Northern Indiana Hospitality Helps Grow

Northern Indiana Hospitality Helps Grow

Northern Indiana –-( 780 miles and 36 hours later from Evansville to Elkhart and back Margie, myself and 6 other rough riders from the 2nd Amendment Patriots had one electrically charged weekend as guests in front of 275 locked and loaded fellow American brothers and sisters in northern Indiana ready to draw down on joining with us to link this state together to drive gun rights to the top of the chart in this coming election cycle.

I want to thank Rep. Jackie Walorski, Len Grummell, the gang from St. Joe County and all of our good friends too numerous to list for all that they did to put our Saturday night meeting together.

The hospitality and generosity that we were given was absolutely beyond description. God bless everyone that was in that room. Some of the those fine Americans drove many, many miles and some from out of state to listen to our team explain what the 2nd Amendment Patriots do here in Indiana and how we do it.

It was high voltage in the room and Jackie had the crowd lit. We appreciate the connection we made with all those in the crowd and seeing the light in their eyes came across that determination to shake things up politically was out of the gate.

I was very proud of the presentations our folks gave and it was great to have so many after the meeting to come up to each of us and present their business cards and other contact information and declare that a new day has come.

We got offers to come back and I just got e-mails from some of the good people stepping up to tag up with us and get a movement started in their area.

I feel it’s safe to say we made some serious pipeline connections last night and it’s our intention to network with those who were there from across the northern border of Indiana and those who were there from the central portion and tie into those of us in the southern region here.

There was some great dialog and a lot of individual connections made after the meeting. I mean a lot. In fact, this morning we attended church and a fine gentleman who was at the meeting Saturday night met us at our motel and escorted us to the church and after the services there was another gentleman who came up to us as we were filing out and thanked us for what we are doing and told us he had thoroughly enjoyed the meeting.

We’re trying to light fires everywhere we touch down. Friday evening when I went to pick up the van we rented to drive up in, the manager and his assistant asked me about our group and as I explained to them a little about us he had his assistant put the phone calls they were getting on hold until I was finished and then asked when and where our next 2nd Amendment Patriot meeting was. He even shot me a good discount on the rental because as he put it “for what you guys are doing for our gun rights”.

There’s a lot of good strong people out there and they are ready to ratchet things up. Let’s all do it together.

This coming Saturday some of our folks will be at the west side Rural King selling their famous BBQ. I hope if you can you’ll come by starting at 8 am and lend a helping hand. We help them and they help us.

That evening August 29th will be our next Patriot meeting at the West Side Sportsman’s Club starting at 6 pm. We’ll have more to talk about and we’re hoping that Indiana Secretary of Treasurer, Richard Mourdock will join us.

Take care and remember our signature sign off; STAY UNITED

Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots

The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs.