Phoenix, AZ –-(Ammoland.com)- Tactical Fire Control, Inc. has quickly gained industry recognition for the newly announced Tac-Con 3MR Trigger System.
Recently, the 3MR was recognized as one of the most innovative new products in the firearms industry by Blue Book Publications. The Blue Book of Gun Values Top Ten Award is a new program that rewards true innovation to manufactures of firearms, ammunition, optics and firearms accessories.
“Every year, armsmakers and others in the firearms industry roll out their best and brightest new products at the annual SHOT Show, and it always seems that there are a handful of standout new guns and products that either rewrite the book on the physics of gun-making or dazzle us with unorthodox engineering. ”
“We are always drawn to those that exhibit exceptional innovation or are of historic importance. In every instance, there is something very interesting about the gun/product featured here and why it is worthy of recognition,” wrote Blue Book Publications Inc.
The Tac-Com 3MR Trigger System is a drop-in, 3-mode fire control system consisting of Safe, match-grade Semi-Automatic, and the Tac-Con patented 3rd Mode of operation. The 3rd mode provides a positive reset that dramatically reduces the split times between shots. The positive reset characteristic is achieved by transferring the force from the bolt carrier through the trigger assembly to assist the trigger back onto the front sear. As a result, this gives the firearm the fastest reset possible! Both semi and 3rd mode positions feature a non-adjustable 4.5 pound trigger pull weight with zero take-up and no overtravel.
Why 4.5 pounds? Because most law enforcement agencies limit any trigger used for duty to 4.5 pounds and above.
The Tac-Con 3MR is ATF approved and is NOT a NFA part. Each trigger is accompanied by a copy of the ATF letter. This is not a bump fire system and the shooter must pull the trigger once for every round fired.
Tac-Con 3MR Trigger Systems are crafted from the finest materials using Full EDM & CNC manufacturing technology. All components are coated with NP3 (Nickel Teflon) to ensure years of dependable service. Each 3MR Trigger system is individually hand-tested for quality, pull weight and function prior to shipping and feature a Limited Lifetime Warranty. Tac-Con is American owned and its products are 100% made in the USA!
About Tac-Con
Tactical Fire Control, Inc. is an aggressive new company that’s dedicated to providing superior, American-made products to the civilian, law enforcement and military firearms industry.
For more information on the company’s innovative fire control system, contact TAC-CON at
44047 N 43rd Avenue #74243, Phoenix, AZ 85087-5948 • Telephone: 623-282-1881 • or visit www.TacConUSA.com.