Around 11 people are killed each year because their handguns lacked a magazine disconnect, according to a massive 4,600-word special report by NBC News.
NBC Falsely Claims Magazine Disconnects Increase Safety

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Around 11 people are killed each year because their handguns lacked a magazine disconnect, according to a massive 4,600-word special report by NBC News.
Does anyone who fully understands the issue and the motivations for pushing it really believe this is about safety?
The media amplifies fear by giving mass shootings wall-to-wall coverage while often downplaying other deadly events. Stopping violence isn’t about scapegoating firearms.
The establishment media is continuing its game of using different terms than “gun control” to describe ongoing efforts designed to infringe, impair and restrict the right to keep and bear arms, a practice some folks have dubbed “camo-speak.”
The Miami Herald reports a lack of restrictions on gun ownership in the United States causes murder rates to increase in some Caribbean nations. This is political propaganda, not objective reporting.
These flawed and bias polls on gun control will remain a disservice to public discourse and a poor reflection of the American electorate’s views.
How will the media and Democratic pundits explain former President Donald Trump’s incredible recapture of the White House, the most improbable comeback since heavyweight champion George Foreman
ProPublica’s hack article serves as a reminder to be vigilant about the news sources we trust, especially on topics as important as our GOD given Second Amendment rights.
It is painfully obvious that agenda-driven bureaucrats are deliberately manufacturing such inaccuracies. With straight faces, leftist politicians, along with their media puppets, then insist that “crime is down” as they beg for our votes
Gladwell’s narrative embellishes the facts, making it seem as if Knight’s case was a key driver of legal thought around the Second Amendment when, in reality, the case played a much smaller role in shaping English and American law
Like clockwork, the media runs with these “studies” with breathless coverage that hunters are killing bald eagles with the same lead that is found in nature.
Anti-hunting activists were ready to pounce with another round of calls to ban traditional lead-based ammunition used by millions of America’s hunters.
The corporate media lost all credibility – followed by its audience – and the tools now available for independent news gatherers have never been better or more powerful.
Academia will take grant funding to pursue junk science to demonize hunters and push a gun control agenda. The left’s “playbook” is old – study it, demonize it, then ban it.
When an opinion piece at Common offering solutions to so-called “gun violence” cites how other countries regulate firearms, it reveals the author(s) must have skipped high school Civics…
Newsweek publishes an article based on an advocacy site. The numbers quoted are mistaken. The article is pushing the “guns are bad” argument.
DHS’s mission is to protect the homeland, but according to uncovered documents, the Disinformation Governance Board was tracking the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada.
There’s a lot of hysterical, breathless news reporting noise about police departments reselling their used duty weapons, but there is a clear pattern of sensationalism and selective reporting.
None of the reports provide an in-depth explanation of the laws already being violated by the teens involved.
When one of its correspondents writes about guns or the Second Amendment, the AP is just as inaccurate and biased as any other member of the legacy media.
Her 266-word scold appears at Semafor, and seems too little, too late and too convenient. It looks all too much like—what’s that term, again?—“fake news.”
USA TODAY claims that if a Delaware gun shop had “done its job”, Hunter Biden would never have been able to illegally purchase a revolver.
If Biden wanted to restrict the 1st Amendment like he is restricting the 2nd Amendment, you can bet CNN & every other network would be lining up to demand answers…
If you feel that the mere mention of guns in a podcast about guns by an outlet that purports to report on guns requires a special warning, maybe you are not the neutral “journalist” you think you are.
United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared that “gun violence” constitutes a public health crisis Tuesday but cited fake mass-shooting data from the long-debunked Gun Violence Archive to support his spurious claims.
New research conclusively proves that right-to-carry gun laws don’t lead to the negative outcomes that anti-gun activists scream and wail about.
Anti-gun extremists, like those at The Trace, just cannot seem to comprehend the idea of firearms being used as a crime deterrent unless someone gets shot.
Despite its holes, lack of conclusiveness and other problems, the CDC report was good enough for the corporate media.
What did the WaPo expect after years of increasingly turning a deaf ear—both in the newsroom and on the editorial board—to maybe half of your potential reading audience?
C.A. Bridges, a “digital producer” for Gannett’s USA TODAY Florida network, wrote basically the same story on May 12 and May 28, which claimed that Florida has experienced more mass shootings than any other state.