‘Revolution’ is when you figure it out for yourself!” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte.
“Restorative ‘Justice?’”
In Clark Co, NV last week, a convicted multi-felonious defendant, who was in the process of learning his sentence (for just his latest violent felony) from the mouth of the presiding judge, suddenly leaped over the judge’s desk and physically attacked her.
This defendant has a long, weary history of violent felonies. What a surprise!
During the event, a court officer sustained a head injury and had his shoulder dislocated. The Judge herself suffered only minor injuries.
Originally, this suspect was arrested for “Assault with a Deadly Weapon,” but this charge was later reduced, via plea agreement, to “Attempted Battery.”
Curious the way “plea bargaining” is so casually done when we mere citizens are victims of violent crime. Yet, prosecutors suddenly “get serious” when judges, prosecutors, and other “protected classes” are threatened!
Less-than-honest media pundits assure us that such attacks on judges are “rare.”
Cold comfort for this judge, eh?
On that day, she unhappily discovered that the probability of getting physically attacked and battered in her own courtroom was 100%!
- 1) Who can accurately predict exactly what is going to “set-off” an unstable person who has a long-established record of criminal violence? Any suggestions?
- 2) No matter what environment you find yourself in, even within a courtroom, “decor” is only one part of the equation. The bad guy gets a vote, too, even here, as we see.
- 3) For violent criminals, deadly violence is the “coin of the realm.” We forget that at our peril.
- 4) People don’t “change.”
Immediately prior to his precipitous attack, we hear this demur, multi-convicted felon say to the judge (with a straight face) that he now “understands his mistakes” and is “making a positive change.” All phony boilerplate BS, doubtless given to him by his lawyer for measured recitation in court.
An instant later, he flies into a violent rage!
- 5) It’s clear that “restorative justice” and “bail reform” do nothing but protect and embolden criminals and violent criminality while menacing the rest of us (about whom leftist politicians couldn’t possibly care less)
- 6) Our ever-deteriorating “Criminal/Justice System,” which is in place ostensibly to protect the innocent from criminals, now can’t even protect “the protected class!”
Down here at the “peon level,” the “System” obviously cares even less about us.
We’re on our own!
“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies, no constitution, no law, no court can save it” ~ Learned Hand.
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

If homey didn’t like his sentence, he’s really not gonna like what comes next. Probably just earned another 10 years in the hole.
I wonder if this will change the judge’s behavior. Will she be more strict or not. Seems like an “in your face” flying homey could be a life altering event.
We here in Mohave County, Arizona have watched Clark County, Nevada morph in to a progressive utopia over the past decade. Here is the learning point you need to take away from this incident: Progressives are very good at spewing and enacting ill considered, unsubstantiated public policy pronouncements on the unsuspecting public. They are not very good at living with the consequences of such pronouncements. Stinkin’ thinkin’ begets bad behavior. Because we are so close and have major arterials from Clark County traversing our county you will find a disproportionately high percentage of our citizens not only carrying but upturning.… Read more »
In stark contrast, here’s a judge who had another accused in his court and didn’t seem to think there was any threat whatsoever of an in-court violent event:
In case anyone is curious, the context is, this is late in the trial when the prosecution presented a new video taken at extreme range from an unknown drone source at low resolution that they were trying to used to prove Kyle attacked first before any shots were fired. The judge is on the left, Kyle in the middle and I don’t recall who was on the right, not that it matters.
“Curious the way “plea bargaining” is so casually done when we mere citizens are victims of violent crime. Yet, prosecutors suddenly “get serious” when judges, prosecutors, and other “protected classes” are threatened!”
Not so curious… IF one is aware that oppressing the masses and empowering criminals is the goal of the injustice system.
Where was the armed court officer to shoot this POS and put him out of our misery!!!!!!!
Privileged, spoiled, never disciplined children struggle to develop self-control and respect for authority. When they never lose and always get a trophy while being told they are mistreated by the white racist, they act like this.
His actions should be listed as a racial act of violence against a white person of a different gender and an attack on the state government.
Ope☝️gets it.