Pelosi Force To Postpone Vote On The Outrageous DISCLOSE Act
Colorado –-( I’m happy to report that we’ve scored an important, albeit temporary, victory.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had planned to force a vote on the outrageous DISCLOSE Act — which could silence the National Association for Gun Rights and hundreds of other conservative groups not protected by the NRA’s sellout — today.
But over the last three days politicians and the NRA got a thumping from liberty-loving folks like you!
Now is reporting that Pelosi has pulled the DISCLOSE Act off the calendar and there will not be a vote today.
This is a sure sign that our grassroots pressure is working.
But we cannot ease up,not even for a moment. Even if you’ve already taken multiple actions, I urge you to contact both your Congressman and the NRA today and insist this rotten deal be buried for good.
Our capitol hill sources say that while the vote on the outrageous DISCLOSE Act may have been pulled for today, Pelosi and her anti-gun, anti-freedom allies will look for the first sign of weakness to force the DISCLOSE Act through Congress.
While we have momentum on our side, we must continue to put pressure on Congress to oppose the outrageous, anti-freedom DISCLOSE Act.
The more pressure we continue to put on Congress, the more likely we are to continue to bog down the DISCLOSE Act.
That is why it’s so important that you call your Congressman and demand that they publicly oppose the anti-freedom DISCLOSE Act.
The DISCLOSE Act is a direct attack on your First Amendment right to petition Congress and mention legislation or voting records during election season.
You and I both know that election season is the best time to hold politicians accountable for their anti-gun votes. The DISCLOSE Act is designed to silence grassroots conservative activists LIKE YOU and protect the fat-cat politicians in Washington.
Without free speech, our Second Amendment rights are certain to perish.
Understand that the DISCLOSE Act will affect every political organization you belong to, on any and every issue. It’s destruction of liberties is without parallel in American history, and sure to lead to tyranny.
Now, until this week, the DISCLOSE Act appeared doomed, but the NRA struck a deal with anti-gunners Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer (the Senate sponsor) and Harry Reid. In exchange for exemptions from the bill’s outrageous and expensive disclosure requirements, the NRA now tacitly supports the anti-free speech DISCLOSE Act.
Even an NRA board member and prominent First Amendment attorney is opposed to their outrageous sellout.
Here’s what you can do to help keep the heat on:
- Please, take a few moments today and call your member of Congress at (202) 224-3121. Demand that he respect the rights of gun owners and publicly oppose the DISCLOSE Act (H.R. 5175).
- Call the NRA at (800) 672-3888 and demand that they knock it off and stop pandering to the liberals. Tell them to denounce the DISCLOSE ACT for what it is, an attack on both our First and Second Amendment rights.
It is vital that we keep the pressure up. We may have won an important, temporary victory, but the DISCLOSE Act is far from dead.
Please call your member of Congress at (202) 224-3121 and demand that he publicly oppose the draconian DISCLOSE Act (H.R. 5175).
Thank you for your dedication to preserving our rights. Your continued perseverance may be the only thing that stands between us and the anti-gun majorities in Washington.
For liberty, Luke O’DellDirector of Operations National Association for Gun Rights
This doesn't stop the NRA or any other organization from expressing their freedom of speech. They have the right under the constitution to say whatever they'd like and support anyone they'd like to. It is an accountability tool to prevent big business from using their monies to buy off Congressional leaders through campaign contributions and other monetary proprieties. It is a way to hold our representatives of congress accountable by letting us know who supported their campaign and effectively, does that result in biased action on their part. Simply put…if the NRA backed a particular candidate for office and, in… Read more »
Paladin, the word "education" is mentioned NOWHERE in the U.S. Constitution. It is one of those matters reserved to the states, or to the people, as the Constitution provides. It involves matters of local taxation, which the U.S. Constitution wisely sidesteps.
What is it about progressives/communists like Pelosi, Schumer, etc. that they can't seem to understand the initial phrase of the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law …" We the people need to push for a new restriction on Congress whereby any and all legislation they consider MUST have a statement explaining their justification of authority to even consider the legislation. For example, where did Congress get authority for a Department of Education? No level of government should be involved in the education of the next generation of voters! Education should be solely the responsibility of parents and the Board… Read more »