Legal Fights Continues in Lawsuit Against N.M. Gov. Grisham’s Unconstitutional Gun-Ban

Michelle Lujan Grisham at a rally. By AFGE - #Handsoff Budget Rally, CC BY 2.0
Michelle Lujan Grisham at a rally. By AFGE – #Handsoff Budget Rally, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Second Amendment Foundation and its allies in a federal lawsuit against New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s prohibition of lawful carrying of arms in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County have filed an appellants reply brief with the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The case is known as Fort v. Grisham, and is part of a consolidation of cases all challenging the governor’s arbitrary firearms carry ban announced last year.

SAF is joined by the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Firearms Policy Coalition, and a private citizen, Zachary Fort, for whom the case is named. They are represented by attorneys Jordon P. George at Aragon Moss George Jenkins in Albuquerque, and David H. Thompson, Peter A. Patterson, and Kate Hardiman at Cooper & Kirk in Washington, D.C.

The case is on appeal from U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico, where Judge David Herrera Urias issued a temporary restraining order against the governor’s edict.

The governor is now appealing.

“Gov. Grisham cannot escape the fact that her unilateral restrictions on public carry are in direct violation of the Second Amendment,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “She offers no analogous laws, no proof of regulations consistent with the nation’s historical tradition, to support her actions. As the Heller and Bruen rulings clarified, the government simply cannot use gun-related violence to restrict, much less suspend, Second Amendment rights.”

“The governor’s order of last September, declaring a state of emergency and suspending the right to bear arms was and remains a flagrant violation of the Second Amendment,” stated SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “No governor has the constitutional authority to nullify, even temporarily, rights secured under the federal constitution and Bill of Rights. We’re determined to pursue this case as far as necessary, and we are confident we will prevail.”

Read Related: New Mexico Governor Praising Herself for Emergency Gun Control Misfire

Second Amendment Foundation

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 720,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
Second Amendment Foundation

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Since the stupid cow put the ban in place, when it is found unconstitutional she needs to be removed from office.


Michelle Lujan. “I am the governor in control of this state and you shall obey me”.


Michelle Lujan Grisham is the poster child for crazy people who need thier meds adjusted and serious mental therapy.


Sue her into a hundred years of bankruptcy and poverty so that her great grandchildren can’t afford a piece of bubble gum. Who does this wench think she is to deny an American his Constitutional effing RIGHTS?