California: Senate Appropriations Bypasses Process to Fast Track Anti-Gun Bills

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NRA - Institute for Legislative Action
NRA – Institute for Legislative Action

Fairfax, VA -( The Senate Appropriations Committee threw transparency out the window as five anti-gun bills were passed, continuing their escalated pace through the legislative process.

Generally bills that meet the threshold amount for the respective Appropriations committee will be sent to the suspense file for later consideration. The purpose of this is to allow bills with significant fiscal impacts to be thoroughly vetted.

However, the legislation considered today was marked as a “special order of business” and allowed to proceed directly to the floor, bypassing this stop. To further add to this transparency debacle, the analysis for the committee was not made available to the public until minutes before the committee, in a hardcopy form, eliminating any opportunity for the general public to provide meaningful commentary to committee members. This latest display continues to defy logic, as the Legislature which has worked hard to decriminalize crimes and reduce overcrowding in our jails, is working at lightning pace to create new crimes for gun owners, turning otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals.

These measures will now proceed directly to the Senate floor where they can be voted on as early as later this week.

Please contact your state Senator by using our TAKE ACTION button below and urge them to OPPOSE AB 1664, AB 1673, AB 1674, AB 1695, and AB 2607.

Laws are supposed to protect the innocent and law-abiding, not target them. Please click here to read our previous alert with an explanation of all of these bills.

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Click here to read our previous alert on AB 1511.

Please contact the members of the Public Safety Committee by using our TAKE ACTION button below and urge them to OPPOSE AB 1511.

Click Here to Take Action

About the NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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Nazi/Communists in action in the land of the left.